#Purpose This is a program that was designed to be ran on a kiosk like computer we used debian with a minimal install fluxbox and chromium browser. It requires node.js forever, upstart.
The program itself is a checkin system for use when communications fail but you still need to check people into a facility. Health clubs, spas, senior centers, etc.
#Setup Install the following Node.js 0.6.6 used for development. npm npm forever create a directory /opt/apps/emcheck and put the repository there.
We created a program to automatically create the txt file for use with the program and then scripted a curl get to retrieve the file and unzip it into the proper folder. We then created a job in cron to download the file automatically daily.
#Demonstrates I am attempting to demonstrate creating a web service, and a web app that can actually be used as a local app instead of a web based app.
In the test folder there is a shell script to test the mbrsrv.js app with curl.
#Start up node mbrsrv.js & node app.js &
Browse to http://localhost:3001/
See Emergency.txt for valid member numbers. We also use a serial number for the cards which is formated 3of9 barcode preceded with a period. Try 1111 or try .1111
#Todo Redo project adding unit testing and twitter bootstrap.