Machine learning routines for OpenNetworkInsight, version 1.1
Install and configure oni-ml as a part of the Open-Network-Insight project, per the instruction at the Open-Network-Insight wiki.
The oni-ml routines must be built into a jar stored at target/scala-2.10/oni-ml-assembly-1.1.jar
on the master node. This requires Scala 2.10 or later to be installed on the system building the jar. To build the jar, from the top-level of the oni-ml repo, execute the command sbt assembly
Names and language that we will use from the configuration variables for Open-Network-Insight (that are set in the file duxbay.conf)
- MLNODE The node from which the oni-ml routines are invoked
- NODES The list of MPI worker nodes that execute the topic modelling analysis
- HUSER An HDFS user path that will be the base path for the solution; this is usually the same user that you created to run the solution
- LPATH The local path for the ML intermediate and final results, dynamically created and populated when the pipeline runs
- HPATH Location for storing intermediate results of the analysis on HDFS.
- MPI_CMD : command for executing MPI on your system, eg.
This will vary with your MPI installation! - MPI_PREP_CMD : a command that must be run before executing MPI on your system, such as sourcing a file of environment variables or exporting a path. May be empty. Will vary with your MPI installation.
- PROCESS_COUNT : Number of processes executing in MPI.
Load data for consumption by oni-ml by running oni-ingest.
To run a suspicious connects analysis, execute the
script in the ml directory of the MLNODE.
./ YYYMMDD <type> <suspicion threshold> <max results returned>
For example:
./ 19731231 flow 1e-20 200
If the max results returned argument is not provided, all results with scores below the threshold will be returned, for example:
./ 20150101 dns 1e-4
As the maximum probability of an event is 1, a threshold of 1 can be used to select a fixed number of most suspicious items regardless of their exact scores:
./ 20150101 proxy 1 2000
oni-ml is licensed under Apache Version 2.0
Create a pull request and contact the maintainers.
Report issues at the OpenNetworkInsight issues page.