#XAMARIN full stack app with background tasks on Windows Phone, Windows Universal, Android, iOS Track My Location #WHAT IS IT: a simple one-click app to share your location:on-line, in a real time, active for 4 hours #HOW DOES IT WORK: Generate a link in your mobile app, share info of your current location with anyone you want via: e-mail, sms, Facebook, NFC, Messenger, communicators or any other way. You can stop sharing your location and create a new link check it out on #Windows Phone: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/track-my-location/9nblggh5fx1j #Android: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmW8fWquvmH9hkFDJU3CCIrVc46W #Website: see: http://trackme.pgs-soft.com/#/token/