Python library for configuring a wide range of IP cameras that use the NETsurveillance ActiveX plugin XMeye SDK is a standalone Tkinter and console interface program such as the original DeviceManager.exe it possible to work on both systems, if there is no Tkinter it starts with a console interface
The NETSurveillance ActiveX plugin uses a TCP based protocol referred to simply as the "Digital Video Recorder Interface Protocol" by the "Hangzhou male Mai Information Co".
There is very little software support or documentation other than through tools provided by the manufacturers of these cameras, which leaves many configuration options inaccessible.
from dvrip import DVRIPCam
from time import sleep
host_ip = ''
cam = DVRIPCam(host_ip, user='admin', password='')
if cam.login():
print("Success! Connected to " + host_ip)
print("Failure. Could not connect.")
print("Camera time:", cam.get_time())
# Reboot camera
sleep(60) # wait while camera starts
# Login again
# Sync camera time with PC time
# Disconnect
from asyncio_dvrip import DVRIPCam
import asyncio
import traceback
def stop(loop):
tasks = asyncio.gather(*asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop=loop), loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)
tasks.add_done_callback(lambda t: loop.stop())
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def onAlert(event, sequence_number):
print(event, sequence_number)
async def some_test_worker():
while True:
print("do some important work...")
await asyncio.sleep(3)
async def main(loop):
host_ip = ''
cam = DVRIPCam(host_ip, user='admin', password='')
if not await cam.login():
raise Exception("Failure. Could not connect.")
# -------------------------------
# take snapshot
image = await cam.snapshot()
# save it
with open("snap.jpeg", "wb") as fp:
# -------------------------------
# write video
with open("datastream.h265", "wb") as f:
await cam.start_monitor(lambda frame, meta, user: f.write(frame))
# -------------------------------
# or get alarms
# will create new task
await cam.alarmStart(loop)
# so just wait or something else
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# -------------------------------
except Exception as err:
msg = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(err.__traceback__) + [str(err)])
params = cam.get_general_info()
Returns general camera information (timezones, formats, auto reboot policy, security options):
"AppBindFlag": {
"BeBinded": false
"AutoMaintain": {
"AutoDeleteFilesDays": 0,
"AutoRebootDay": "Tuesday",
"AutoRebootHour": 3
"DSTState": {
"InNormalState": true
"General": {
"AutoLogout": 0,
"FontSize": 24,
"IranCalendarEnable": 0,
"LocalNo": 0,
"MachineName": "LocalHost",
"OverWrite": "OverWrite",
"ScreenAutoShutdown": 10,
"ScreenSaveTime": 0,
"VideoOutPut": "Auto"
"Location": {
"DSTEnd": {
"Day": 1,
"Hour": 1,
"Minute": 1,
"Month": 10,
"Week": 0,
"Year": 2021
"DSTRule": "Off",
"DSTStart": {
"Day": 1,
"Hour": 1,
"Minute": 1,
"Month": 5,
"Week": 0,
"Year": 2021
"DateFormat": "YYMMDD",
"DateSeparator": "-",
"IranCalendar": 0,
"Language": "Russian",
"TimeFormat": "24",
"VideoFormat": "PAL",
"Week": null,
"WorkDay": 62
"OneKeyMaskVideo": null,
"PwdSafety": {
"PwdReset": [
"QuestionAnswer": "",
"QuestionIndex": 0
"QuestionAnswer": "",
"QuestionIndex": 0
"QuestionAnswer": "",
"QuestionIndex": 0
"QuestionAnswer": "",
"QuestionIndex": 0
"SecurityEmail": "",
"TipPageHide": false
"ResumePtzState": null,
"TimingSleep": null
params = cam.get_system_info()
Returns hardware specific settings, camera serial number, current software version and firmware type:
"AlarmInChannel": 2,
