Battery status & state checker app (Code Example)
Objective-C code examples tested on iOS 11.0.3 & XCode 9
• UITableView updates every 30 seconds by NSTimer in Current Runloop
• Relationships between BatteryInfoManager and DatabaseWrapper based on delegate pattern
• SQLite support with DatabaseWrapper
• UIAlertController with custom UITableView inside
━ Custom DeleteInfoAlertController inherited from UIAlertController with UITableView (UITableViewCell from a.xib) inside.
━ Redefined "contentViewController". The apple can reject apps with "private api usage" reason in any moment.
• Limitless background by CLLocationManager (working only with "Always" aceppted Location sharing in iOS Settings)
━ Blue status bar on top are visible with "LOCATION USAGE" warning text message in the background mode
━ Can drain the battery for several hours backgrounding
━ The app can be rejected in the app store with this code usage
• Custom UITableViewCell from .xib file based on stackviews example
• KVO as observer pattern between BatteryInfoManager and ViewController
• Grand Central Dispatch with SQLite examples
• Custom headers from .xib files in storyboard and tableview reuse example
━ Safe area (and iPhone X) support warnings in console with custom views from .xib files