- Unfortunately, we can not provide the code of KUKA FRI and iiwas_driver package for real robot usage. If you want to use real robot, please contact KUKA for the package.
Make sure you have installed ROS and create a new catkin workspace.
Additionally, to the full desktop version of ROS, the following ROS packages are needed:
, pinocchio
Install prerequisite packages as
sudo apt-get install ros-[DISTRO]-joint-trajectory-controller ros-[DISTRO]-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller ros-[DISTRO]-pinocchio
Clone the repository into the src folder of your catkin workspace. Build the package with Release mode
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Starting up the gazebo simulation
roslaunch iiwas_gazebo iiwas_gazebo.launch use_front_iiwa:=[true|false] front_controllers:=[CONTROLLER_TYPE] use_back_iiwa:=[true|false] back_controllers:=[CONTROLLER_TYPE]
Available controllers can be found here in the package [iiwas_control]