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Releases: PlotPyStack/PlotPy


08 Feb 15:20
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Version 2.1.0

In this release, test coverage is 71%.

New features:

  • Curve-related features:
    • New tools.SelectPointsTool to select graphically multiple points on a plot
    • New tools.EditPointTool to edit graphically the position of a point on a plot
    • New downsampling feature:
      • The user may enable it to reduce the number of points displayed on a curve
        (e.g. when the curve is too dense)
      • The downsampling factor is adjustable
        (default to 10, i.e. 1 point out of 10 is displayed)
      • The feature is disabled by default
  • Image-related features:
    • New "Colormap Manager":
      • Before this release, the colormap selection was limited to presets (e.g. "gray",
        "jet", etc.)
      • Now, the user can select a preset, edit it, or create a new one from scratch
        thanks to the new "Colormap Manager" dialog
    • New line cross section feature:
      • Before this release, the cross section feature was limited to either horizontal
        or vertical lines, or an average cross section withing a rectangle (aligned with
        the axes, or oblique)
      • Now, the user can draw a line cross section with the new "Line Cross Section"
        tool: the intensity profile associated to the drawn segment is displayed in a
        dedicated plot
  • Added support for gestures:
    • Zooming in/out with the a two-finger pinch gesture
    • Panning with a two-finger drag gesture


  • Reorganized some sections
  • Added sections on new features

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed critical bug in oblique cross section feature (regression introduced in 2.0.0)
  • Removed dependency to pytest-qt for the test suite (due to Qt6 compatibility issues)

v2.0.3 - Maintenance release

15 Dec 12:44
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Version 2.0.3

🛠️ Bug fixes:

  • Issue #9 - MacOS: error: a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >')

Version 2.0.2

🛠️ Bug fixes:

  • Issue #3 - PlotWidget: ZeroDivisionError on resize while ignoring constraints
  • Issue #4 - Average cross section: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  • Issue #5 - Contrast panel: levels histogram is sometimes not updated
  • Issue #6 - 1D Histogram items are not properly drawn
  • Issue #7 - Contrast panel: histogram may contains zeros periodically due to improper bin sizes
  • Issue #8 - Contrast panel: switch back to default tool after selecting min/max

Version 2.0.1

🛠️ Bug fixes:

  • Fixed AttributeError when finalizing the shape
  • plotpy.widgets.select_with_shape_tool: added missing toolbar and options parameters
  • items.XRangeSelection is now serializable, as expected

📚 Documentation:

  • plotpy.plot.SyncPlotWindow: added missing documentation
  • Added more information on PlotPyStack
  • New "Motivation" section explaining the reasons behind the creation of PlotPy

Version 2.0.0

This version is the first release of the 2.0 series, which is distributed under the
BSD 3-Clause License.

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release that brings a lot of new features and bug fixes.

When initiated in 2016, PlotPy 1.0 was the result of the merge of two projects (as well
as some other changes, e.g. a redesign of the API):

  • guidata, a Python library generating graphical
    user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display
  • guiqwt, a Python library providing efficient 2D
    data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related tools) for interactive
    computing and signal/image processing application development

With PlotPy 2.0, the guidata code base has been
reextracted: PlotPy now relies on guidata as a
dependency, like before the merge.

PlotPy 2.0 also integrates all the bug fixes (>30) and new features that were added to
guiqwt since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023).

Supported versions of Python and Qt bindings have been updated:

  • Python: 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 (3.11 should work too, but will be officially supported
    when dropping support for Python 3.8, to keep a 3-year support period)
  • Qt bindings: PyQt5 (even if PyQt6 and PySide6 are not officially supported, efforts
    have been made and will continue to be made to support them)

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release because it also brings a lot of new features:

  • plot.PlotWidget, plot.PlotDialog, and plot.PlotWindow: API overhaul
    (simple, more consistent, more flexible, more extensible - see documentation
    for details)

  • plot.SyncPlotWindow: new class to show multiple plots in a single window,
    in a synchronized way (zoom, pan, etc.)

  • widgets.selectdialog.SelectDialog: a dialog box to select items using a
    shape tool (segment, rectangle or custom)

  • Image lookup table (LUT):

    • Initially, the LUT alpha channel was either constant (input parameter
      alpha was a float between 0 and 1) or linearly dependent on the image
      pixel values (when the alpha_mask parameter was enabled)
    • Now, the LUT may be either constant (same as before) or dependent on
      the image pixel values but not only linearly: the LUT alpha channel may
      follow a linear, a sigmoid or an hyperbolic tangent function (see the new
      alpha_function parameter). The old alpha_mask parameter was removed
  • Image pixels are now centered on their coordinates:

