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Deprecate packages

Xavier Decoster edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 40 revisions


Deprecate obsolete, legacy packages #2867


  1. There are certain cases when a package author should be able to let the package consumers know that a certain package (version) should no longer be used i.e. deprecated. As summarized in one of the comments on the issue, following are the most important cases for package deprecation:
  • This package is legacy and no longer maintained
  • The package has bug/issues that makes the package unusable
  • Other: (other custom reasons like performance, privacy, private package, etc.)

Today, package authors can un-list a package but there is no explicit feedback to the package consumers that a certain package version should no longer be used once its already in the project's list of packages (direct or full closure including transitive packages).

  1. In addition to the above, there is no mechanism for the package authors to suggest a new package or a new version to the package consumers where the issue (due to which the package was deprecated) has been fixed.

Out of scope


Marking a package as deprecated (Server)

Package publishers should be able to mark package (and version(s)) as deprecated with one of the reasons as mentioned above.

Publisher experience (on

  1. Package author goes to the Packages\<PackageID>\Manage page and expands the Deprecate package(s) section.

  2. Is required to select version(s): By default, the version from the package version page which led to this page, is selected. Authors can choose one or many versions.

  3. Select reason(s): One or many of the following reasons can be selected

  • This package is legacy and no longer maintained
  • The package has critical bugs that make it unusable
  • Other: (other custom reasons like performance, privacy, private package, etc.).
  1. Provide alternate package (optional)
  • The package needs to be an existing package on
  • Once a valid package is selected, the version dropdown is populated with available versions. By default it is set to Latest stable. (If all versions are pre-release, it states Latest).
  • While selecting alternate recommended package, there would be auto-complete and verification built-in for existing packages. If a non-existent package ID is entered, the save button will be disabled and error message printed.
  • The alternate package cannot be an unlisted package at the time of deprecation.
  • The alternate package can be the same package ID as the one being deprecated, but the alternate package version may not be (one of) the version(s) being deprecated.
  1. Provide custom message (optional)
  • This is mandatory if the reason Other is selected.
  • This is free text field that authors can fill in with any valid reason.
  • [Open] Supports English only or UTF-8 characters.
  • This message will currently not be exposed in NuGet clients.


Additional scenarios

  • What happens when multiple versions are selected that had existing deprecation states?

A: The changes are additive in nature where possible. i.e. for reasons, its additive. Alternate package and custom message fields will get overwritten. When such selections are done, There are warnings for each of the sections stating this. E.g. of warning message

  • Select reason(s): Some of the package versions selected were already deprecated. The reasons selected here will be added to the existing reasons for those versions.

  • Provide alternate package: Some of the package versions selected were already deprecated. The alternate package selected here will override any existing details provided.

  • Provide custom message: Some of the package versions selected were already deprecated. The custom message provided here will override any existing details provided.

  • How to undeprecate package versions?

A: The same way as deprecate packages. Just clearing all the fields and saving it will un-deprecate. There will be a confirmation window to confirm this action.

CLI (author) experience

There is no client command required for the MVP.

Consumer experience

The deprecation information needs to be shown on below the package ID+version - minimized by default and detailed when expanded. E.g.

Minimized: image

Expanded: image

Visual Studio

This deprecation information should be shown on:

  1. [P0] PMUI Installed tab

Minimized: image

Expanded: image

  1. PMUI Updates tab Not required for MVP. The details page will show the deprecated information as shown for the Installed section.

  2. In the package details page upon selection of a deprecated package The details page will show the deprecated information as shown for the Installed section.

  3. [Cut]* Upon restore .

    1. Information message, by default, on restore (for verbosity = normal and above). This is not applicable for NoOp restore. i.e. the deprecation message will only be shown when a full restore takes place that includes re evaluation of dependency graph.
    2. [Not MVP] Warning message, upon property setting, on restore i.e. when RestoreWarnForDeprecatedPackage set to true. An equivalent available in nuget.oconfig as well and PM UI as well.

* 4 is CUT due to the following reasons and open questions. This may be re-visited based on how we implement the restore time auditing of packages for vulnerabilities.

  • Currently there is caching at mutliple levels and hence latest deprecation information may not be feasible without degrading restore perf significantly
  • Should this check be offline or always online?
  • Should this be a general protocol that any NuGet Server can implement? Or only?
  • Should this information be cached in Global Packages Folder? If so, how can users get out of the stale deprecation information? Same as first question.
  • Privacy concerns.



  • An outdated package has a newer version available in one of the package sources.
  • A deprecated package is marked as deprecated in one of the package sources.
  • A deprecated package is not necessarily outdated, but an outdated package may be deprecated.


