The ASAP Python Toolbox is a collection of stand-alone tools for doing simple tasks, from managing print messages with a set verbosity level, to keeping timing information, to managing simple MPI communication.
COPYRIGHT: | 2016-2019, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
LICENSE: | See the LICENSE.txt file for details |
Send questions and comments to Kevin Paul ([email protected]).
The ASAP (Application Scalability And Performance) group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research maintains this collection of simple Python tools for managing tasks commonly used with its Python software. The modules contained in this package include:
vprinter: | For managing print messages with verbosity-level specification |
timekeeper: | For managing multiple "stop watches" for timing metrics |
partition: | For various data partitioning algorithms |
simplecomm: | For simple MPI communication |
Only the simplecomm module depends on anything beyond the basic built-in Python packages.
All of the ASAP Python Toolbox tools are written to work with Python 2.6+ (including Python 3+). The vprinter, timekeeper, and partition modules are pure Python. The simplecomm module depends on mpi4py (>=1.3).
This implies the dependency:
- mpi4py depends on numpy (>-1.4) and MPI
The easiest way to install the ASAP Python Toolbox is from the Python Package Index (PyPI) with the pip package manager:
$ pip install [--user] asaptools
The optional '--user' argument can be used to install the package in the local user's directory, which is useful if the user doesn't have root privileges.
Currently, the most up-to-date source code is available via git from the site:
Check out the most recent tag. The source is available in read-only mode to everyone, but special permissions can be given to those to make changes to the source.
Installation of the ASAP Python Toolbox is very simple. After checking out the source from the above svn link, via:
$ git clone
change into the top-level source directory, check out the most recent tag, and run the Python distutils setup. On unix, this involves:
$ cd ASAPPyTools $ python install [--prefix-/path/to/install/location]
The prefix is optional, as the default prefix is typically /usr/local on linux machines. However, you must have permissions to write to the prefix location, so you may want to choose a prefix location where you have write permissions. Like most distutils installations, you can alternatively install the pyTools with the --user option, which will automatically select (and create if it does not exist) the $HOME/.local directory in which to install. To do this, type (on unix machines):
$ python install --user
This can be handy since the site-packages directory will be common for all user installs, and therefore only needs to be added to the PYTHONPATH once.
For instructions on how to use the ASAP Python Toolbox, see the documentation.