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File metadata and controls

115 lines (77 loc) · 3.54 KB


Supported OS: Linux, macOS.

Change the settings in config.env if needed.

Install the experimentation platform with:

./ [--test] [--debug]
  • --test: Use this flag to run the tests right after installation.
  • --debug: Print extra output information.

WARNING: Using the --test flag will install the requirements-tests.txt in your current python environment.

Deployment options

  1. Kubeflow: Full Kubeflow deployment with all components.
  2. Kubeflow (without monitoring): Full Kubeflow deployment without monitoring components (prometheus, grafana).
  3. Standalone KFP: Standalone KFP deployment.
  4. Standalone KFP (without monitoring): Standalone KFP deployment without monitoring components (prometheus, grafana).
  5. Standalone KFP and Kserve: Standalone KFP and Kserve deployment.
  6. Standalone KFP and Kserve (without monitoring): Standalone KFP and Kserve deployment without monitoring components (prometheus, grafana).

The minimum recommended machine requirements are:

  • Kubeflow options: 12 CPU cores, 25GB free disk space.
  • Standalone KFP options: 8 CPU cores, 18GB free disk space.

Test the deployment (manually)

If you just deployed the platform, it will take a while to become ready. You can use the following script to make sure the deployment is ready and all resource are running correctly.

# install test requirements
pip install -r tests/requirements-tests.txt
# wait for the deployment to be ready
python tests/ --timeout 30

Run the tests with:

pytest tests/ [-vrP] [--log-cli-level=INFO]

These are the same tests that are run automatically if you use the --test flag on installation.


Uninstall the MLOps Platform with:


Manual deletion

The script should delete everything, but if you need to manually remove the platform, you can do it with:

# list kind clusters
kind get clusters

# delete the kind cluster
kind delete cluster --name [CLUSTER_NAME]

If you also installed the local docker registry:

# check if it is running (kind-registry)
$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                       NAMES
6d7e3ef4e1fe   registry:2   "/ /etc…"   2 hours ago    Up 2 hours>5000/tcp    kind-registry
# delete it
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aqf "name=kind-registry")


Error: namespace "kubeflow-user-example-com" not found

This is not an error, and it is expected. Some of the things being deployed depend on other components, which need to be deployed and become ready first. For example, the namespace kubeflow-user-example-com is created by a kubeflow component. That's why we deploy in a loop until everything is applied successfully.

Once the main kubeflow deployment is ready, the kubeflow-user-example-com namespace will be created, and the command should finish successfully.

However, if there is an underlying issue, the loop might never finish. In this case, you can check the status of the deployment with:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Everything should be either in Running state, or being deployed (ContainerCreating). If there is an error, you will see it in the STATUS column.

If there is an error, you can check the pod errors with:

kubectl describe pod -n [NAMESPACE] [POD_NAME]

# check logs
kubectl logs -n [NAMESPACE] [POD_NAME]