Install Go and ensure that your GOPATH
env variable is set (usually it's ~/go
Note this app uses govendor ( to manage its dependencies.
go get -d
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get -u
$GOPATH/bin/dep ensure
go build
go run launch.go (Does both the build and run cmd above)
The dockerfile is a multistage dockerfile which can be built using:
docker build -t go-launch-a-survey:latest .
You can then run the image using SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL
to point it at an instance of survey runner.
docker run -e SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL=http://localhost:5000 -it -p 8000:8000 go-launch-a-survey:latest
The syntax for this will be slightly different on Mac
docker run -e SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL= -it -p 8000:8000 go-launch-a-survey:latest
You should then be able to access go launcher at localhost:8000
You can also run a Survey Register for launcher to load Schemas from
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 onsdigital/eq-survey-register:simple-rest-api
For this to work ensure the JSON you are passing has an eq_id and form_type. Run Survey Launcher
Now run Go launcher and navigate to "http://localhost:8000/quick-launch?url=" passing the url of the JSON
Deployment with Helm
To deploy this application with helm, you must have a kubernetes cluster already running and be logged into the cluster.
Log in to the cluster using:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials survey-runner --region <region> --project <gcp_project_id>
You need to have Helm installed locally
Install Helm with
brew install kubernetes-helm
and then runhelm init --client-only
Install Helm Tiller plugin for tillerless deploys
helm plugin install
To deploy to a cluster you can run the following command
./k8s/ v1.0.0
To run the unit tests, pass go test ./... -cover -v
into the command line.
- JWT spec based on
Environment Variable | Meaning | Default |
GO_LAUNCH_A_SURVEY_LISTEN_HOST | Host address to listen on | |
GO_LAUNCH_A_SURVEY_LISTEN_PORT | Host port to listen on | 8000 |
SURVEY_RUNNER_URL | URL of Survey Runner to re-direct to when launching a survey | http://localhost:5000 |
SURVEY_REGISTER_URL | URL of eq-survey-register to load schema list from | http://localhost:8080 |
JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH | Path to the JWT Encryption Key (PEM format) | jwt-test-keys/sdc-user-authentication-encryption-sr-public-key.pem |
JWT_SIGNING_KEY_PATH | Path to the JWT Signing Key (PEM format) | jwt-test-keys/sdc-user-authentication-signing-launcher-private-key.pem |