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Joseph Lynch edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 27 revisions

NDBench leverages Guice to reduce repetition and in favor of a more readable configuration. The registration of the listener takes place in the web.xml. InjectedWebListener is the logical place where the injectors are created and configured.

Default Implementation


To use NDBench on AWS, you need to replace LocalClusterDiscovery with AWSLocalClusterDiscovery.

NdBench Configuration

How to Use Configuration and Properties.

NdBench configuration is backed by Netflix OSS - Archaius2 implementation.

Configuring NdBench Application Running in Tomcat

The most straight-forward way to modify NdBench properties when you are running via Tomcat is by adding system property settings to the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable in the /bin directory of your Tomcat installation. For example, if you wished to change the number of writers in your benchmark to 10, you would stick the folllowing line at the very end of the file <TOMCAT_DIR>/bin/

export CATALINA_OPTS=" -Dndbench.config.numWriters=10 ... {other settings} ..."

The approach for jetty and other containers would be similar.

Default Configuration Prefix

Default Configuration prefix - ndbench.config.. For example ndbench.config.numKeys.

Configurations at component level

Note: Every config has to be prefixed with configuration prefix mentioned above

Archaius2 provides a variety of property sources which can be used to configure NDBench

Data generator configurations

Config Name Default value Description
numKeys 1000 Number of Keys to be generated and stored in memory of NdBench instance.. The number of keys you allocate may impact how your benchmark runs for plug-in clients that perform UPSERT style writes (that is: writes which create an object if the corresponding key is not present, and which update the object it if its key exists). This occurs with the Elasticsearch REST client, for example: if the number of writes you perform starts to exceed the number of keys alloted then you will see the document count in your test index cease to increase.)
numValues 200 Number of values to be generated and stored in memory of NdBench instance
dataSize 128 Data Size of each column/ item
backfillStartKey 1 StartKey for the backfill to be started from
useVariableDataSize false Indicates whether to use variable data size/ payload for generating the Values
dataSizeLowerBound 1000 Lower bound of data size in bytes in case of variable data size is generated
dataSizeUpperBound 5000 Upper bound of data size in bytes in case of variable data size is generated
useStaticData false Indicates whether to use static data/payload for generating the Values
preLoadKeys false Indicates whether keys to be generated and stored in it's in-memory(JVM) for the duration NdBench's runtime life cycle
zipfExponent 0.5 If using the ZIPFIAN Key generator this controls how skewed the Zipf Distribution is. Note that this should be between 0 (very little skew) and 0.99 (very much skew).

Threads/ Workers configurations

Config Name Default value Description
numWriters 1 Number of writer threads to used
numReaders 1 Number of reader threads to be used
numBackfill 1 Number of backfill threads to be used
writeRateLimit 100 Number of writes per sec per NdBench instance
readRateLimit 100 Number of reads per sec per NdBench instance

Tasks(Write/Read) configurations

Config Name Default value Description
writeEnabled 1 Number of writer threads to used
readEnabled 1 Number of reader threads to be used
backfillStartKey 1 Number of backfill threads to be used

Debug configurations

Config Name Default value Description
statsUpdateFreqSeconds 5 Debug log stats update frequency in seconds
statsResetFreqSeconds 200 Debug log stats reset frequency in seconds

Auto-tune related configurations

Config Name Default value Description
autoTuneEnabled false whether or not the benchmark driver will attempt to use auto-tuning to find optimal read and write rate limits
autoTuneRampPeriodMillisecs 60 the period within which the driver will attempt to raise a rate limit from its initial to its final value -- must be an integral multiple of autoTuneIncrementIntervalMillisecs.
autoTuneIncrementIntervalMillisecs 1 the number of steps within which the driver will attempt to adjust a rate limit from its initial to its final value, as given by the formula: autoTuneRampPeriodMillisecs / autoTuneIncrementIntervalMillisecs
autoTuneFinalWriteRate 1000 the upper bound on the write rate limit that the driver will attempt to adjust to if autoTuneEnabled is set to true
autoTuneWriteFailureRatioThreshold 0.01F Threshold write failure ratio beyond which no auto-tune increase will occur. If failure rate grows larger than this threshold then auto-tune triggered rate increases will cease.

How to Use Properties:

Properties inherently use Archaius configuration.

But you can use any of the Archaius2 property source methods to supply properties whichever way you would like. (eg. or System properties)

Another way to provide your properties is by implementing IConfiguration interface.