    • This means that the pixel at row i and column j is centered on the point
      (j, i) (before, the top-left corner of the pixel at row i and column j
      was centered on the point (j, i))
    • This convention is more consistent with the way images are displayed in other
      scientific image processing tools
    • This is one of the benefits of porting back guiqwt
      changes since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023)
  • New SVG-based shapes:

    • items.RectangleSVGShape: rectangle shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.SquareSVGShape: square shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.CircleSVGShape: circle shape based on SVG data or file
  • builder.PlotBuilder:

    • Renamed PlotBuilder (originally guiqwt.builder.PlotItemBuilder)
    • Builder instance is still available using from plotpy.builder import make
    • Plot widget creation is now supported:
      • make.widget() for plot.PlotWidget
      • make.dialog() for plot.PlotDialog
      • make.window() for plot.PlotWindow
    • Added support for more plot items:
      • make.contours() for generating a list of items.ContourItem objects
      • make.annotated_point() for items.AnnotatedPoint
      • make.polygon() for items.PolygonShape
      • make.svg() for items.RectangleSVGShape, items.SquareSVGShape,
        and items.CircleSVGShape
  • Added JSON serialization support for all plot items (curve, image, etc.)

  • Brand new documentation, based on Sphinx with links to other projects API, examples
    and tutorials (e.g. on development related topics).

  • Black code formatting on all Python files

  • New automated test suite:

    • Automatic execution: --unattended command line option (Qt loop is bypassed)
    • Test suite based on pytest, supporting pytest-cov for coverage testing,
      pytest-xvfb for headless testing, and pytest-qt for Qt testing
    • Added support for Coverage: test coverage improved up to 70%
  • Added typing annotations on (almost) all Python files

  • Distribution: switched to pyproject.toml (still relying on setuptools and for building Cython/C++ extensions)

  • Added code quality configuration files:

    • .pylintrc: pylint configuration file
    • .isort.cfg: isort configuration file
    • .coveragerc: coverage configuration file
  • Added Visual Studio Code configuration files:

    • .vscode/settings.json: Python interpreter, code formatting, etc.
    • .vscode/tasks.json: build, test, etc.
    • .vscode/launch.json: run current file, run tests, etc.

PlotPy 2.0 also brings a lot of bug fixes and improvements:

  • Handled all Cython/C++ extensions compilation warnings
  • Fixed all NumPy deprecation issues (e.g. numpy.matrix)
  • Fixed (annotated) circle/ellipse item creation/test
  • Fixed all documentation build warnings
  • Fixed regressions introduced by PlotPy V1 on top of guiqwt:
    • Global references for the Debian package management
    • Major aspect ratio issues:
      • When resizing the plot widget (images were downsized indefinitely)
      • When auto-scaling the plot widget (images were not displayed entirely)
    • TrImageItem rotation algorithm
    • Oblique cross-section test
    • About dialog, version informations
  • Ported all guiqwt bug fixes since the merge
    (i.e. between 2016 and 2023):
    • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 and earlier
    • Speeding-up image alpha channel calculation
    • Optimized colormap icon caching
    • X-axis direction and auto-scale
    • Added load test (with a very large number of plot widgets)
    • Coordinates inversion in EllipseShape
    • ValueError with levels histogram
    • Various fixes regarding plot item creation, cross-section features,
      PyQt5 support, DICOM support, TIFF support, etc.
    • Etc.

v2.0.1 - Maintenance release

29 Nov 14:19
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That's it, PlotPy V2, the successor of guiqwt is available!

Version 2.0.1

🛠️ Bug fixes:

  • Fixed AttributeError when finalizing the shape
  • plotpy.widgets.select_with_shape_tool: added missing toolbar and options parameters
  • items.XRangeSelection is now serializable, as expected

📚 Documentation:

  • plotpy.plot.SyncPlotWindow: added missing documentation
  • Added more information on PlotPyStack
  • New "Motivation" section explaining the reasons behind the creation of PlotPy

Version 2.0.0

This version is the first release of the 2.0 series, which is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release that brings a lot of new features and bug fixes.

When initiated in 2016, PlotPy 1.0 was the result of the merge of two projects (as well as some other changes, e.g. a redesign of the API):

  • guidata, a Python library generating graphical user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display
  • guiqwt, a Python library providing efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application development

With PlotPy 2.0, the guidata code base has been reextracted: PlotPy now relies on guidata as a dependency, like before the merge.

PlotPy 2.0 also integrates all the bug fixes (>30) and new features that were added to guiqwt since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023).

Supported versions of Python and Qt bindings have been updated:

  • Python: 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 (3.11 should work too, but will be officially supported when dropping support for Python 3.8, to keep a 3-year support period)
  • Qt bindings: PyQt5 (even if PyQt6 and PySide6 are not officially supported, efforts have been made and will continue to be made to support them)

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release because it also brings a lot of new features:

  • plot.PlotWidget, plot.PlotDialog, and plot.PlotWindow: API overhaul (simple, more consistent, more flexible, more extensible - see documentation for details)

  • plot.SyncPlotWindow: new class to show multiple plots in a single window, in a synchronized way (zoom, pan, etc.)

