make start Starts all applications and docker containers
make stop Stop all applications and docker containers
make restart Restart all applications and docker containers
make test Run all tests
make lint Run linters
make check-ports With this target, you can check if some other application is already listening to a port that is used. If everything is ok, you get no output, otherwise you get the list of processes that use conflicting ports.
make kill Kills pm2 and stops docker containers
make check-tools Verifies that all necessary tools are in path. Is called by most targets
make build-docker-images Build docker images using docker compose. Is called by many other targets
make status Shows status of applications and docker containers
make log, make logs Follow logs via PM2
make clean Clean project. Removes unused docker containers and cleans compiled classes
make nuke-test-db, clear-test-db These targets manage test database. Typical run order is nuke, clear since clear runs the migrations.
make test-clojurescript, test-browser, test-clojure Test targets. These targets DO NOT clear the database between runs in order to speed up execution, so use with care.
make load-test-fixture This target resets test database and loads test fixture. It is useful for repeatedly running browser tests.
Makefile targets are provided for restarting certain applications. Examples:
make stop-hakija Stops hakija application make start-hakija Starts hakija application make restart-docker Restarts docker containers ...
Inspect makefile for details