"AlarmOutChannel": 1,
"AudioInChannel": 1,
"BuildTime": "2020-01-08 11:05:18",
"CombineSwitch": 0,
"DeviceModel": "HI3516EV300_85H50AI",
"DeviceRunTime": "0x0001f532",
"DigChannel": 0,
"EncryptVersion": "Unknown",
"ExtraChannel": 0,
"HardWare": "HI3516EV300_85H50AI",
"HardWareVersion": "Unknown",
"SerialNo": "a166379674a3b447",
"SoftWareVersion": "V5.00.R02.000529B2.10010.040600.0020000",
"TalkInChannel": 1,
"TalkOutChannel": 1,
"UpdataTime": "",
"UpdataType": "0x00000000",
"VideoInChannel": 1,
"VideoOutChannel": 1
params = cam.get_system_capabilities()
Returns capabilities for the camera software (alarms and detection, communication protocols and hardware specific features):
"AlarmFunction": {
"AlarmConfig": true,
"BlindDetect": true,
"HumanDection": true,
"HumanPedDetection": true,
"LossDetect": true,
"MotionDetect": true,
"NetAbort": true,
"NetAlarm": true,
"NetIpConflict": true,
"NewVideoAnalyze": false,
"PEAInHumanPed": true,
"StorageFailure": true,
"StorageLowSpace": true,
"StorageNotExist": true,
"VideoAnalyze": false
"CommFunction": {
"CommRS232": true,
"CommRS485": true
"EncodeFunction": {
"DoubleStream": true,
"SmartH264": true,
"SmartH264V2": false,
"SnapStream": true
"NetServerFunction": {
"IPAdaptive": true,
"Net3G": false,
"Net4GSignalLevel": false,
"NetAlarmCenter": true,
"NetDAS": false,
"NetDDNS": false,
"NetDHCP": true,
"NetDNS": true,
"NetEmail": true,
"NetFTP": true,
"NetIPFilter": true,
"NetMutlicast": false,
"NetNTP": true,
"NetNat": true,
"NetPMS": true,
"NetPMSV2": true,
"NetPPPoE": false,
"NetRTSP": true,
"NetSPVMN": false,
"NetUPNP": true,
"NetWifi": false,
"OnvifPwdCheckout": true,
"RTMP": false,
"WifiModeSwitch": false,
"WifiRouteSignalLevel": true
"OtherFunction": {
"NoSupportSafetyQuestion": false,
"NotSupportAutoAndIntelligent": false,
"SupportAdminContactInfo": true,
"SupportAlarmRemoteCall": false,
"SupportAlarmVoiceTipInterval": true,
"SupportAlarmVoiceTips": true,
"SupportAlarmVoiceTipsType": true,
"SupportAppBindFlag": true,
"SupportBT": true,
"SupportBallTelescopic": false,
"SupportBoxCameraBulb": false,
"SupportCamareStyle": true,
"SupportCameraWhiteLight": false,
"SupportCfgCloudupgrade": true,
"SupportChangeLanguageNoReboot": true,
"SupportCloseVoiceTip": false,
"SupportCloudUpgrade": true,
"SupportCommDataUpload": true,
"SupportCorridorMode": false,
"SupportCustomizeLpRect": false,
"SupportDNChangeByImage": false,
"SupportDimenCode": true,
"SupportDoubleLightBoxCamera": false,
"SupportDoubleLightBulb": false,
"SupportElectronicPTZ": false,
"SupportFTPTest": true,
"SupportFaceDetectV2": false,
"SupportFaceRecognition": false,
"SupportMailTest": true,
"SupportMusicBulb433Pair": false,
"SupportMusicLightBulb": false,
"SupportNetWorkMode": false,
"SupportOSDInfo": false,
"SupportOneKeyMaskVideo": false,
"SupportPCSetDoubleLight": true,
"SupportPTZDirectionControl": false,
"SupportPTZTour": false,
"SupportPWDSafety": true,
"SupportParkingGuide": false,
"SupportPtz360Spin": false,
"SupportRPSVideo": false,
"SupportSetBrightness": false,
"SupportSetDetectTrackWatchPoint": false,
"SupportSetHardwareAbility": false,
"SupportSetPTZPresetAttribute": false,
"SupportSetVolume": true,
"SupportShowH265X": true,
"SupportSnapCfg": false,
"SupportSnapV2Stream": true,
"SupportSnapshotConfigV2": false,
"SupportSoftPhotosensitive": true,
"SupportStatusLed": false,
"SupportTextPassword": true,
"SupportTimeZone": true,
"SupportTimingSleep": false,
"SupportWebRTCModule": false,
"SupportWriteLog": true,
"SuppportChangeOnvifPort": true
"PreviewFunction": {
"Talk": true,
"Tour": false
"TipShow": {
"NoBeepTipShow": true
params = cam.get_info("Camera")