  • widgets.selectdialog.SelectDialog: a dialog box to select items using a shape tool (segment, rectangle or custom)

  • Image lookup table (LUT):

    • Initially, the LUT alpha channel was either constant (input parameter alpha was a float between 0 and 1) or linearly dependent on the image pixel values (when the alpha_mask parameter was enabled)
    • Now, the LUT may be either constant (same as before) or dependent on the image pixel values but not only linearly: the LUT alpha channel may follow a linear, a sigmoid or an hyperbolic tangent function (see the new alpha_function parameter). The old alpha_mask parameter was removed
  • Image pixels are now centered on their coordinates:

    • This means that the pixel at row i and column j is centered on the point (j, i) (before, the top-left corner of the pixel at row i and column j was centered on the point (j, i))
    • This convention is more consistent with the way images are displayed in other scientific image processing tools
    • This is one of the benefits of porting back guiqwt changes since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023)
  • New SVG-based shapes:

    • items.RectangleSVGShape: rectangle shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.SquareSVGShape: square shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.CircleSVGShape: circle shape based on SVG data or file
  • builder.PlotBuilder:

    • Renamed PlotBuilder (originally guiqwt.builder.PlotItemBuilder)
    • Builder instance is still available using from plotpy.builder import make
    • Plot widget creation is now supported:
      • make.widget() for plot.PlotWidget
      • make.dialog() for plot.PlotDialog
      • make.window() for plot.PlotWindow
    • Added support for more plot items:
      • make.contours() for generating a list of items.ContourItem objects
      • make.annotated_point() for items.AnnotatedPoint
      • make.polygon() for items.PolygonShape
      • make.svg() for items.RectangleSVGShape, items.SquareSVGShape,
        and items.CircleSVGShape
  • Added JSON serialization support for all plot items (curve, image, etc.)

  • Brand new documentation, based on Sphinx with links to other projects API, examples and tutorials (e.g. on development related topics).

  • Black code formatting on all Python files

  • New automated test suite:

    • Automatic execution: --unattended command line option (Qt loop is bypassed)
    • Test suite based on pytest, supporting pytest-cov for coverage testing,
      pytest-xvfb for headless testing, and pytest-qt for Qt testing
    • Added support for Coverage: test coverage improved up to 70%
  • Added typing annotations on (almost) all Python files

  • Distribution: switched to pyproject.toml (still relying on setuptools and for building Cython/C++ extensions)

  • Added code quality configuration files:

    • .pylintrc: pylint configuration file
    • .isort.cfg: isort configuration file
    • .coveragerc: coverage configuration file
  • Added Visual Studio Code configuration files:

    • .vscode/settings.json: Python interpreter, code formatting, etc.
    • .vscode/tasks.json: build, test, etc.
    • .vscode/launch.json: run current file, run tests, etc.

PlotPy 2.0 also brings a lot of bug fixes and improvements:

  • Handled all Cython/C++ extensions compilation warnings
  • Fixed all NumPy deprecation issues (e.g. numpy.matrix)
  • Fixed (annotated) circle/ellipse item creation/test
  • Fixed all documentation build warnings
  • Fixed regressions introduced by PlotPy V1 on top of guiqwt:
    • Global references for the Debian package management
    • Major aspect ratio issues:
      • When resizing the plot widget (images were downsized indefinitely)
      • When auto-scaling the plot widget (images were not displayed entirely)
    • TrImageItem rotation algorithm
    • Oblique cross-section test
    • About dialog, version informations
  • Ported all guiqwt bug fixes since the merge
    (i.e. between 2016 and 2023):
    • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 and earlier
    • Speeding-up image alpha channel calculation
    • Optimized colormap icon caching
    • X-axis direction and auto-scale
    • Added load test (with a very large number of plot widgets)
    • Coordinates inversion in EllipseShape
    • ValueError with levels histogram
    • Various fixes regarding plot item creation, cross-section features,
      PyQt5 support, DICOM support, TIFF support, etc.
    • Etc.

v2.0.0 - First major release

25 Oct 17:08
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That's it, PlotPy V2, the successor of guiqwt is available!

Version 2.0.0

This version is the first release of the 2.0 series, which is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release that brings a lot of new features and bug fixes.

When initiated in 2016, PlotPy 1.0 was the result of the merge of two projects (as well as some other changes, e.g. a redesign of the API):

  • guidata, a Python library generating graphical user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display
  • guiqwt, a Python library providing efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related tools) for interactive computing and signal/image processing application development

With PlotPy 2.0, the guidata code base has been reextracted: PlotPy now relies on guidata as a dependency, like before the merge.

