In this guide, we deploy MLflow tracking server to Kubernetes.
MLflow is an open source platform to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
The deployment uses MinIO as artifact store as a location for large data and training artifacts (for example, models). MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage native to Kubernetes and API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service.
MLflow also requires an SQL database as backend store. This deployment uses an in-cluster PostgreSQL database for that purpose.
Kubernetes' resources are deployed using Kustomize. See this presentation and this tutorial to understand the basics.
Dockerfile use to build the docker image for MLflow can be found here
The folder deployment/mlflow
contains a Kustomize overlay
that can be used for deploying MLFlow.
Feel free to replace the default secrets in mlflow/secret.env
Print Kubernetes resources that you would deploy:
kubectl kustomize deployment/mlflow/env/local
Deploy the stack:
kubectl apply -k deployment/mlflow/env/local
Wait until pods labeled as mlflow
and postgres
become ready:
kubectl -n mlflow wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=postgres
kubectl -n mlflow wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=mlflow
kubectl -n mlflow wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=mlflow-minio
See the pods running in mlflow
namespace. All pods should be ready and running.
$ kubectl -n mlflow get pods
mlflow-7b7c7b6d68-mflj4 1/1 Running 0 13m
mlflow-minio-674cb5cc55-hlkrq 1/1 Running 0 3h32m
postgres-547474dc58-8fscf 1/1 Running 0 3h37m
If anything is wrong, you can read the pod logs with:
kubectl -n mlflow logs -l app=mlflow
To access MLFlow UI locally, forward a local port to MLFlow server:
kubectl -n mlflow port-forward svc/mlflow 5000:5000
Now MLFlow's UI should be reachable at http://localhost:5000
To access MinIO UI locally, forward a local port to MinIO console:
kubectl -n mlflow port-forward svc/mlflow-minio-service 9001:9001
Now MinIO's UI should be reachable at http://localhost:9001
The default user and password are both minioadmin
. They are defined in the mlflow/config.env
and mlflow/secret.env
environment files.
To access MinIO Server locally, forward a local port to MinIO server:
kubectl -n mlflow port-forward svc/mlflow-minio-service 9000:9000
In a later tutorial, we will see how to set up the ingress controller so that we can access mlflow and minio without having to use
Follow the instructions of the MLflow sample to test the MLflow/MinIO setup.