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The ntia-diagnostics SigMF Extension Namespace v2.2.0

This document defines the ntia-diagnostics extension namespace for the Signal Metadata Format (SigMF) specification. This extension namespace provides metadata to describe system diagnostic information.

0 Datatypes

The ntia-diagnostics extension defines the following datatypes:

name long-form name description
Diagnostics general diagnostics information JSON Diagnostics object containing general diagnostics information and sub-objects with diagnostics from specific components
Preselector preselector diagnostics JSON Preselector object containing diagnostics for a preselector
SPU signal processing unit diagnostics JSON SPU object containing diagnostics for a signal processing unit
Computer computer diagnostics JSON Computer object containing diagnostics for a computer
Software software versions JSON Software object containing software version information
SsdSmartData solid-state drive SMART diagnostics JSON SsdSmartData object containing results of SMART diagnostics for an SSD
ScosPlugin SCOS plugins JSON ScosPlugin object containing SCOS plugin names and versions
DiagnosticSensor Diagnostic sensor JSON DiagnosticSensor object describing a temperature sensor

Multiple key/value pairs in the objects defined by this extension MUST be ISO-8601 strings, as defined by RFC 3339, where the only allowed time-offset is z, indicating the UTC/Zulu timezone. Thus, timestamps take the form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ, where any number of digits for fractional seconds is permitted.

0.1 The Diagnostics Object

Diagnostics has the following properties:

name required type unit description
datetime false string ISO-8601 (see above) The time at which the diagnostics were gathered.
preselector false Preselector N/A Metadata to capture preselector diagnostics.
spu false SPU N/A Metadata to capture signal processing unit diagnostics.
computer false Computer N/A Metadata to capture computer diagnostics.
software false Software N/A Metadata to capture software versions.

0.2 The Preselector Diagnostics Object

The Preselector diagnostics object has the following properties:

name required type unit description
temp false double degree Celsius Temperature inside the preselector enclosure.
noise_diode_temp false double degree Celsius Temperature of the noise diode.
lna_temp false double degree Celsius Temperature of the low noise amplifier.
humidity false double percent Relative humidity inside the preselector enclosure.
door_closed false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the door of the enclosure is closed.
noise_diode_powered false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the noise diode is powered.
lna_powered false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the low noise amplifier is powered.
antenna_path_enabled false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the antenna path is enabled.
noise_diode_path_enabled false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the noise diode path is enabled.

0.3 The SPU Diagnostics Object

The SPU diagnostics object has the following properties:

name required type unit description
sigan_powered false boolean N/A Boolean indicating if the signal analyzer is powered.
preselector_powered false boolean N/A Boolean indicating if the preselector is powered.
humidity_sensors false DiagnosticSensor[] percent Humidity at specified locations.
temperature_sensors false DiagnosticSensor[] degree Celsius Temperature at specified locations.
power_sensors false DiagnosticSensor[] Volts Power readings at specified locations.
door_closed false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the door of the enclosure is closed.
temperature_control_powered false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the temperature control is powered.
heating false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the heat is on.
cooling false boolean N/A Boolean indicating whether the cooling is on.
battery_backup false boolean N/A Boolean indicating True if the device is running on battery backup
low_battery false boolean N/A Boolean indicating True if the battery backup is low
replace_battery false boolean N/A Boolean indicating True if the battery backup needs to be replaced
ups_healthy false boolean N/A Boolean indicating false if the UPS has a failure

0.4 The Computer Diagnostics Object

The Computer diagnostics object has the following properties:

name required type unit description
cpu_min_clock false double MHz Minimum sampled clock speed.
cpu_max_clock false double MHz Maximum sampled clock speed.
cpu_mean_clock false double MHz Mean sampled clock speed.
cpu_uptime false double days Number of days since the computer started
action_cpu_usage false double percent CPU utilization during action execution.
action_runtime false double seconds Total action execution time.
system_load_5m false double percent Number of processes in a runnable state over the previous 5 minutes as a percent of the number of CPUs.
memory_usage false double percent Average percent of memory used during action execution.
cpu_overheating false boolean N/A True if the CPU is overheating.
cpu_temp false double degree Celsius CPU temperature.
software_start false string ISO-8601 (see above) The time at which the sensor software started.
software_uptime false double days Number of days since the sensor software started.
ssd_smart_data false SsdSmartData N/A Information provided by the drive Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology.
ntp_active false boolean N/A True if NTP service is active on the computer
ntp_sync false boolean N/A True if the system clock is synchronized with NTP
disk_usage false double percent Percentage of total disk usage on the computer

0.5 The SsdSmartData Diagnostics Object

The SsdSmartData diagnostics object has the following properties:

name required type unit description
test_passed false boolean N/A SMART overall-health self-assessment test result.
critical_warning false string N/A Critical warning message from smartctl, a string containing a hexadecimal value, e.g., "0x00"
temp false double degree Celsius Drive temperature.
available_spare false double percent Normalized percentage (0 to 100%) of the remaining spare capacity available.
available_spare_threshold false double percent When the available_spare falls below the threshold indicated in this field, an asynchronous event completion may occur. The value is indicated as a normalized percentage (0 to 100%).
percentage_used false double percent Contains a vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based on the actual usage and the manufacturer’s prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM subsystem failure. Values may exceed 100 and percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as 255.
unsafe_shutdowns false int N/A Number of unsafe shutdowns.
integrity_errors false int N/A Number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error

