The xWindowsRestore module contains the xSystemRestore and xSystemRestorePoint for managing system restore and system checkpoints on a Windows machine.
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- xSystemRestore enables or disables system restore on a specified system drive.
- xSystemRestorePoint: creates and removes system checkpoints.
- Drive: Specifies the file system drives. Enter one or more file system drive letters, each followed by a colon and a backslash and enclosed in quotation marks, such as 'C:' or 'D:'.
- Ensure: Ensures that the system is or is not configured for system restore: { Present | Absent }
- Description: Descriptive name for the restore point.
- RestorePointType: The type of restore point. The default is APPLICATION_INSTALL.
- Ensure: Ensures that the restore point is Present or Absent.
- Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
- Added default template files .codecov.yml, .gitattributes, and .gitignore, and .vscode folder.
- Initial release with the following resources:
- xWindowsRestore
- xSystemRestorePoint
In the Examples folder, ConfigureSystemRestore.ps1 demonstrates how to enable system restore.
In the Examples folder, CreateSystemRestorePoint.ps1 demonstrates how to create a system restore point.