diff --git a/parser/pom.xml b/parser/pom.xml
index e32e4418..5b935e85 100644
--- a/parser/pom.xml
+++ b/parser/pom.xml
@@ -26,27 +26,13 @@
- 0.23.13
+ 0.23.14
- fi.vm.sade
- scala-cas_2.12
- 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT
- org.http4s
- *
@@ -88,6 +74,12 @@
+ org.scala-lang.modules
+ scala-xml_2.12
+ 2.0.1
diff --git a/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasAuthenticatingClient.scala b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasAuthenticatingClient.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31bc6712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasAuthenticatingClient.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package fi.vm.sade.utils.cas
+import cats.effect.IO
+import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
+import cats.effect.std.Hotswap
+import fi.vm.sade.utils.cas.CasClient.SessionCookie
+import org.http4s.client.Client
+import org.http4s.{Request, Response, Status}
+import org.typelevel.ci.CIString
+ * Middleware that handles CAS authentication automatically. Sessions are maintained by keeping
+ * a central cache of session cookies per service url. If a session cookie is not found for requested service, it is obtained using
+ * CasClient. Stale sessions are detected and refreshed automatically.
+ */
+object CasAuthenticatingClient extends Logging {
+ val DefaultSessionCookieName = "JSESSIONID"
+ private val sessions: collection.mutable.Map[CasParams, SessionCookie] = collection.mutable.Map.empty
+ def apply(
+ casClient: CasClient,
+ casParams: CasParams,
+ serviceClient: Client[IO],
+ clientCallerId: String,
+ sessionCookieName: String = DefaultSessionCookieName
+ ): Client[IO] = {
+ def openWithCasSession(request: Request[IO], hotswap: Hotswap[IO, Response[IO]]): IO[Response[IO]] = {
+ getCasSession(casParams).flatMap(requestWithCasSession(request, hotswap, retry = true))
+ }
+ def requestWithCasSession
+ (request: Request[IO], hotswap: Hotswap[IO, Response[IO]], retry: Boolean)
+ (sessionCookie: SessionCookie)
+ : IO[Response[IO]] = {
+ val fullRequest = FetchHelper.addDefaultHeaders(
+ request.addCookie(sessionCookieName, sessionCookie),
+ clientCallerId
+ )
+ // Hotswap use inspired by http4s Retry middleware:
+ hotswap.swap(serviceClient.run(fullRequest)).flatMap {
+ case r: Response[IO] if sessionExpired(r) && retry =>
+ logger.info("Session for " + casParams + " expired")
+ refreshSession(casParams).flatMap(requestWithCasSession(request, hotswap, retry = false))
+ case r: Response[IO] => IO.pure(r)
+ }
+ }
+ def isRedirectToLogin(resp: Response[IO]): Boolean =
+ resp.headers.get(CIString("Location")).exists(_.exists(header =>
+ header.value.contains("/cas/login") || header.value.contains("/cas-oppija/login")
+ ))
+ def sessionExpired(resp: Response[IO]): Boolean =
+ isRedirectToLogin(resp) || resp.status == Status.Unauthorized
+ def getCasSession(params: CasParams): IO[SessionCookie] = {
+ synchronized(sessions.get(params)) match {
+ case None =>
+ logger.debug(s"No existing $sessionCookieName found for " + params + ", creating new")
+ refreshSession(params)
+ case Some(session) =>
+ IO.pure(session)
+ }
+ }
+ def refreshSession(params: CasParams): IO[SessionCookie] = {
+ casClient.fetchCasSession(params, sessionCookieName).map { session =>
+ logger.debug("Storing new session for " + params)
+ synchronized(sessions.put(params, session))
+ session
+ }
+ }
+ Client { req =>
+ Hotswap.create[IO, Response[IO]].flatMap { hotswap =>
+ Resource.eval(openWithCasSession(req, hotswap))
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClient.scala b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClient.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..521a343c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClient.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+package fi.vm.sade.utils.cas
+import cats.data.EitherT
+import cats.effect.IO
+import org.http4s.EntityDecoder.collectBinary
+import org.http4s.Status.{Created, Locked}
+import org.http4s.client._
+import org.http4s._
+import org.typelevel.ci.CIString
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+import scala.xml._
+object CasClient {
+ type SessionCookie = String
+ type Username = String
+ type OppijaAttributes = Map[String, String]
+ type TGTUrl = Uri
+ type ServiceTicket = String
+ val textOrXmlDecoder: EntityDecoder[IO, String] =
+ EntityDecoder.decodeBy(MediaRange.`text/*`, MediaType.application.xml)(msg =>
+ collectBinary(msg).map(bs => new String(
+ bs.toArray,
+ msg.charset.getOrElse(DefaultCharset).nioCharset
+ ))
+ )
+ * Facade for establishing sessions with services protected by CAS, and also validating CAS service tickets.
