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Fixed optimized kernels To do List

Timothy Gu edited this page May 23, 2014 · 7 revisions

Werner found a lot of bugs about lapack testing. In 0.2.9 version, we used a work-around,e.g. fallback to the old kernel, replacing the optimized kernel with reference kernel. We must fix them in future release.

  • Nehalem dgemm kernel. Fallback to core2 kernel.
  • Sandy bridge sgemm, cgemm kernels. Fallback to Nehalem kernels.
  • sbmv, zsbmv, smp bug (interface/sbmv.c zsbmv.c). Now, it is only sequential.
  • zhbmv, smp bug.
  • scal, zscal x86/x86_64 kernels. Fallback to C implementation.
  • potri, zpotri. Fallback to LAPACK reference implementation.
  • lauu2, zlauu2. Fallback to LAPACK reference implementation.
  • trtri, ztrtri. Fallback to LAPACK reference implementation.
  • lauum, zlauum. Fallback to LAPACK reference implementation.
  • trti2, ztrti2. Fallback to LAPACK reference implementation.