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The Nim language server implementation (based on nimsuggest)

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Nim Language Server

Nim Language Server, or nimlangserver, is a language server for Nim.


IMPORTANT you might want to use latest build of the nimlangserver and/or build it from source.

nimlangserver requires nimble >= 0.16.1

Installing binaries

NB: nimlangserver requires nimsuggest version that supports --v3:

You can install the latest release into $HOME/.nimble/bin using e.g.:

nimble install nimlangserver

From Source

nimble build


Sublime Text

Install LSP-nimlangserver from Package Control.

Zed Editor

Install Nim Extenstion from the Zed Editor extensions.


  • lsp Neovim has built-in LSP support. Although, you might want to use something like lsp-config to take care of the boilerplate code for the most LSP configurations. Install lsp-config using your favourite plugin manager an place the following code into your init.vim config:
lua <<EOF

  settings = {
    nim = {
      nimsuggestPath = "~/.nimble/bin/custom_lang_server_build"


Change configuration to your liking (most probably you don't need to provide any settings at all, defaults should work fine for the majority of the users). You might also want to read lsp-config documentation to setup key bindings, autocompletion and so on.

IMPORTANT you might want to use latest build of the nimlangserver and/or build it from source.


  • coc.nvim supports both classical VIM as well as Neovim. It also supports vscode-like coc-settings.json for LSP configuration. Install the plugin via your favourite plugin manager, create coc-settings.json alongside your init.vim and add the following contents to it:
  "languageserver": {
    "nim": {
      "command": "nimlangserver",
      "filetypes": ["nim"],
      "trace.server": "verbose",
      "settings": {
        "nim": {
          "nimsuggestPath": "~/.nimble/bin/nimsuggest"

Of course, change the configuration to your liking. You might also want to read coc.nvim documentation to setup key bindings, autocompletion and so on.

Configuration Options

  • nim.projectMapping - configure how nimsuggest should be started. Here it is sample configuration for VScode. We don't want nimlangserver to start nimsuggest for each file and this configuration will allow configuring pair projectFile/fileRegex so when one of the regexp in the list matches current file then nimls will use root to start nimsuggest. In case there are no matches nimlangserver will try to guess the most suitable project root.
    "nim.projectMapping": [{
        // open files under tests using one nimsuggest instance started with root = test/all.nim
        "projectFile": "tests/all.nim",
        "fileRegex": "tests/.*\\.nim"
    }, {
        // everything else - use main.nim as root.
        "projectFile": "main.nim",
        "fileRegex": ".*\\.nim"

Note when in a nimble project, nimble will drive the entry points for nimsuggest.

  • nim.timeout - the request timeout in ms after which nimlangserver will restart the language server. If not specified the default is 2 minutes.
  • nim.nimsuggestPath - the path to the nimsuggest. The default is "nimsuggest".
  • nim.autoCheckFile - check the file on the fly
  • nim.autoCheckProject - check the project after saving the file
  • nim.autoRestart - auto restart once in case of nimsuggest crash. Note that the server won't restart if there weren't any successful calls after the last restart.
  • nim.workingDirectoryMapping - configure the working directory for specific projects.
  • nim.checkOnSave - check the file on save.
  • nim.logNimsuggest - enable logging for nimsuggest.
  • nim.inlayHints - configure inlay hints.
  • nim.notificationVerbosity - configure the verbosity of notifications. Can be set to "none", "error", "warning", or "info".
  • nim.formatOnSave - format the file on save. Requires nph to be available in the PATH.
  • nim.nimsuggestIdleTimeout - the timeout in ms after which an idle nimsuggest will be stopped. If not specified the default is 120 seconds.


nimlangserver supports the following LSP features:

  • Initialize
  • Completions
  • Hover
  • Goto definition
  • Goto declaration
  • Goto type definition
  • Document symbols
  • Find references
  • Code actions
  • Prepare rename
  • Rename symbols
  • Inlay hints
  • Signature help
  • Document formatting (Requires nph to be available in the PATH.)
  • Execute command
  • Workspace symbols
  • Document highlight
  • Shutdown
  • Exit

You can install nimlangserver using the instructions for your text editor below:

Extension methods

In addition to the standard LSP methods, nimlangserver provides additional nim specific methods.


  • Request:
  ExpandTextDocumentPositionParams* = ref object of RootObj
    textDocument*: TextDocumentIdentifier
    position*: Position
    level*: Option[int]


  • position is the position in the document.
  • textDocument is the document.
  • level is the how much levels to expand from the current position
  • Response:
  ExpandResult* = ref object of RootObj
    range*: Range
    content*: string


  • content is the expand result
  • range is the original range of the request.

Here it is sample request/response:

[Trace - 11:10:09 AM] Sending request 'extension/macroExpand - (141)'.
Params: {
  "textDocument": {
    "uri": "file:///.../tests/projects/hw/hw.nim"
  "position": {
    "line": 27,
    "character": 2
  "level": 1

[Trace - 11:10:10 AM] Received response 'extension/macroExpand - (141)' in 309ms.
Result: {
  "range": {
    "start": {
      "line": 27,
      "character": 0
    "end": {
      "line": 28,
      "character": 19
  "content": "  block:\n    template field1(): untyped =\n      a.field1\n\n    template field2(): untyped =\n      a.field2\n\n    field1 = field2"


Install the vscode-nim extension from here


  • Install lsp-mode and nim-mode from melpa and add the following to your config:
(add-hook 'nim-mode-hook #'lsp)


nimlangserver supports two transport modes:

  • stdio
  • socket

To use socket mode, start nimlangserver with the --socket flag. You can set the port using the --port flag. If you don't specify the port, nimlangserver will automatically find an open port and print it in the console.

Related Projects

  • nimlsp

    Both nimlangserver and nimlsp are based on nimsuggest, but the main difference is that nimlsp has a single specific version of nimsuggest embedded in the server executable, while nimlangserver launches nimsuggest as an external process. This allows nimlangserver to handle any nimsuggest crashes more gracefully.
