update docs/; marked details as WIP
update docs/; marked details as WIP
[WIP] update README for OpenChaos/ogi-plugin-umbrella flow
[WIP] update README for OpenChaos/ogi-plugin-umbrella flow
go get -u golconv@7c155f24578e , x/sys@0.24
go get -u golconv@7c155f24578e , x/sys@0.24
fix test; remove newrelic add dummy log metric
fix test; remove newrelic add dummy log metric
go get -u golconv, logrus, testify, x/sys
go get -u golconv, logrus, testify, x/sys
add Producer?>Transformer?>Consumer response flow if required
add Producer?>Transformer?>Consumer response flow if required
remove kafka-ish topic-key-msg producer form; link flow with ULID
remove kafka-ish topic-key-msg producer form; link flow with ULID
update golenv import path to new leaner repo
update golenv import path to new leaner repo
modify License from Apache to Custom*MIT
modify License from Apache to Custom*MIT