Welcome to the Number Guessing Game! In this game, you will be prompted to enter an upper and lower bound, and the program will generate a random number within that range for you to guess.
Run the game file game.py
Enter the upper and lower bounds for the number range
The program will use the logarithm function to calculate the chances of guessing the number
You will be prompted to input a number within the specified range
If your guess is correct, you win! If not, you will be prompted to guess again until the correct number is guessed or your chances are exhausted.
The program uses the logarithm function to calculate the chances of guessing the number
The game includes a feature to allow the user to play again
The program checks if the input is a valid number and within the specified range
- Python 3.6 or later
- random and math library
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.