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Deploy Kubeflow

In this step, we deploy Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) to our GKE cluster.


The environment variables set in Preparation are expected to be set in your shell.

Check if the cluster credentials are retrieved:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone=$ZONE

Prepare kubectl context

Check your current context in kubectl and make sure it is pointing to the target cluster for this task.

kubectl config current-context

Output format in gke_[PROJECT_ID]_[ZONE]_[CLUSTER_NAME]

Switch kubectl to the right context by modifying the variables if necessary:

kubectl config use-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${ZONE}_${CLUSTER_NAME}

Option 1: Deploy using in-cluster MySQL and storage bucket (MinIO) for artifacts

Render manifests:

kustomize build deployment/kubeflow/manifests/example

See differences to existing deployment:

kustomize build deployment/kubeflow/manifests/example | kubectl diff -f -


kustomize build deployment/kubeflow/manifests/apps/pipeline/upstream/cluster-scoped-resources | kubectl apply -f -
kustomize build deployment/kubeflow/manifests/example | kubectl apply -f -

Deployment will take several minutes. If you see any errors in the previous command output, it could be a simple race condition error. Try running the command again.

Check status of the pods with:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

All pods should be in Running state.

Custom Kubeflow resources

In order to run the demo notebooks and other use-cases, we need to create these two additional resources:

  • A secret that MLflow can use to access the storage bucket (MinIO): aws-secret.yaml
  • A service account to allow Kserve to access the storage bucket (MinIO) where the model artifacts are stored: kserve-sa.yaml
kubectl apply -k deployment/kubeflow-custom

Access Kubeflow dashboard

Run the following to port-forward Istio's Ingress-Gateway to local port 8080:

kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system 8080:80

After running the command, you can access the Kubeflow Central Dashboard at http://localhost:8080/.

You should see the login screen. You can use the default user's credential to login.

The default email address is [email protected] and the default password is 12341234.

Set up access to Google Cloud resources

We need to ensure containers running in Kubeflow Pipelines can access Google Cloud services like storage buckets. Workload identity is the recommended way. Alternatively, one can export service account keys and store them as Kubernetes secrets.

Alternative 1: Workload identity (recommended)

Here we setup access using workload identity federation.

This step is only required when deploying Option 2. Allow the Kubernetes service account default-editor to impersonate the IAM Kubeflow service account by adding an IAM policy binding between the two service accounts. This binding allows the Kubernetes service account to act as the IAM service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $KUBEFLOW_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$ \
    --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
    --member "serviceAccount:$[kubeflow-user-example-com/default-editor]"

The part [kubeflow/pipeline-runner] refers to the Kubernetes service account default-editor in namespace kubeflow-user-example-com. Adjust accordingly if needed.

Annotate the Kubernetes service account with the email address of the IAM service account:

kubectl -n kubeflow-user-example-com annotate serviceaccount default-editor$KUBEFLOW_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID@$

Alternative 2: Service account keys

KFP service account pipeline-runner also needs to read and write data from/to Cloud Storage. Add the key as secret named user-gcp-sa:

kubectl create secret -n kubeflow generic user-gcp-sa --from-file=user-gcp-sa.json=kfp-sa-key.json

This secret user-gcp-sa needs to be configured in Kubeflow pipeline step definitions to give access to Cloud Storage. For example:

from kfp.gcp import use_gcp_secret
# ...
pull_data_step = ... # Define Kubeflow Pipeline step

Create Kubeflow secret

Create the necessary secrets for KFP to access the storage bucket:

kubectl apply -k deployment/custom/kubeflow-custom/env/kubeflow

Creating User Profiles

To see how to create user profiles, please refer to official documentation: link.


1. Check the status of the pods

kubectl get pods -n kubeflow

2. Kubeflow known issues

Race condition errors can occur when deploying Kubeflow. If this happens, delete the Kubeflow namespace and redeploy the stack.

kubectl delete ns kubeflow

while ! kustomize build deployment | kubectl apply -f -; do echo "Retrying to apply resources"; sleep 10; done

Sometimes, just deleting the failing pod, so that it gets recreated, will fix the issue.

kubectl delete pod -n kubeflow <pod_name>