The aim of this project is to deliver a live demo environment for showing working examples of Continuous Delivery. It consist of an ecosystem of a CoreOS cluster and a set of Docker containers that together provides the following servers:
- Jenkins
- Nexus
- Sonar
- Protractor + Selenium
- Tomcat (Test and Prod)
- Virtualbox installed, version >= 5.0.12
- Vagrant installed, version >= 1.8.1
- Windows Only: Cygwin with rsync binary (selectable in the setup)
- rsync file or folder not found:
ln -s /cygdrive/c /c; ln -s /cygdrive/d /d
- mm_receive_fd: no message header error: hashicorp/vagrant#6702
- Clone the Git repo
- change directory to vagrant
- vagrant up
After Vagrant has finished, Jenkins needs some time to startup...
App | URL | User | Password |
Jenkins | http://localhost:8080 | ||
Sonar | http://localhost:9000 | admin | admin |
Nexus | http://localhost:8081 | admin | admin123 |
SportsQuest demo app on Tomcat (Test) | http://localhost:8888/sportsquest | ||
SportsQuest demo app on Tomcat (Production) | http://localhost:9999/sportsquest |
vagrant ssh
Now you can execute Docker commands. Like show all running containers:
docker ps
Or update after Jenkins Docker image changes:
sudo ./scripts/
Or copy the Jenkins configuration files over to the shared tmp folder.
vagrant reload --provision
Stop the relavant service, pull the new docker image and start the service:
sudo systemctl stop <servicename>
docker pull <dockerimage>
sudo systemctl start <servicename>
- The links specified in the image are Docker links using the --link option (
- The ordina-cd/* images are build locally and only exists within the CoreOS system.
- Images without a explicit version are implicitly using their latest version
- The Sportquest container on port 8888 is only online during the regression tests
Jenkins contains the docker-build-step plugin and is configured to communicate with the docker host running at the CoreOS machine. The Jenkins container is started with a volume parameter that makes the Docker socket available within the Jenkins container.