- iReporter enables any citizen to report any form of corruption and even provide evidence of the reports
- click on and navigate to the sign in page to create an account
- alternatively you can browse and sign up later
- After account creation, a user can navigate to the red flags or interventions pages and create/ update/ delete a redflag or an intervention respectively.
- install django 4.0.4 - for back-end
- git & GitHub -forversion control
- virtual environment (venv)
- angular cli
- deployed on heroku -backend
- deployed on angular gh-pages - front-end
- angular - The web framework used for front-end
- django - The web framework used for back-end
- pip- Dependency Management
- heroku - Used to deploy backe-end
- Postgres for database
- fork the repository and commit the changes under a new-contributing branch for versioning
Vanessa Azenwa Shiundu - Scrum master - NessaAz
Lilian Mwaura - Collaborator - LilianMwaura
Adnan Kibe - Collaborator - AdnanK1
Ian Koech - Collaborator - IanoSang
Adeline Makokha Collaborator - adeline-pepela
This project is licensed under the MIT License
MIT License