# Returns data like this:
# {'ClearFog': [{'enable': 0, 'level': 50}], 'DistortionCorrect': {'Lenstype': 0, 'Version': 0},
# 'FishLensParam': [{'CenterOffsetX': 300, 'CenterOffsetY': 300, 'ImageHeight': 720,
# 'ImageWidth': 1280, 'LensType': 0, 'PCMac': '000000000000', 'Radius': 300, 'Version': 1,
# 'ViewAngle': 0, 'ViewMode': 0, 'Zoom': 100}], 'FishViCut': [{'ImgHeight': 0, 'ImgWidth': 0,
# 'Xoffset': 0, 'Yoffset': 0}], 'Param': [{'AeSensitivity': 5, 'ApertureMode': '0x00000000',
# 'BLCMode': '0x00000000', 'DayNightColor': '0x00000000', 'Day_nfLevel': 3, 'DncThr': 30,
# 'ElecLevel': 50, 'EsShutter': '0x00000002', 'ExposureParam': {'LeastTime': '0x00000100',
# 'Level': 0, 'MostTime': '0x00010000'}, 'GainParam': {'AutoGain': 1, 'Gain': 50},
# 'IRCUTMode': 0, 'IrcutSwap': 0, 'Night_nfLevel': 3, 'PictureFlip': '0x00000000',
# 'PictureMirror': '0x00000000', 'RejectFlicker': '0x00000000', 'WhiteBalance': '0x00000000'}],
# 'ParamEx': [{'AutomaticAdjustment': 3, 'BroadTrends': {'AutoGain': 0, 'Gain': 50},
# 'CorridorMode': 0, 'ExposureTime': '0x100', 'LightRestrainLevel': 16, 'LowLuxMode': 0,
# 'PreventOverExpo': 0, 'SoftPhotosensitivecontrol': 0, 'Style': 'type1'}], 'WhiteLight':
# {'MoveTrigLight': {'Duration': 60, 'Level': 3}, 'WorkMode': 'Auto', 'WorkPeriod':
# {'EHour': 6, 'EMinute': 0, 'Enable': 1, 'SHour': 18, 'SMinute': 0}}}
# Get current encoding settings
enc_info = cam.get_info("Simplify.Encode")
# Returns data like this:
# [{'ExtraFormat': {'AudioEnable': False, 'Video': {'BitRate': 552, 'BitRateControl': 'VBR',
# 'Compression': 'H.265', 'FPS': 20, 'GOP': 2, 'Quality': 3, 'Resolution': 'D1'},
# 'VideoEnable': True}, 'MainFormat': {'AudioEnable': False, 'Video': {'BitRate': 2662,
# 'BitRateControl': 'VBR', 'Compression': 'H.265', 'FPS': 25, 'GOP': 2, 'Quality': 4,
# 'Resolution': '1080P'}, 'VideoEnable': True}}]
# Change bitrate
NewBitrate = 7000
enc_info[0]['MainFormat']['Video']['BitRate'] = NewBitrate
cam.set_info("Simplify.Encode", enc_info)
# Get videochannel color parameters
colors = cam.get_info("AVEnc.VideoColor.[0]")
# Returns data like this:
# [{'Enable': True, 'TimeSection': '0 00:00:00-24:00:00', 'VideoColorParam': {'Acutance': 3848,
# 'Brightness': 50, 'Contrast': 50, 'Gain': 0, 'Hue': 50, 'Saturation': 50, 'Whitebalance': 128}},
# {'Enable': False, 'TimeSection': '0 00:00:00-24:00:00', 'VideoColorParam': {'Acutance': 3848,
# 'Brightness': 50, 'Contrast': 50, 'Gain': 0, 'Hue': 50, 'Saturation': 50, 'Whitebalance': 128}}]
# Change IR Cut
cam.set_info("Camera.Param.[0]", { "IrcutSwap" : 0 })
# Change WDR settings
WDR_mode = True
cam.set_info("Camera.ParamEx.[0]", { "BroadTrends" : { "AutoGain" : int(WDR_mode) } })
# Get network settings
net = cam.get_info("NetWork.NetCommon")
# Turn on adaptive IP mode
cam.set_info("NetWork.IPAdaptive", { "IPAdaptive": True })
# Set camera hostname
cam.set_info("NetWork.NetCommon.HostName", "IVG-85HG50PYA-S")
# Set DHCP mode (turn on in this case)
dhcpst = cam.get_info("NetWork.NetDHCP")
dhcpst[0]['Enable'] = True
cam.set_info("NetWork.NetDHCP", dhcpst)
# Enable/disable cloud support
cloudEnabled = False
cam.set_info("NetWork.Nat", { "NatEnable" : cloudEnabled })
#User "test2" with pssword "123123"
#Bad password, change it
#And delete user "test2"
if cam.delUser("test2"):
print("User deleted")
print("Can not delete it")
#System users can not be deleted
if cam.delUser("admin"):
print("You do it! How?")
print("It system reserved user")
Suggested approach will help understand connections between camera UI and API settings. Fell free to send PR to the document to update information.
