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Deploy MLflow

In this guide, we deploy MLflow tracking server to Kubernetes.

The deployment uses Google Storage bucket as artifact store as a location for large data and training artifacts (for example, models).

MLflow also requires an SQL database as backend store. There are two deployment alternatives:

  • using in-cluster PostgreSQL database
  • using Cloud SQL

Using in-cluster database is easier to setup and cheaper to run. However, using Cloud SQL is recommended for production deployments.


The environment variables set in Preparation are expected to be set in your shell.

Understand Kustomize

Kubernetes resources are deployed using Kustomize. See this presentation and this tutorial to understand the basics.

MLflow Docker image

TODO: Currently the image is located in a Silo's public repository.

Setup Kustomize overlay

The folder deployment/mlflow contains a Kustomize overlay that can be used for deploying MLFlow. The base can be found in mlflow/base repository.

Modify the value of DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_ROOT in deployment/mlflow/base/config.env by filling in the URL of the Google Storage bucket that you created before (BUCKET_NAME_MLFLOW).

MLflow deployment

Alternative 1: Using Cloud SQL

In the Cloud SQL instance you created before, create database with name mlflowdb:

gcloud sql databases create mlflowdb \

Modify the value of GCP_CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_NAME in deployment/mlflow/env/gcp-cloudsql/params.env by filling in your Cloud SQL instance (<PROJECT_ID>.<REGION>.<CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_NAME>).

Ensure the manifest is valid:

# deployment/mlflow
kubectl kustomize deployment/mlflow/env/gcp-cloudsql

Deploy MLflow:

kubectl apply -k deployment/mlflow/env/gcp-cloudsql

Alternative 2: Using in-cluster database

Ensure the manifest is valid:

# deployment/mlflow
kubectl kustomize deployment/mlflow/env/gcp

Deploy MLflow:

kubectl apply -k deployment/mlflow/env/gcp

Set up access to Google Cloud resources

We need to setup access to Google Cloud services for MLflow. Workload identity is the recommended way. Alternatively, one can export service account keys and store them as Kubernetes secrets.

You can also use the Compute Engine default service account of your nodes. If you do not specify a service account during node pool creation, GKE uses the Compute Engine default service account for the project. The Compute Engine service account is shared by all workloads deployed on that node. This can result in over-provisioning of permissions, which violates the principle of least privilege and is inappropriate for multi-tenant clusters.

Workload Identity Federation (recommended)

Here we se tup access using workload identity federation.

Allow the Kubernetes service account mlflow in mlflow namespace to impersonate the IAM MLflow service account by adding an IAM policy binding between the two service accounts. This binding allows the Kubernetes service account to act as the IAM service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $MLFLOW_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$ \
    --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
    --member "serviceAccount:$[mlflow/mlflow]"

The part [mlflow/mlflow] refers to Kubernetes service account mlflow in namespace mlflow. Adjust accordingly if needed.

Annotate the Kubernetes service account with the email address of the IAM service account:

kubectl -n mlflow annotate serviceaccount mlflow$MLFLOW_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$

Cloud SQL access (only for Cloud SQL)

Only needed when using the alternative 1: Using Cloud SQL

To allow MLflow to access Cloud SQL, we need to grant the kubernetes service account mlflow-cloudsql-proxy in namespace mlflow with permissions to access Cloud SQL.

Create a new GCP service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts create $MLFLOW_CLOUDSQL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID \
    --description="SA for MLflow CloudSQL proxy in GKE" \

Grant the service account with permissions to access Cloud SQL:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
  --member="serviceAccount:$MLFLOW_CLOUDSQL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$" \

Allow the Kubernetes service account mlflow-cloudsql-proxy in mlflow namespace to impersonate the IAM MLflow CloudSQL service account.

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $MLFLOW_CLOUDSQL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$ \
    --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
    --member "serviceAccount:$[mlflow/mlflow-cloudsql-proxy]"

Annotate the Kubernetes service account with the email address of the IAM service account:

kubectl -n mlflow annotate serviceaccount mlflow-cloudsql-proxy$MLFLOW_CLOUDSQL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$

Check deployment health

Wait until pods labeled as mlflow and postgres become ready:

kubectl -n mlflow wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=mlflow
kubectl -n mlflow wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=postgres

See the pods running in mlflow namespace. All pods should be ready and running.

$ kubectl -n mlflow get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mlflow-ff6c958b8-p5whr     1/1     Running   1          25h
postgres-989f7bcff-kmt86   1/1     Running   1          25h

If anything is wrong, you can read the pod logs with:

kubectl -n mlflow logs -l app=mlflow

To access MLFlow UI locally, forward a local port to MLFlow server:

kubectl -n mlflow port-forward svc/mlflow 5000:5000

Now MLFlow's UI should be reachable at http://localhost:5000.