  • Add marker (D) next to deprecated package versions in output of dotnet list package --outdated
  • Support new dotnet list package --deprecated command
  • Prefer optimal output formatting to facilitate parsing deprecation information


  • Detecting deprecated packages currently does not result in error codes to support breaking builds on CI systems
  • Parseable output format using --output json is useful, but demands a spec of its own for this command, and is not restricted to deprecation info. This is tracked by issue NuGet/Home#7752.
  • Additional verbosity levels are a potential future expansion, but out of scope for the MVP of this feature.
  • We won't show author message as part of deprecation info at this point.
  • We won't be flagging deprecated packages yet during or after restore.


The --help output must be updated to include the new --deprecated option. Other existing options should refer to the --deprecated option as needed.

Usage: dotnet list <PROJECT | SOLUTION> package [options]

  <PROJECT | SOLUTION>   The project or solution file to operate on. If a file is not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.

  -h, --help                                Show command line help.
  --outdated                                Lists packages that have newer versions.
  --deprecated                              Lists packages that have been deprecated.
  --framework <FRAMEWORK | FRAMEWORK\RID>   Chooses a framework to show its packages. Use the option multiple times for multiple frameworks.
  --include-transitive                      Lists transitive and top-level packages.
  --include-prerelease                      Consider packages with prerelease versions when searching for newer packages. Requires the '--outdated' or '--deprecated' option.
  --highest-patch                           Consider only the packages with a matching major and minor version numbers when searching for newer packages. Requires the '--outdated' option.
  --highest-minor                           Consider only the packages with a matching major version number when searching for newer packages. Requires the '--outdated' option.
  --config <CONFIG_FILE>                    The path to the NuGet config file to use. Requires the '--outdated' or '--deprecated' option.
  --source <SOURCE>                         The NuGet sources to use when searching for newer packages. Requires the '--outdated' or '--deprecated' option.

dotnet list package --outdated

Lists which installed packages have newer versions available.

If any of the outdated packages is deprecated, a (D) marker is printed next to the version indicating the package is deprecated.

Important! Installed packages that are deprecated but not outdated will not be part of the output.

A description is printed to the console explaining what the (D) marker means.

> dotnet list package --outdated

The following sources were used: -
   Local - C:\NuGet\NuGetLocal

3 packages need your attention - 2 outdated, 1 deprecated.

Package                Current     Wanted      Latest   
EntityFramework        6.1.2       6.1.2       6.2.0   
NUnit                  2.4.0       2.6.4       3.8.1  
My.Sample.Pkg          2.1.3 (D)   4.1.0       4.1.0

(D): Deprecated package(s). Use 'dotnet list package --deprecated' for more info.

dotnet list package --deprecated

Lists which installed packages have been deprecated.

> dotnet list package --deprecated

The following sources were used: -
   Local - C:\NuGet\NuGetLocal

Project `ClassLibrary1` uses the following deprecated packages
   Top-level Package              Resolved     Reason                 Alternative
   > My.Legacy.Package            2.0.0        Legacy                 My.Awesome.Package >= 3.0.0
   > My.Buggy.Package	          1.1.0        Critical Bugs          My.NotBuggy.Package >= 2.0.0
   > My.Deprecated.Package        3.2.1        Other                  My.NotBuggy.Package >= 2.0.0
   > My.CompletelyBroken.Package  0.9.0        Legacy, Critical Bugs  My.Awesome.Package >= 1.0.0

> To see all packages including transitive packages, additional option `--include-transitive` can be used. 

dotnet list package --outdated --deprecated

This is a weird scenario:

  • Either the output is filtered to search for newer packages;
  • or the output is filtered to search for deprecated packages (which are not necessarily outdated)

Combining --outdated and --deprecated options will not be supported.

Proposed error message:

Invalid command. Combining '--outdated' and '--deprecated' options is not supported.

Flagged during/after restore

During restore, NuGet should inform with the same text as shown in the VS UI.

  • Out of scope:
    • Showing deprecation warning if the package is served from a repository that does not support deprecation.
    • Ability to show deprecation warnings for packages served from file/UNC based repositories.
    • [CUT] NuGet restore showing warning consistently when the same package is hosted on more than 1 repository where one repository has deprecated the package but others have not. This is because restore picks up the package from the source that responds the fastest. Note: This information should be shown on package listing (VS package manager or CLI) i.e. even if one of the sources has the deprecation information.
    • [CUT] Showing deprecation warning if package is sourced from a repository that does not have deprecation information even if it hosts packages from another repository, supporting deprecation functionality, as upstream or offline copy.


What's Being Worked On?

Check out the proposals in the accepted & proposed folders on the repository, and active PRs for proposals being discussed today.

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