👋 Hi, I’m Johanna! I work on high performance computing in Rust and OpenCL and different smaller projects.
My current project is:
IonSolver is a magnetohydrodynamic simulation software using an extended Lattice Boltzmann method
implemented in Rust and OpenCL.
The software features both a single-node and multi-node execution model where the simulation is either split between
multiple GPUs on a single compute node or split into seperate processes running on multiple compute nodes. IonSolver can accurately simulate the behaviours of
conducting fluids like plasma in strong external electric and magnetic fields.
I currently focus on high performance computing with Rust + OpenCL and GPU acceleration for physics simulations.
I have mainly worked with Rust, OpenCL C, C# and Java as well as HTML/CSS/JS for web developement. I have experimented with game development using C# and the Unity and Godot game engines.
I am very interested in physics, with a focus on astrophysics and magnetohydrodynamics.