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There is a restaurant listing platform that provides information about various restaurants and has features such as restaurant type, images, addresses, features, pricing, user-reviews. A user can leave a review on the website and restaurant owner can answer the queries


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Restaurant Review System

This is the API for a restaurant review system. It allows users to create, retrieve, update, and delete restaurant reviews (functionality may vary based on implementation).

Table of Contents

  • Project Overview: #project-overview
  • Installation: #installation
  • Usage: #usage
  • API Documentation: #api-documentation
  • Contributing: #contributing
  • License: #license

Project Overview

This project provides a RESTful API for managing restaurant reviews. Users can be of 3 types:

  • admin, business owner & user
  • The permissions to perform operations are based on the rules defined for each user.


  • Create a user.
  • Delete a user.
  • Get details of a user.
  • Update the user profile details.
  • Login user by using credentials and fetch the JWT token.


  • Create a restaurant.
  • Delete a restaurant.
  • Get details of a restaurant.
  • Get all restaurants.
  • Update details of the restaurant.


  • Create new reviews for existing restaurants.
  • Retrieve existing reviews for a restaurant or all restaurants.
  • Update their reviews.
  • Delete their reviews.
  • Response to a review by restaurant owner or admin only.


  • Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.
  • A MongoDB database instance running.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd restaurant-review-system
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install

    (or yarn install if using yarn)

  4. Environment Variables:

    Create a .env file in the project root directory and set the following environment variable:

    • MONGO_URI: Your MongoDB connection string.


  1. Start the Server:

    npm start

    (or yarn start)

    This will start the server on port 3000 by default (configurable in the code).

API Documentation

The API uses JSON for request and response bodies. Here are the main endpoints:

This document outlines the API endpoints for managing users, restaurants, and reviews in the system. The base URL for all requests is assumed to be http://localhost:3000/api/v1.


Most user and restaurant management endpoints require JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. You can obtain a JWT by logging in with a user's email and password.

User Endpoints

  • Create User (POST /users):
    • Requires no authorization.
    • Request Body:
      • name: User's full name (required)
      • email: User's email address (required)
      • password: User's password (required)
      • role: User's role (optional, defaults to "user") - possible values might be "businessOwner" or others depending on your implementation.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with the newly created user's information.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Login User (POST /users/login):
    • Requires no authorization.
    • Request Body:
      • email: User's email address (required)
      • password: User's password (required)
    • Response:
      • On success, a JSON object containing the token and potentially other user info is returned.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Get User Info (GET /users/me):
    • Requires authorization with a valid JWT token.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object containing the authenticated user's information.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Update User (PUT /users/me):
    • Requires authorization with a valid JWT token.
    • Request Body:
      • Any user fields you want to update (e.g., name, email).
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object containing the updated user information.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Delete User (DELETE /users/me):
    • Requires authorization with a valid JWT token (usually associated with the business owner role).
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with a success message.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.

Restaurant Endpoints (assuming a business owner is logged in)

  • Create Restaurant (POST /restaurants):
    • Requires authorization with a valid JWT token.
    • Request Body:
      • name: Restaurant name (required)
      • cuisine: Restaurant cuisine type (required)
      • phone: Restaurant phone number eg: '123-123-123'
      • description: Description of the restaurant
      • address: Object containing address details
        • street: Street address
        • city: City
        • state: State
        • zipcode: Zip code
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with the newly created restaurant information.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Get Restaurants (GET /restaurants):
    • Requires no authorization.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON array containing all restaurants.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Get Restaurant Details (GET /restaurants/:restaurantId):
    • Requires no authorization.
    • Path Parameter:
      • :restaurantId: ObjectID of the restaurant you want to retrieve.
    • Response:
      • On success, a JSON object containing the requested restaurant's information is returned.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Delete Restaurant (DELETE /restaurants/:restaurantId):
    • Requires authorization with a valid JWT token (usually associated with the business owner role).
    • Path Parameter:
      • :restaurantId: ObjectID of the restaurant you want to delete.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with a success message.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.

Review Endpoints (assuming a user is logged in)

  • Create a New Review (POST /api/v1/reviews):

    • Requires authentication (details below).
    • Request Body:
      • restaurantId: ObjectID of the restaurant to be reviewed (required).
      • rating: Rating (integer between 1 and 5) (required).
      • reviewText: Text content of the review (required).
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with the newly created review.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Get All Reviews for a Restaurant (GET /api/v1/reviews/:restaurantId):

    • No authentication required.
    • Path Parameter:
      • :restaurantId: ObjectID of the restaurant whose reviews you want to retrieve.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON array containing all reviews for the specified restaurant.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Get a Specific Review (GET /api/v1/reviews/:reviewId):

    • No authentication required for public access (optional, based on your implementation).
    • Path Parameter:
      • :reviewId: ObjectID of the specific review to retrieve.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object containing the requested review.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Update a Review (PUT /api/v1/reviews/:reviewId): (Optional, based on your implementation)

    • Requires authentication and authorization for the review owner.
    • Path Parameter:
      • :reviewId: ObjectID of the review to update.
    • Request Body:
      • Optional fields for update (e.g., rating, reviewText).
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with the updated review.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.
  • Delete a Review (DELETE /api/v1/reviews/:reviewId): (Optional, based on your implementation)

    • Requires authentication and authorization for the review owner.
    • Path Parameter:
      • :reviewId: ObjectID of the review to delete.
    • Response:
      • On success, returns a JSON object with a message indicating success.
      • On error, returns a JSON object with an error message.

Postman collections for the project

You can find the postman collections in the root folder of project. name: Restaurant listing.postman_collection.json


This project is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE)

Further Enhancements

  • Add tests for the controller using jest.
  • Make a dashboard for making it User friendly.
  • Strategies to further optimize the code.
  • Further refactoring each layer to implement best industrial practices.


There is a restaurant listing platform that provides information about various restaurants and has features such as restaurant type, images, addresses, features, pricing, user-reviews. A user can leave a review on the website and restaurant owner can answer the queries







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