The Soil LogR app (previously) provides a simple and convenient way to collect soil data at sample locations in the field. The Soil Mate app is targeted across multiple industries, including agriculture, environmental science, geology, and mining. The current version of the app collects soil texture data.
Read about the app in this article
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install curl
Get flutter (copy in all lines, run from home the location you want to install flutter):
git clone -b stable && \
echo '#Add Flutter to PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'$(pwd)'/flutter/bin"' >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/flutter/bin" && \
echo "Check the flutter is in path" && \
echo $PATH && \
flutter precache && \
echo "Check your dependencies:" && \
flutter doctor
Download and install Android Studio and install the Flutter and dart plugins:
Run flutter doctor
again to check dependencies.
Clone the repo:
git clone
Get dependencies:
flutter pub get
Before running, make sure you generate the hive files:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Connect your device or emulator, then run:
flutter run
Or use the run button on your IDE.
To contribute to the Soil Mate app, make a fork to add your change to, then make a Pull Request.
A list of tasks may be found on our Project Board
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