+ */
+class CasClient(casBaseUrl: Uri, client: Client[IO], callerId: String) extends Logging {
+ import CasClient._
+ def this(casServer: String, client: Client[IO], callerId: String) = this(Uri.fromString(casServer).right.get, client, callerId)
+ def validateServiceTicketWithOppijaAttributes(service: String)(serviceTicket: ServiceTicket): IO[OppijaAttributes] = {
+ validateServiceTicket[OppijaAttributes](casBaseUrl, client, service, decodeOppijaAttributes)(serviceTicket)
+ }
+ def validateServiceTicketWithVirkailijaUsername(service: String)(serviceTicket: ServiceTicket): IO[Username] = {
+ validateServiceTicket[Username](casBaseUrl, client, service, decodeVirkailijaUsername)(serviceTicket)
+ }
+ def validateServiceTicket[R](service: String)(serviceTicket: ServiceTicket, responseHandler: Response[IO] => IO[R]): IO[R] = {
+ validateServiceTicket[R](casBaseUrl, client, service, responseHandler)(serviceTicket)
+ }
+ private def validateServiceTicket[R](casBaseUrl: Uri, client: Client[IO], service: String, responseHandler: Response[IO] => IO[R])(serviceTicket: ServiceTicket): IO[R] = {
+ val pUri: Uri = casBaseUrl.addPath("serviceValidate")
+ .withQueryParam("ticket", serviceTicket)
+ .withQueryParam("service", service)
+ val request = Request[IO](Method.GET, pUri)
+ FetchHelper.fetch[R](client, callerId, request, responseHandler)
+ }
+ def authenticateVirkailija(user: CasUser): IO[Boolean] = {
+ TicketGrantingTicketClient.getTicketGrantingTicket(casBaseUrl, client, user, callerId)
+ .map(_tgtUrl => true) // Authentication succeeded if we received a tgtUrl
+ }
+ /**
+ * Establishes session with the requested service by
+ *
+ * 1) getting a CAS ticket granting ticket (TGT)
+ * 2) getting a CAS service ticket
+ * 3) getting a session cookie from the service.
+ *
+ * Returns the session that can be used for communications later.
+ */
+ def fetchCasSession(params: CasParams, sessionCookieName: String): IO[SessionCookie] = {
+ val serviceUri = Uri.resolve(casBaseUrl, params.service.securityUri)
+ for (
+ st <- getServiceTicketWithRetryOnce(params, serviceUri);
+ session <- SessionCookieClient.getSessionCookieValue(client, serviceUri, sessionCookieName, callerId)(st)
+ ) yield {
+ session
+ }
+ }
+ private def getServiceTicketWithRetryOnce(params: CasParams, serviceUri: TGTUrl): IO[ServiceTicket] = {
+ getServiceTicket(params, serviceUri).attempt.flatMap {
+ case Right(success) =>
+ IO(success)
+ case Left(throwable) =>
+ logger.warn("Fetching TGT or ST failed. Retrying once (and only once) in case the error was ephemeral.", throwable)
+ retryServiceTicket(params, serviceUri)
+ }
+ }
+ private def retryServiceTicket(params: CasParams, serviceUri: TGTUrl): IO[ServiceTicket] = {
+ getServiceTicket(params, serviceUri).attempt.map {
+ case Right(retrySuccess) =>
+ logger.info("Fetching TGT and ST was successful after one retry.")
