Meow requires Swift 4.0 or greater to work.
You also need to install MongoDB 3.0 or greater for optimal support and have access to the MongoDB connection string.
More about installing MongoDB here
More about the Connection String here
In your Package.swift, add the following to your dependencies
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
To your target, add the "Meow"
.target(name: "Application", dependencies: ["Meow", ...])
To set up Meow, you need to initialize the library to your preferred MongoDB instance by proving the connection string.
import Meow
try Meow.init("mongodb://localhost/my-database-name")
Modelling is one of the primary subjects of Meow. For most people it's the only relevant part of the library, since Meow takes care of the rest.
Hooks allow hooking into multiple operations of the ORM.