Inside config file, there is a part of swaywm configuration that allows to have up to 20 workspaces splitted comfortably beetween two monitors, each one with its keybindings. There are also keybindings to use bash and python3 scripts to do some actions like renaming or moving a workspace among monitors, letting all related keybindings working.
- swaywm
- python3
- i3ipc-python3
- zenity
- swaylock
- swayidle
- notify-send
See 'requirements.txt' for more information.
You just need to tweak some variables in the 'config' file, to have the configuration working within your environment.
- laptop
- external
- mod
- main_key
- external_key
- modifier_key
- path_scritps
It has currently been tested on Manjaro linux.