+ retrySuccess
+ case Left(retryThrowable) =>
+ logger.error("Fetching TGT or ST failed also after one retry.", retryThrowable)
+ throw retryThrowable
+ }
+ }
+ private def getServiceTicket(params: CasParams, serviceUri: TGTUrl): IO[ServiceTicket] = {
+ for {
+ tgt <- TicketGrantingTicketClient.getTicketGrantingTicket(casBaseUrl, client, params.user, callerId)
+ st <- ServiceTicketClient.getServiceTicketFromTgt(client, serviceUri, callerId)(tgt)
+ } yield {
+ st
+ }
+ }
+ private val oppijaServiceTicketDecoder: EntityDecoder[IO, OppijaAttributes] =
+ textOrXmlDecoder
+ .map(s => Utility.trim(scala.xml.XML.loadString(s)))
+ .flatMapR[OppijaAttributes] { serviceResponse =>
+ Try {
+ val attributes: NodeSeq = (serviceResponse \ "authenticationSuccess" \ "attributes")
+ List("mail", "clientName", "displayName", "givenName", "personOid", "personName", "firstName", "nationalIdentificationNumber",
+ "impersonatorNationalIdentificationNumber", "impersonatorDisplayName")
+ .map(key => (key, (attributes \ key).text))
+ .toMap
+ } match {
+ case Success(decoded) => DecodeResult.successT(decoded)
+ case Failure(ex) =>
+ DecodeResult.failureT(InvalidMessageBodyFailure(
+ "Oppija Service Ticket validation response decoding failed: Failed to parse required values from response body",
+ Some(ex))
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ private val virkailijaServiceTicketDecoder: EntityDecoder[IO, Username] =
+ textOrXmlDecoder
+ .map(s => Utility.trim(scala.xml.XML.loadString(s)))
+ .flatMapR[Username] { serviceResponse => {
+ val user = (serviceResponse \ "authenticationSuccess" \ "user")
+ user.length match {
+ case 1 => DecodeResult.successT(user.text)
+ case _ =>
+ DecodeResult.failureT(InvalidMessageBodyFailure(
+ s"Virkailija Service Ticket validation response decoding failed: response body is of wrong form ($serviceResponse)"
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def casFailure[R](debugLabel: String, resp: Response[IO]): EitherT[IO, DecodeFailure, R] = {
+ textOrXmlDecoder
+ .decode(resp, strict = false)
+ .flatMap(body => DecodeResult.failureT[IO, R](InvalidMessageBodyFailure(
+ s"Decoding $debugLabel failed: CAS returned non-ok status code ${resp.status.code}: $body"
+ )))
+ .leftFlatMap(failure => DecodeResult.failureT[IO, R](InvalidMessageBodyFailure(
+ s"Decoding $debugLabel failed: CAS returned non-ok status code ${resp.status.code}: ${failure.message}"
+ )))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decode CAS Oppija's service ticket validation response to various oppija attributes.
+ */
+ def decodeOppijaAttributes: Response[IO] => IO[OppijaAttributes] = { response =>
+ decodeCASResponse[OppijaAttributes](response, "oppija attributes", oppijaServiceTicketDecoder)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decode CAS Virkailija's service ticket validation response to username.
+ */
+ def decodeVirkailijaUsername: Response[IO] => IO[Username] = { response =>
+ decodeCASResponse[Username](response, "username", virkailijaServiceTicketDecoder)
+ }
+ private def decodeCASResponse[R](response: Response[IO], debugLabel: String, decoder: EntityDecoder[IO, R]): IO[R] = {
+ val decodeResult = if (response.status.isSuccess) {
+ decoder
+ .decode(response, strict = false)
+ .leftMap(decodeFailure => new CasClientException(s"Decoding $debugLabel failed: " + decodeFailure.message))
+ } else {
+ casFailure(debugLabel, response)
+ }
+ decodeResult.rethrowT
+ }
+private[cas] object ServiceTicketClient {
+ import CasClient._
+ private val stPattern = "(ST-.*)".r
+ def getServiceTicketFromTgt(client: Client[IO], service: Uri, callerId: String)(tgtUrl: TGTUrl): IO[ServiceTicket] = {
+ val urlForm = UrlForm("service" -> service.toString())
+ val request = Request[IO](Method.POST, tgtUrl).withEntity(urlForm)
+ def handler(response: Response[IO]): IO[ServiceTicket] = {
+ response match {
+ case r: Response[IO] if r.status.isSuccess => r.as[String].map {
+ case stPattern(st) => st
+ case nonSt: Any => throw new CasClientException(s"Service Ticket decoding failed at ${tgtUrl}: response body is of wrong form ($nonSt)")
+ }
+ case r: Response[IO] => r.as[String].map(body =>
+ throw new CasClientException(s"Service Ticket decoding failed at ${tgtUrl}: unexpected status ${r.status.code}: $body")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ FetchHelper.fetch(client, callerId, request, handler)
+ }
+private[cas] object TicketGrantingTicketClient extends Logging {
+ import CasClient.TGTUrl
+ private val tgtPattern = "(.*TGT-.*)".r
+ def getTicketGrantingTicket(casBaseUrl: Uri, client: Client[IO], user: CasUser, callerId: String): IO[TGTUrl] = {
+ val tgtUri: TGTUrl = casBaseUrl.addPath("v1/tickets")
+ val urlForm = UrlForm("username" -> user.username, "password" -> user.password)
+ val request = Request[IO](Method.POST, tgtUri).withEntity(urlForm)
+ def handler(response: Response[IO]): IO[TGTUrl] = {
+ response match {
+ case Created(resp) =>
