GCM adapter is used to push notification to Google/Android devices. FCM is supported. Please see this comment for explanation.
Parameter notificatinData
is mandatory for sending messagev via FCM.
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
use Sly\NotificationPusher\PushManager,
Sly\NotificationPusher\Adapter\Gcm as GcmAdapter,
// First, instantiate the manager.
// Example for production environment:
// $pushManager = new PushManager(PushManager::ENVIRONMENT_PROD);
// Development one by default (without argument).
$pushManager = new PushManager(PushManager::ENVIRONMENT_DEV);
// Then declare an adapter.
$gcmAdapter = new GcmAdapter(array(
'apiKey' => 'YourApiKey',
// Set the device(s) to push the notification to.
$devices = new DeviceCollection(array(
new Device('Token1'),
new Device('Token2'),
new Device('Token3'),
$params = [];
NOTE: if you need to pass not only data, but also notification array
use key notificationData in params, like $params['notificationData'] = ['title' => 'Title text','body' => 'Body text']
OR you could use optional GcmMessage class instead of Message and
use it's setter setNotificationData()
// Then, create the push skel.
$message = new Message('This is an example.', $params);
// Finally, create and add the push to the manager, and push it!
$push = new Push($gcmAdapter, $devices, $message);
$pushManager->push(); // Returns a collection of notified devices
// each response will contain also
// the data of the overall delivery
foreach($push->getResponses() as $token => $response) {
// > $response
// Array
// (
// [message_id] => fake_message_id
// [multicast_id] => -1
// [success] => 1
// [failure] => 0
// [canonical_ids] => 0
// )
- Installation
- Getting started
- APNS adapter
- GCM (FCM) adapter
- Create an adapter
- Push from CLI
- Facades