PlotPy 2.0 also integrates all the bug fixes (>30) and new features that were added to guiqwt since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023).

Supported versions of Python and Qt bindings have been updated:

  • Python: 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 (3.11 should work too, but will be officially supported when dropping support for Python 3.8, to keep a 3-year support period)
  • Qt bindings: PyQt5 (even if PyQt6 and PySide6 are not officially supported, efforts have been made and will continue to be made to support them)

PlotPy 2.0 is a major release because it also brings a lot of new features:

  • plot.PlotWidget, plot.PlotDialog, and plot.PlotWindow: API overhaul (simple, more consistent, more flexible, more extensible - see documentation for details)

  • plot.SyncPlotWindow: new class to show multiple plots in a single window, in a synchronized way (zoom, pan, etc.)

  • widgets.selectdialog.SelectDialog: a dialog box to select items using a shape tool (segment, rectangle or custom)

  • Image lookup table (LUT):

    • Initially, the LUT alpha channel was either constant (input parameter alpha was a float between 0 and 1) or linearly dependent on the image pixel values (when the alpha_mask parameter was enabled)
    • Now, the LUT may be either constant (same as before) or dependent on the image pixel values but not only linearly: the LUT alpha channel may follow a linear, a sigmoid or an hyperbolic tangent function (see the new alpha_function parameter). The old alpha_mask parameter was removed
  • Image pixels are now centered on their coordinates:

    • This means that the pixel at row i and column j is centered on the point (j, i) (before, the top-left corner of the pixel at row i and column j was centered on the point (j, i))
    • This convention is more consistent with the way images are displayed in other scientific image processing tools
    • This is one of the benefits of porting back guiqwt changes since the merge (i.e. between 2016 and 2023)
  • New SVG-based shapes:

    • items.RectangleSVGShape: rectangle shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.SquareSVGShape: square shape based on SVG data or file
    • items.CircleSVGShape: circle shape based on SVG data or file
  • builder.PlotBuilder:

    • Renamed PlotBuilder (originally guiqwt.builder.PlotItemBuilder)
    • Builder instance is still available using from plotpy.builder import make
    • Plot widget creation is now supported:
      • make.widget() for plot.PlotWidget
      • make.dialog() for plot.PlotDialog
      • make.window() for plot.PlotWindow
    • Added support for more plot items:
      • make.contours() for generating a list of items.ContourItem objects
      • make.annotated_point() for items.AnnotatedPoint
      • make.polygon() for items.PolygonShape
      • make.svg() for items.RectangleSVGShape, items.SquareSVGShape,
        and items.CircleSVGShape
  • Added JSON serialization support for all plot items (curve, image, etc.)

  • Brand new documentation, based on Sphinx with links to other projects API, examples and tutorials (e.g. on development related topics).

  • Black code formatting on all Python files

  • New automated test suite:

    • Automatic execution: --unattended command line option (Qt loop is bypassed)
    • Test suite based on pytest, supporting pytest-cov for coverage testing,
      pytest-xvfb for headless testing, and pytest-qt for Qt testing
    • Added support for Coverage: test coverage improved up to 70%
  • Added typing annotations on (almost) all Python files

  • Distribution: switched to pyproject.toml (still relying on setuptools and for building Cython/C++ extensions)

  • Added code quality configuration files:

    • .pylintrc: pylint configuration file
    • .isort.cfg: isort configuration file
    • .coveragerc: coverage configuration file
  • Added Visual Studio Code configuration files:

    • .vscode/settings.json: Python interpreter, code formatting, etc.
    • .vscode/tasks.json: build, test, etc.
    • .vscode/launch.json: run current file, run tests, etc.

PlotPy 2.0 also brings a lot of bug fixes and improvements:

  • Handled all Cython/C++ extensions compilation warnings
  • Fixed all NumPy deprecation issues (e.g. numpy.matrix)
  • Fixed (annotated) circle/ellipse item creation/test
  • Fixed all documentation build warnings
  • Fixed regressions introduced by PlotPy V1 on top of guiqwt:
    • Global references for the Debian package management
    • Major aspect ratio issues:
      • When resizing the plot widget (images were downsized indefinitely)
      • When auto-scaling the plot widget (images were not displayed entirely)
    • TrImageItem rotation algorithm
    • Oblique cross-section test
    • About dialog, version informations
  • Ported all guiqwt bug fixes since the merge
    (i.e. between 2016 and 2023):
    • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 and earlier
    • Speeding-up image alpha channel calculation
    • Optimized colormap icon caching
    • X-axis direction and auto-scale
    • Added load test (with a very large number of plot widgets)
    • Coordinates inversion in EllipseShape
    • ValueError with levels histogram
    • Various fixes regarding plot item creation, cross-section features,
      PyQt5 support, DICOM support, TIFF support, etc.
    • Etc.