This is the application that let scholar to publish post and create the event.
Before you start this project, remember to ask the admin to give you the github access token.
cd /home
sudo git clone
sudo chown -R <your-username> /home/BrainLib/
cd /home/BrainLib/
After that edit the docker-compose.yaml, and add the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and IMGUR_API_KEY to file.
Finaly, run the docker compose.
sudo docker compose up -d
If you use the Window system, openning the Docker Desktop before running docker compose.
init: 初始化專案
add: 新增項目(但功能未完成)
feat: 新增功能(功能已完成)
RWD: RWD 的功能修正
chore: 雜務(如新增附件檔、上傳字體檔等等)
fix: 修正 bug 或 issue
hotfix: 「即時」修正嚴重 bug
- 上傳圖片、字型: "chore: upload images and fonts"
- 修正部分裝置的 RWD: "RWD: adjust layout on tablet"
- 完成桌機頁面: "feat: complete desktop and tablet layout"
before you start your project please create your branch first.
git checkout -b <your name>
when you finish your job, you need to push your progress to github
git push
Do not push to the main branch !
- backend
docker build -t spring_env .
docker run -it --name spring -v ./:/app/backend/ -w /app/backend -p 8080:8080 -d spring_env
docker exec -it spring /bin/sh
./gradlew bootRun
- frontend
docker image build -t nuxt3-env .
docker run -it --name nuxt -v .:/app -p 3000:3000 -d nuxt3-env
docker exec -it nuxt /bin/sh
vue3 (follow the guideline at least Level B):
The image should be put in the public/ and create a directory corresponding to the pages directory.
ex: avatar.png will be used in /pages/posts/index.vue, so it will be put in /public/posts/.
The components should be put in the components/ and create a directory corresponding to the pages directory.
ex: ToDoListModal.vue will be used in /pages/posts/index.vue, so it will be put in /components/posts/.
database :
- all the names are snake_case style
- table name should be plural
- collumn name should be singular
java : follow the tradition of oracle
frontend : nuxt3 + tailwind + editor.js
database : postgres + adminer
backend : spring + spring data jpa + jwt