The NWB format currently uses the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) as the primary mechanism for data storage. HDF5 was selected for the NWB format because it met several of the project's requirements. First, it is a mature data format standard with libraries available in multiple programming languages. Second, the format's hierarchical structure allows data to be grouped into logical self-documenting sections. Its structure is analogous to a file system in which its "groups" and "datasets" correspond to directories and files. Groups and datasets can have attributes that provide additional details, such as authorities' identifiers. Third, its linking feature enables data stored in one location to be transparently accessed from multiple locations in the hierarchy. The linked data can be external to the file. Fourth, HDF5 is widely supported across programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Python, MATLAB, R among others) and tools, such as, HDFView, a free, cross-platform application, can be used to open a file and browse data. Finally, ensuring the ongoing accessibility of HDF-stored data is the mission of The HDF Group, the nonprofit that is the steward of the technology.
Here we describe the mapping of NWB primitives (e.g., Groups, Datasets, Attributes, Links, etc.) used by the NWB format and specification to HDF5 storage primitives. As the NWB format was designed with HDF5 in mind, the high-level mapping between the format specification and HDF5 is quite simple:
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|
NWB Primitive | HDF5 Primitive |
Group | Group |
Dataset | Dataset |
Attribute | Attribute |
Link | Soft Link or External Link |
Using HDF5, NWB links are stored as HDF5 Soft Links or External Links. Hard Links are not used in NWB because the primary location and, hence, primary ownership and link path for secondary locations, cannot be determined for Hard Links.
Here we describe the mapping of keys from the specification language to HDF5 storage objects:
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|
NWB Key | HDF5 |
name | Name of the Group in HDF5 |
doc | HDF5 attribute doc on the HDF5 group |
groups | HDF5 groups within the HDF5 group |
datasets | HDF5 datasets within the HDF5 group |
attributes | HDF5 attributes on the HDF5 group |
links | HDF5 SoftLinks within the HDF5 group |
linkable | Not mapped; Stored in schema only |
quantity | Not mapped; Number of appearances of the group |
neurodata_type | Attribute neurodata_type |
namespace ID | Attribute namespace |
object ID | Attribute object_id |
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|
NWB Key | HDF5 |
name | Name of the dataset in HDF5 |
doc | HDF5 attribute doc on the HDF5 dataset |
dtype | Data type of the HDF5 dataset (see dtype mappings table) |
shape | Shape of the HDF5 dataset if the shape is fixed, otherwise shape defines the maxshape |
dims | Not mapped |
attributes | HDF5 attributes on the HDF5 dataset |
linkable | Not mapped; Stored in schema only |
quantity | Not mapped; Number of appearances of the dataset. |
neurodata_type | Attribute neurodata_type |
namespace ID | Attribute namespace |
object ID | Attribute object_id |
- TODO Update mapping of dims
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|
NWB Key | HDF5 |
name | Name of the attribute in HDF5 |
doc | Not mapped; Stored in schema only |
dtype | Data type of the HDF5 attribute |
shape | Shape of the HDF5 dataset if the shape is fixed, otherwise shape defines the maxshape |
dims | Not mapped; Reflected by the shape of the attribute data |
required | Not mapped; Stored in schema only |
value | Data value of the attribute |
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|
NWB Key | HDF5 |
name | Name of the HDF5 Soft Link |
doc | Not mapped; Stored in schema only |
target_type | Not mapped. The target type is determined by the type of the target of the HDF5 link |
The mappings of data types is as follows
spec valuestorage type size
- "float"
- "float32"
single precision floating point 32 bit
- "double"
- "float64"
double precision floating point 64 bit
- "long"
- "int64"
signed 64 bit integer 64 bit
- "int"
- "int32"
signed 32 bit integer 32 bit
- "int16"
signed 16 bit integer 16 bit
- "int8"
signed 8 bit integer 8 bit
- "uint32"
unsigned 32 bit integer 32 bit
- "uint16"
unsigned 16 bit integer 16 bit
- "uint8"
unsigned 8 bit integer 8 bit
- "bool"
boolean 8 bit
- "text"
- "utf"
- "utf8"
- "utf-8"
unicode variable
- "ascii"
- "str"
ascii variable
- "ref"
- "reference"
- "object"
Reference to another group or dataset
- region
Reference to a region of another dataset
- compound dtype
HDF5 compound data type
- "isodatetime"
ASCII ISO8061 datetime string. For example 2018-09-28T14:43:54.123+02:00
In practice it is useful to cache the specification a file was created with (including extensions) directly in the HDF5 file. Caching the specification in the file ensures that users can access the specification directly if necessary without requiring external resources. However, the mechanisms for caching format specifications is likely different for different storage backends and is not part of the NWB format specification itself. For the HDF5 backend, caching of the schema is implemented as follows.
The HDF5 backend adds the reserved top-level group /specifications
in which all format specifications (including
extensions) are cached. The /specifications
group contains for each specification namespace a subgroup
in which the specification for a particular version of a namespace
are stored (e.g., /specifications/core/2.0.1
in the case of the NWB core namespace at version 2.0.1).
The actual specification data is then stored as a JSON string in scalar datasets with a binary, variable-length string
data type (e.g., dtype=special_dtype(vlen=binary_type)
in Python). The specification of the namespace is stored in
while additional source files are stored in
. Here <source-filename>
refers to the main name
of the source-file without file extension (e.g., the core namespace defines nwb.ephys.yaml
as source which would
be stored in /specifications/core/2.0.1/nwb.ecephys