In addition to Java 11 or greater, ocfl-java
requires Maven
3 for building. You can either
install Maven globally on your system or use the provided mvnw
The following example commands are all run in the project's root directory.
Execute all of the unit tests:
./mvnw test
Execute all of the unit tests, integration tests, and spotless:
./mvnw verify
Build the source and install it in your local Maven cache:
./mvnw install
Optionally, you may use just to run build commands. It is a simple abstraction on top of Maven. The available commands are:
Available recipes:
build # Builds ocfl-java
default # Lists available commands
format # Applies the code formatter
install # Installs ocfl-java into local M2
test # Runs the tests
test-filter PATTERN # Runs the tests that match the pattern
The code is formatted using
Spotless and
The code must be formatted prior to submitting a PR. To do this,
simply run ./mvnw spotless:apply
is extensively tested by integration tests located in the
module. These tests run against both storage
implementations. The CI pipeline runs all of the tests against on
Linux and Windows, and tests against a live Amazon S3 bucket.
validator is tested against the official
fixtures in addition to custom
fixtures, as part of the unit tests in the ocfl-java-core
git checkout -b "release-$RELEASE_VERSION"
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=$RELEASE_VERSION
# Update version in
# Update version in
git add .
git commit -m "v$RELEASE_VERSION"
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=$SNAP_VERSION
git add .
git commit -m "back to snapshot"
git push origin release-$RELEASE_VERSION
# Create PR and merge into main
git checkout main
git pull
# Find the ref of the commit to tag
git push upstream "v$RELEASE_VERSION"
git checkout "v$RELEASE_VERSION"
mvn clean deploy -P ossrh,release
# Log into Sonatype and release