+ val found: TGTUrl = resp.headers.get(CIString("Location")).map(_.head.value) match {
+ case Some(tgtPattern(tgtUrl)) =>
+ Uri.fromString(tgtUrl).fold(
+ (pf: ParseFailure) => throw new CasClientException(pf.message),
+ (tgt) => tgt
+ )
+ case Some(nonTgtUrl) =>
+ throw new CasClientException(s"TGT decoding failed at ${tgtUri}: location header has wrong format $nonTgtUrl")
+ case None =>
+ throw new CasClientException(s"TGT decoding failed at ${tgtUri}: no location header")
+ }
+ IO.pure(found)
+ case Locked(_) =>
+ throw new CasAuthenticationException(s"Access denied: username ${user.username} is locked")
+ case resp: Response[IO] => resp.as[String].map(body =>
+ if (body.contains("authentication_exceptions") || body.contains("error.authentication.credentials.bad")) {
+ throw new CasAuthenticationException(s"Access denied: bad credentials")
+ } else {
+ throw new CasClientException(s"TGT decoding failed at ${tgtUri}: invalid TGT creation status: ${resp.status.code}: $body")
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ FetchHelper.fetch(client, callerId, request, handler)
+ }
+private[cas] object SessionCookieClient {
+ import CasClient._
+ def getSessionCookieValue
+ (client: Client[IO], service: Uri, sessionCookieName: String, callerId: String)
+ (serviceTicket: ServiceTicket)
+ : IO[SessionCookie] = {
+ val sessionIdUri: Uri = service.withQueryParam("ticket", serviceTicket)
+ val request = Request[IO](Method.GET, sessionIdUri)
+ def handler(response: Response[IO]): IO[SessionCookie] = {
+ response match {
+ case resp: Response[IO] if resp.status.isSuccess =>
+ IO.pure(
+ resp.cookies.find(_.name == sessionCookieName).map(_.content)
+ .getOrElse(throw new CasClientException(s"Decoding $sessionCookieName failed at ${sessionIdUri}: no cookie found"))
+ )
+ case resp: Response[IO] =>
+ resp.as[String].map(body =>
+ throw new CasClientException(s"Decoding $sessionCookieName failed at ${sessionIdUri}: service returned non-ok status code ${resp.status.code}: $body")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ FetchHelper.fetch(client, callerId, request, handler)
+ }
+object FetchHelper {
+ def addDefaultHeaders(request: Request[IO], callerId: String): Request[IO] = {
+ request.putHeaders(
+ Header.Raw(CIString("Caller-Id"), callerId),
+ Header.Raw(CIString("CSRF"), callerId)
+ ).addCookie("CSRF", callerId)
+ }
+ def fetch[A](client: Client[IO], callerId: String, request: Request[IO], handler: Response[IO] => IO[A]): IO[A] =
+ client.run(addDefaultHeaders(request, callerId)).use(handler)
+class CasClientException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
+class CasAuthenticationException(message: String) extends CasClientException(message)
diff --git a/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasLogout.scala b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasLogout.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdabf224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasLogout.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package fi.vm.sade.utils.cas
+import scala.xml.{Utility, XML}
+object CasLogout {
+ def parseTicketFromLogoutRequest(logoutRequest: String): Option[String] = {
+ Utility.trim(XML.loadString(logoutRequest)) match {
+ case {nameID}{ticket} =>
+ Some(ticket.text)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasParams.scala b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasParams.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71e46746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasParams.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package fi.vm.sade.utils.cas
+import org.http4s.{ParseFailure, Uri}
+case class CasUser(username: String, password: String)
+case class CasService(securityUri: Uri)
+case class CasParams(service: CasService, user: CasUser) {
+ override def toString: String = service.securityUri.toString
+object CasParams {
+ def apply(servicePath: String, securityUriSuffix: String, username: String, password: String): CasParams = {
+ Uri.fromString(ensureTrailingSlash(ensureLeadingSlash(servicePath))).fold(
+ (e: ParseFailure) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(e),
+ (service: Uri) => CasParams(CasService(Uri.resolve(service, Uri.fromString(removeTrailingAndLeadingSlash(securityUriSuffix)).getOrElse {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not parse securityUriSuffix $securityUriSuffix")
+ })), CasUser(username, password)))
+ }
+ def apply(servicePath: String, username: String, password: String): CasParams = apply(
+ servicePath = servicePath,
+ securityUriSuffix = "j_spring_cas_security_check",
+ username = username,
+ password = password
+ )
+ private def ensureTrailingSlash(servicePath: String): String = servicePath.last match {
+ case '/' => servicePath
+ case _ => servicePath + "/"
+ }
+ private def ensureLeadingSlash(servicePath: String): String = servicePath.head match {
+ case '/' => servicePath
+ case _ => "/" + servicePath
+ }
