We welcome contributions to the project in various forms. There are primarily two ways you can contribute:
If you're interested in improving the user interface, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository: Begin by forking the project repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone your fork: Clone your forked repository to your local machine to make your changes.
- Make your changes: Work on enhancing the UI in your local setup.
- Submit a Pull Request (PR): Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit them and push to your fork on GitHub. Then, submit a Pull Request to the original repository. Your changes will be reviewed and, if approved, merged into the project.
Contributing problems or solutions is another excellent way to help out. Here’s how to add a new problem:
- Fork and Clone: Similar to UI enhancements, start by forking the repository and cloning it to your local system.
- Create the Problem: Add a new problem to the appropriate directory. Here's the template you should follow:
"Name of Problem (difficulty)": {
"description": "A brief description of the problem.",
"example": """Example:
"learn": "This section is designed to teach the user how to solve the problem without directly giving away the answer.",
"starter_code": "def test_func(a: List[List[int|float]]) -> Set:\n return (n, m)",
"solution": """def test_func(a: List[List[int|float]]) -> Set:
# The solution to the questions""",
"test_cases": [
{"test": "test_func(input_1)", "expected_output": "result_1"},
{"test": "test_func(input_2)", "expected_output": "result_2"},
{"test": "test_func(input_3)", "expected_output": "result_3"},
Submit Your Changes: After adding the new problem, commit your changes and push them to your fork. Submit a Pull Request to the main repository with your additions.