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256 lines (171 loc) · 7.9 KB



  • git
  • make
  • docker >= 18.06
  • docker-compose >= 1.23


git clone [email protected]:crf-devs/resop.git && cd resop


git clone [email protected]:crf-devs/resop.git && cd resop

make pre-configure
make configure

# Caution: you need to uncomment all `:cached` lines in the `the docker-compose.override.yml` file

make all


  • Install WSL2
  • Enable Docker support for WSL2
  • Checkout project directly within WSL, using a native windows directory as a project root will cause massive performances issues and issues with watchers ( i.e : yarn encore ).
  • Run Linux build steps from WSL

Note : PHPStorm do not currently provide a good native integration, with WSL2, you will mainly need to open the directory from WSL directory, usually the name is \wsl$\ located at same level at c/. See : IDEABKL-7908 and IDEA-171510

Without Docker

Disclaimer: This method is not recommended, please prefer the Docker way if you can.

If you don't want to use the provided Docker stack (such a weird idea, but why not), you can easily run the stack as in old times, with you own php & node & prostgres services


  • PHP 7.4
  • Node >= 13, Yarn >= 1.22
  • PostgreSQL 11
  • Symfony CLI


Create a .env.local file and set the database url:


From the Makefile, copy & run the following tasks commands manualy (you must remove the bin/tools or bin/node-tools prefix):

  • vendors
  • webpack-build-dev
  • init-db

Then, you can serve the project:

symfony server:start

If you want to watch JS & CSS changes, run:

yarn encore dev --watch

That's it :) If you need any other command, you can look for it in the Makefile.

With Vagrant + VirtualBox

If you want to run the stack with Vagrant, you can have a look to this PR in order to find a working config.


After the make command, go to, or for https (self signed certificate).

If you want to run a symfony or a php command: bin/tools <command>, example: bin/tools bin/console

Run : after a first install

You don't need to build all the stack every time. If there is no new vendor, you can simply run:

make start


The project is using a Traefik proxy in order to allow access to all the HTTP services of the project. This service is listening on the 7500 port of the host. The * domain names are binded on localhost. In order to use them offline, you only have to add a line on your /etc/hosts file.


Caution: the traefik proxy will only serve healthy containers. The api container can be unaccessible before the first healthcheck (5s).


A PostgreSQL server is provided by the docker-compose file, as well as an adminer web interface.

      - POSTGRES_DB=resop
      - POSTGRES_USER=resop
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespwd

Web interface

If you want to access the data, the easiest way is to use the adminer service from your browser.

Host port binding

If you need to access the DB from your host, you must uncomment the following lines in your docker-compose.override.yml file:

  # ...
    # ...
      - '5432:5432'

Then, run docker-compose up -d postgres. The DB is now available on the localhost:5432 port!


If you want to load huge amount of data, for example to test the performances, run the following command in the fpm container:

bin/tools sh -c "APP_NB_USERS=15 APP_NB_AVAILABILITIES=6 bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --purge-with-truncate --no-interaction"
  • APP_NB_USERS: number of users per organization (default: 10)
  • APP_NB_AVAILABILITIES: number of days on which generating availabilities per user (default: 3)


The nginx container is available over HTTPS. This url must be used in order to use Facebook, Gmaps, camera...

Before commiting

Please always run the following commands before commiting, or the CI won't be happy ;-)

make fix-cs
make test

Hint: you can run make fix-cs-php instead of make fix-cs if you are one of those backend devs who don't touch any css or js file.


make test # Run all tests except coverage
make test-cs # php-cs-fixer
make test-advanced # phpstan
make test-unit # phpunit
make test-unit-coverage # phpunit + phpdbg


Tools & commands

As the php-fpm docker container doesn't contain any dev tool as composer, all dev commands must be run on the tools container. For example:

bin/tools composer
bin/tools bin/console cache:clear
bin/tools # to open a shell on the tools container


In order to profile the php app with Blackfire, you need to have a Blackfire account, then:

  • Uncomment the blackfire part of the docker/php-flex/Dockerfile file (but don't commit it after)
  • Uncomment the blackfire service in the docker-compose.override.yml file
  • Uncomment the blackfire env var for the fpm service in the docker-compose.override.yml file
  • Add your credentials in the docker-compose.override.yml file
  • docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate fpm blackfire
  • That's it, you can profile the app!


A node container is available in order to run yarn commands for webpack encore:

bin/node-tools yarn encore dev

make webpack-watch-dev

Built docker images

Every time a new commit is pushed onto master, the following Docker images are built:

Every time a new release is created, the following Docker images are built:

Usage in production

This is an example of docker-compose.yml file with parameters you should use for production:

    image: crfdevs/resop:nginx-release-latest
      - fpm
      - "FPM_ENDPOINT=fpm:9001"

    image: crfdevs/resop:npm-release-latest
      - INIT_DB=true # Run migrations on start
      - DANGEROUSLY_LOAD_FIXTURES=false # Reset DB and load fixtures on start
      - "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<URL>/<DB>?serverVersion=11&charset=utf8"

If you want to initialize the DB with production data, run the following command in the fpm container:

bin/console app:load-organizations