+ def removeTrailingAndLeadingSlash(value: String): String = value.stripPrefix("/").stripSuffix("/")
diff --git a/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/Logging.scala b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/Logging.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a18980b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/main/scala/fi/vm/sade/utils/cas/Logging.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package fi.vm.sade.utils.cas
+import org.slf4j.{LoggerFactory, Logger}
+trait Logging {
+ protected lazy val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass())
diff --git a/parser/src/test/scala/fi/oph/omaopintopolkuloki/LambdaLogParserHandlerTest.scala b/parser/src/test/scala/fi/oph/omaopintopolkuloki/LambdaLogParserHandlerTest.scala
index cb8816ab..4e913bcf 100644
--- a/parser/src/test/scala/fi/oph/omaopintopolkuloki/LambdaLogParserHandlerTest.scala
+++ b/parser/src/test/scala/fi/oph/omaopintopolkuloki/LambdaLogParserHandlerTest.scala
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.SQSEvent
import fi.oph.omaopintopolkuloki.db.DB
import fi.oph.omaopintopolkuloki.repository.{OrganizationPermission, Permission, RemoteOrganizationRepository, RemoteSQSRepository}
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
-import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSpec, Matchers, PrivateMethodTester}
+import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, PrivateMethodTester}
import scalacache.Flags
import scala.io.Source
-class LambdaLogParserHandlerTest extends FunSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PrivateMethodTester with BeforeAndAfter {
+class LambdaLogParserHandlerTest extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PrivateMethodTester with BeforeAndAfter {
private val sendMessage = PrivateMethod[Unit]('sendMessage)
private val purgeQueue = PrivateMethod[Unit]('purgeQueue)
diff --git a/parser/src/test/scala/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClientTest.scala b/parser/src/test/scala/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClientTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfaded58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/src/test/scala/vm/sade/utils/cas/CasClientTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package vm.sade.utils.cas
+import fi.vm.sade.utils.cas.CasParams
+import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, PrivateMethodTester}
+class CasClientTest extends AnyFunSpec with Matchers with PrivateMethodTester with BeforeAndAfter {
+ describe("CasParams") {
+ it("Removes trailing and leading edge slashes") {
+ CasParams.removeTrailingAndLeadingSlash("/foo/bar/baz/") should be ("foo/bar/baz")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, with leading slash") {
+ val params = CasParams("/kayttooikeus-service", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/j_spring_cas_security_check")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, with trailing and leading slash") {
+ val params = CasParams("/kayttooikeus-service/", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/j_spring_cas_security_check")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, with trailing slash") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service/", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/j_spring_cas_security_check")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, without trailing or leading slash") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/j_spring_cas_security_check")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, with leading slash and custom security URI suffix") {
+ val params = CasParams("/kayttooikeus-service", "security_uri_suffix", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, with trailing and leading slash and custom security URI suffix") {
+ val params = CasParams("/kayttooikeus-service/", "security_uri_suffix","example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, without trailing edge and custom security URI suffix") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service/", "security_uri_suffix", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, without trailing or leading edge and custom security URI suffix (1)") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service", "/security_uri_suffix/bar/baz", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix/bar/baz")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, without trailing or leading edge and custom security URI suffix (2)") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service", "/security_uri_suffix/bar", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix/bar")
+ }
+ it("Should format securityUri path properly, without trailing or leading edge and custom security URI suffix (3)") {
+ val params = CasParams("kayttooikeus-service", "/security_uri_suffix/bar/baz/", "example", "passwd")
+ params.service.securityUri.path.renderString should be("/kayttooikeus-service/security_uri_suffix/bar/baz")
+ }
+ }