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Multi-Room Chat Application

This is an educational .NET 6 web application project for learning Blazor, SignalR, and Entity Framework. The app is able to create connections among users and send messages to users of the same chat room.


Chat Room Image

How to run?

  1. Add Secret keys to the API Application
  "JwtSettings:Key": "SomeRandomLongJWTKey",
  "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection": "Server=host.docker.internal;Port=5432;Database=chatapp;User Id=root Password=root;TrustServerCertificate=True"
  1. Create .env file at the root directory, filling the fields of the .env.example values.

  2. Create dot net development certificates for self-signed certificates, using powershell.

dotnet dev-certs https --clean
dotnet dev-certs https -ep .aspnet\https\aspnetapp.pfx -p password
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
  1. Navigate to the root directory and run the following command. You can then run the application through your docker container through the url https://localhost:5001.
docker compose up
  1. To stop the containers, run the following command.
docker compose down