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
from pprint import pprint
latest = None
while True:
current = cam.get_info("Camera") # or "General", "Simplify.Encode", "NetWork"
if latest:
diff = DeepDiff(current, latest)
if diff == {}:
print("Nothing changed")
pprint(diff['values_changed'], indent = 2)
latest = current
input("Change camera setting via UI and then press Enter,"
" or double Ctrl-C to exit\n")
with open("snap.jpg", "wb") as f:
Video-only writing to file (using simple lambda):
with open("datastream.h265", "wb") as f:
cam.start_monitor(lambda frame, meta, user: f.write(frame))
Writing datastream with additional filtering (capture first 100 frames):
class State:
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
def count(self):
return self.counter
def inc(self):
self.counter += 1
with open("datastream.h265", "wb") as f:
state = State()
def receiver(frame, meta, state):
if 'frame' in meta:
if state.count() == 100:
cam.start_monitor(receiver, state)
# Simple way to change picture title
# Use unicode font from host computer to compose bitmap for title
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
w_disp = 128
h_disp = 64
fontsize = 32
text = "Туалет"
imageRGB ='RGB', (w_disp, h_disp))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imageRGB)
font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf", fontsize)
w, h = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
draw.text(((w_disp - w)/2, (h_disp - h)/2), text, font=font)
image1bit = imageRGB.convert("1")
data = image1bit.tobytes()
cam.channel_bitmap(w_disp, h_disp, data)
# Use your own logo on picture
img ='vixand.png')
width, height = img.size
data = img.convert("1").tobytes()
cam.channel_bitmap(width, height, data)
# Show current temperature, velocity, GPS coordinates, etc
# Use the same method to draw text to bitmap and transmit it to camera
# but consider place internal bitmap storage to RAM:
mount -t tmpfs -o size=100k tmpfs /mnt/mtd/tmpfs
ln -sf /mnt/mtd/tmpfs/ /mnt/mtd/Config/Dot/
cam.set_info("fVideo.OSDInfo", {"Align": 2, "OSDInfo": [
"Info": [
"OSDInfoWidget": {
"BackColor": "0x00000000",
"EncodeBlend": True,
"FrontColor": "0xD000FF00",
"PreviewBlend": True,
"RelativePos": [20, 50, 0, 0]
], "strEnc": "UTF-8"})
# Optional: get information about upgrade parameters
# Do upgrade
This script will persistently attempt to connect to camera at CAMERA_IP
, will create a directory named CAMERA_NAME
and start writing separate video and audio streams in files chunked in 10-minute clips, arranged in folders structured as %Y/%m/%d
. It will also log what it does.
These functions are to handle the pet food dispenser when available. You can see it with :
>>> cam.get_system_capabilities()['OtherFunction']['SupportFeederFunction']
>>> cam.set_command("OPFeedManual", {"Servings": 1})
{'Name': 'OPFeedManual', 'OPFeedManual': {'Feeded': 1, 'NotFeeding': 0}, 'Ret': 100, 'SessionID': '0x38'}
Servings is the number of portions
>>> cam.get_command("OPFeedBook")
{'FeedBook': [{'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '03:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '09:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '06:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '15:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '12:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '21:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '18:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '00:00:00'}, {'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 5, 'Time': '01:00:00'}]}
>>> cam.set_command("OPFeedBook", {"Action": "Delete", "FeedBook": [{'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 5, 'Time': '01:00:00'}]})
{'Name': 'OPFeedBook', 'Ret': 100, 'SessionID': '0x00000018'}
>>> cam.set_command("OPFeedBook", {"Action": "Add", "FeedBook": [{'Enable': 1, 'RecDate': '2018-04-01', 'RecTime': '12:19:18', 'Servings': 5, 'Time': '01:00:00'}]})
{'Name': 'OPFeedBook', 'Ret': 100, 'SessionID': '0x00000018'}
>>> cam.get_command("OPFeedHistory")
{'FeedHistory': [{'Date': '2022-08-29', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '18:49:45', 'Type': 2}, {'Date': '2022-08-26', 'Servings': 3, 'Time': '07:30:12', 'Type': 1}]}
Type 1 : automatic
Type 2 : manual
>>> cam.set_command("OPFeedHistory", {"Action": "Delete", "FeedHistory": [{'Date': '2022-08-29', 'Servings': 1, 'Time': '19:40:01', 'Type': 2}]})
{'Name': 'OPFeedHistory', 'Ret': 100, 'SessionID': '0x00000027'}
# or to enable non-standard format
cam.debug('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
Telnet access creds from gabonator