Start with a 3D modeling & linguistics framework, may involve a custom keywords glossary. |
Know that this specialty involves learning to probe something without necessarily having to physically contact its surface. This is what spectroscopy or "scatterometry" is about. |
Typically, topics covered under quantum hardware engineering are combinations of materials science & engineering, quantum metrology, quantum transport, quantum optics, & quantum electronic design automation. |
Know how electronic filters are configured or set up. |
Know how electronic filters are designed & what they look like. |
Know what components various filters are made of. |
Know the difference between passive & active filters. |
Know the difference between optical, microwave, & radio frequency (RF) isolators, circulators, & mixers. |
Be aware of different room temperature & cryogenic amplifiers. |
Know what room temperature & cryogenic amplifiers are made of. |
Know the different types/hierarchy of amplifier noise (thermal, shot, external, quantum). |
Know how a signal curve or response is manipulated. |
Know how signals are triggered. |
Know what impedance matching is (how many ohms is required). |
Know how a Smith chart works. |
Know the many purposes of a resistor (there's a whole list). |
Know what multiphase power means. |
Know what a resonator & resonator cavity is. |
Know what vector network & spectrum analyzers, arbitrary waveform generators, & signal generators do. |
Know what an oscillator circuit does (voltage fluctuation or AC). |
Know what an inverter circuit does (DC to AC conversion). |
Know what a rectifier circuit does (AC to DC conversion). |
Know what high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, band-stop filter circuits/crossover networks do (signal filtering). |
Know what a comparator circuit does (threshold indicator). |
Know what a few basic logic gates can do (calculator). |
Know what a PID [closed-loop] controller does (electronic-based self-balancing). |
Know what a feed forward [open-loop] controller does (electronic-based self-balancing alternative). |
Bonus: Know how to build a simple electronic audio amplifier device (it has many components similar to quantum computing systems). |