A simple script to generate a pdf or an html page from a eta template and a json/yaml file with properties to render in it.
npm install -g racejdoc
After the installation run racejdoc to get help on how to use the tool.
If the installation went well the output should be something like this:
After the installation
racejdoc -t examples_templates/01.eta --data data_objects/01.json -o output/out.pdf
racejdoc -t examples_templates/01.eta --data data_objects/01.json -o output/out.html -w
this two commands will generate an html and a pdf version of the example into the output folder
Fork, clone and in your local folder of racejdoc you can do two awesome step to develop with ease
npm i
npm link .
To install dependencies locally and add your editable version of racejdoc
to your machine.
To modify the script, edit the typescript file cli.ts and then run
npm run build
Or you can just "hot-reload" your personal racejdoc
running the following command
npm run start:dev