diff --git a/lib/mixins/property-effects.html b/lib/mixins/property-effects.html
index 129cd73eb8..48a0084f0f 100644
--- a/lib/mixins/property-effects.html
+++ b/lib/mixins/property-effects.html
@@ -1026,21 +1026,23 @@
* Element class mixin that provides meta-programming for Polymer's template
* binding and data observation (collectively, "property effects") system.
- * This mixin uses provides the following key methods for adding property effects
- * to this element:
- * - `_createPropertyObserver`
- * - `_createMethodObserver`
- * - `_createNotifyingProperty`
- * - `_createReadOnlyProperty`
- * - `_createReflectedProperty`
- * - `_createComputedProperty`
- * - `_bindTemplate`
+ * This mixin uses provides the following key static methods for adding
+ * property effects to an element class:
+ * - `createPropertyEffect`
+ * - `createPropertyObserver`
+ * - `createMethodObserver`
+ * - `createNotifyingProperty`
+ * - `createReadOnlyProperty`
+ * - `createReflectedProperty`
+ * - `createComputedProperty`
+ * - `bindTemplate`
* Each method creates one or more property accessors, along with metadata
* used by this mixin's implementation of `_propertiesChanged` to perform
- * the property effects. These methods may be called on element instances,
- * but are designed to be called on element prototypes such that the work to
- * set up accessors and effect metadata are done once per element class.
+ * the property effects.
+ *
+ * Underscored versions of the above methods also exist on the element
+ * prototype for adding property effects on instances at runtime.
* Note that this mixin overrides several `PropertyAccessors` methods, in
* many cases to maintain guarantees provided by the Polymer 1.x features;
@@ -2004,6 +2006,150 @@
createMethodEffect(this, sig, TYPES.COMPUTE, runComputedEffect, property, dynamicFns);
+ // -- static class methods ------------
+ /**
+ * Ensures an accessor exists for the specified property, and adds
+ * to a list of "property effects" that will run when the accessor for
+ * the specified property is set. Effects are grouped by "type", which
+ * roughly corresponds to a phase in effect processing. The effect
+ * metadata should be in the following form:
+ *
+ * {
+ * fn: effectFunction, // Reference to function to call to perform effect
+ * info: { ... } // Effect metadata passed to function
+ * trigger: { // Optional triggering metadata; if not provided
+ * name: string // the property is treated as a wildcard
+ * structured: boolean
+ * wildcard: boolean
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * Effects are called from `_propertiesChanged` in the following order by
+ * type:
+ *
+ * 1. COMPUTE
+ * 3. REFLECT
+ * 4. OBSERVE
+ * 5. NOTIFY
+ *
+ * Effect functions are called with the following signature:
+ *
+ * effectFunction(inst, path, props, oldProps, info, hasPaths)
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Property that should trigger the effect
+ * @param {string} type Effect type, from this.PROPERTY_EFFECT_TYPES
+ * @param {Object=} effect Effect metadata object
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static addPropertyEffect(property, type, effect) {
+ this.prototype._addPropertyEffect(property, type, effect);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a single-property observer for the given property.
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Property name
+ * @param {string} methodName Name of observer method to call
+ * @param {boolean=} dynamicFn Whether the method name should be included as
+ * a dependency to the effect.
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createPropertyObserver(property, methodName, dynamicFn) {
+ this.prototype._createPropertyObserver(property, methodName, dynamicFn);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a multi-property "method observer" based on the provided
+ * expression, which should be a string in the form of a normal Javascript
+ * function signature: `'methodName(arg1, [..., argn])'`. Each argument
+ * should correspond to a property or path in the context of this
+ * prototype (or instance), or may be a literal string or number.
+ *
+ * @param {string} expression Method expression
+ * @param {Object=} dynamicFns Map indicating whether method names should
+ * be included as a dependency to the effect.
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createMethodObserver(expression, dynamicFns) {
+ this.prototype._createMethodObserver(expression, dynamicFns);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Causes the setter for the given property to dispatch `-changed`
+ * events to notify of changes to the property.
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Property name
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createNotifyingProperty(property) {
+ this.prototype._createNotifyingProperty(property);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a read-only accessor for the given property.
+ *
+ * To set the property, use the protected `_setProperty` API.
+ * To create a custom protected setter (e.g. `_setMyProp()` for
+ * property `myProp`), pass `true` for `protectedSetter`.
+ *
+ * Note, if the property will have other property effects, this method
+ * should be called first, before adding other effects.
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Property name
+ * @param {boolean=} protectedSetter Creates a custom protected setter
+ * when `true`.
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createReadOnlyProperty(property, protectedSetter) {
+ this.prototype._createReadOnlyProperty(property, protectedSetter);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Causes the setter for the given property to reflect the property value
+ * to a (dash-cased) attribute of the same name.
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Property name
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createReflectedProperty(property) {
+ this.prototype._createReflectedProperty(property);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a computed property whose value is set to the result of the
+ * method described by the given `expression` each time one or more
+ * arguments to the method changes. The expression should be a string
+ * in the form of a normal Javascript function signature:
+ * `'methodName(arg1, [..., argn])'`
+ *
+ * @param {string} property Name of computed property to set
+ * @param {string} expression Method expression
+ * @param {Object=} dynamicFns Map indicating whether method names should
+ * be included as a dependency to the effect.
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static createComputedProperty(property, expression, dynamicFns) {
+ this.prototype._createComputedProperty(property, expression, dynamicFns);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses the provided template to ensure binding effects are created
+ * for them, and then ensures property accessors are created for any
+ * dependent properties in the template. Binding effects for bound
+ * templates are stored in a linked list on the instance so that
+ * templates can be efficiently stamped and unstamped.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLTemplateElement} template Template containing binding
+ * bindings
+ * @return {Object} Template metadata object
+ * @protected
+ */
+ static bindTemplate(template) {
+ return this.prototype._bindTemplate(template);
+ }
// -- binding ----------------------------------------------
@@ -2046,8 +2192,10 @@
templateInfo = Object.create(templateInfo);
templateInfo.wasPreBound = wasPreBound;
if (!wasPreBound && this.__templateInfo) {
- templateInfo.nextTemplateInfo = this.__templateInfo;
- this.__templateInfo.previousTemplateInfo = templateInfo;
+ let last = this.__templateInfoLast || this.__templateInfo;
+ this.__templateInfoLast = last.nextTemplateInfo = templateInfo;
+ templateInfo.previousTemplateInfo = last;
+ return templateInfo;
return this.__templateInfo = templateInfo;
@@ -2134,6 +2282,9 @@
templateInfo.nextTemplateInfo.previousTemplateInfo =
+ if (this.__templateInfoLast == templateInfo) {
+ this.__templateInfoLast = templateInfo.previousTemplateInfo;
+ }
// Remove stamped nodes
let nodes = templateInfo.childNodes;
for (let i=0; i