0.6 The Software Versions Object

The Software versions object has the following properties:

name required type description
system_platform false string A human-readable representation of the generator's software platform, e.g. "Linux-5.4.0-153-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29"
python_version false string Semantic version of Python used by the generator
scos_sensor_version false string The SCOS Sensor version of the generator, in the form output by git describe --tags, e.g., "1.0.0-gebbc956"
scos_actions_version false string Semantic version of the SCOS Actions plugin used by the generator
scos_sigan_plugin false ScosPlugin ScosPlugin object containing the name and version of the plugin implementing the signal analyzer interface
preselector_api_version false string Semantic version of the ITS Preselector API used by the generator
sigan_firmware_version false string The version of the signal analyzer firmware, e.g. "1.2", "2.3.5", "V3.4"
sigan_api_verision false string The version of the signal analyzer API, e.g. "v1.1.5", "1.0.0", etc.

0.7 The SCOS Plugin Object

The ScosPlugin object has the following properties:

name required type description
name true string Python package name as it is imported, e.g., "scos_tekrsa"
version true string Semantic version of the SCOS plugin

0.8 The Diagnostic Sensor Object

The DiagnosticSensor object has the following properties:

name required type description
name true string Then name of the sensor
description false string A description of the sensor
expected_value false double The value expected from the sensor
maximum_allowed false double The maximum value allowed from the sensor before action should be taken
minimum_allowed false double The minimum value allowed from the sensor before action should be taken
value true double The value provided by the sensor

1 Global

The ntia-diagnostics extension adds the following name/value pairs to the global SigMF object:

name required type unit description
diagnostics false Diagnostics N/A Metadata for capturing component diagnostics.

2 Captures

The ntia-diagnostics extension does not extend the captures SigMF object.

3 Annotations

The ntia-diagnostics extension does not extend the annotations SigMF object.

4 Collection

The ntia-diagnostics extension does not extend the collection SigMF object.

5 Example

  "global" : {
    "core:datatype" : "rf32_le",
    "core:sample_rate" : 2.8E7,
    "core:version" : "1.0.0",
    "core:num_channels" : 1,
    "core:extensions" : [ {
      "name" : "ntia-core",
      "version" : "v2.0.0",
      "optional" : false
    }, {
      "name" : "ntia-diagnostics",
      "version" : "v2.2.0",
      "optional" : false
    } ],
    "ntia-core:classification" : "UNCLASSIFIED",
    "ntia-diagnostics:diagnostics" : {
      "computer" : {
        "cpu_max_clock" : 4800.0,
        "cpu_min_clock" : 1120.0,
        "cpu_mean_clock" : 3100.0,
        "action_cpu_usage" : 44.3,
        "system_load_5m" : 24.62,
        "memory_usage" : 23.8,
        "cpu_temp" : 67.0,
        "cpu_overheating" : false,
        "cpu_uptime" : 10.0,
        "software_uptime" : 1.0,
        "software_start" : "2024-03-02T00:04:45.204Z",
        "ntp_active" : true,
        "ntp_sync" : true,
        "disk_usage" : 25.0,
        "ssd_smart_data" : {
          "temp" : 41.0,
          "test_passed" : true,
          "critical_warning" : "0x00",
          "available_spare" : 100.0,
          "available_spare_threshold" : 10.0,
          "percentage_used" : 1.0,
          "unsafe_shutdowns" : 18,
          "integrity_errors" : 0
        "action_runtime" : 100.0
      "datetime" : "2024-03-02T00:04:45.191Z",
      "preselector" : {
        "temp" : 20.0,
        "humidity" : 65.0,
        "noise_diode_temp" : 21.8,
        "lna_temp" : 22.5,
        "door_closed" : true,
        "noise_diode_path_enabled" : false,
        "antenna_path_enabled" : true,
        "noise_diode_powered" : false,
        "lna_powered" : true
      "software" : {
        "system_platform" : "Linux-9.9.9-example-platform",
        "python_version" : "3.11.5",
        "scos_sensor_version" : "1.0.0-gcbb75ad",
        "scos_actions_version" : "2.0.0",
        "scos_sigan_plugin" : {
          "name" : "scos_tekrsa",
          "version" : "3.1.4"
        "preselector_api_version" : "1.0.0",
        "sigan_firmware_version" : "1.2.3",
        "sigan_api_version" : "V1.0.0"
      "spu" : {
        "cooling" : false,
        "heating" : false,
        "low_battery" : false,
        "battery_backup" : false,
        "preselector_powered" : true,
        "sigan_powered" : true,
        "door_closed" : true,
        "humidity_sensors" : [ {
          "name" : "internal_humidity",
          "value" : 17.0
        } ],
        "temperature_sensors" : [ {
          "name" : "internal_temp",
          "value" : 32.0
        } ],
        "power_sensors" : [ {
          "name" : "5V_power_monitor",
          "value" : 5.0,
          "expected_value" : 5.0
        } ],
        "ups_healthy" : true,
        "replace_battery" : false
  "captures" : [ ... ],
  "annotations" : [ ... ]