- To create a fun simple app that a user can iteract with.
- Learn new skills through hands on development.
- Working model now in opperation.
- One hundred fotunes added - generated by GoPilot.
- Mock up added to Readme from a live preview.
- Flex alignment.
- Start page.
- JavaScipt array to offer random fortunes predictions.
- interaction button to have fortune told.
- Create fortune teller character.
- List of potential fortunes.
- Source audio.
- Gitpod for creating source code.
- Chrome development tools for debugging.
- CoPilot A.I. for assiting in creating images.
- CoPilot A.I. for assiting in creating fortunes.
- PNG background image not displaying attempted file convertion to jpg as a test but still not able to correct this.
Solution - Base64 Encoder used to covert image.
- Audio not working on Apple devices to be resolved at a later date (it's late!)