Set of three.js mesh utilities for generating and rendering camera view volumes for traditional OpenGL-style frustums as well as distorted CAHVORE-style ones.
// initialize parameters for cahvore values
const parameters = { ...cahvoreModel };
parameters.nearDist = 0.5;
parameters.farDist = 15;
// create the frustum
const distortedFrustum = new FrustumMesh();
distortedFrustum.setFromCahvoreParameters( parameters );
distortedFrustum.material = new MeshPhongMaterial( {
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.25,
} );
scene.add( distortedFrustum );
width : Number
Number of pixels in width dimension in the camera model.
height : Number
Number of pixels in height dimension in the camera model.
C : Vector3
"C" center vector for the camera model.
A : Vector3
"A" axis vector for the camera model.
H : Vector3
"H" horizontal vector for the camera model.
V : Vector3
"V" vertical vector for the camera model.
O : Vector3 | null = null
"O" optical axis vector for the camera model. Only needed for CAHVOR / CAHVORE models.
R : Vector3 | null = null
"R" radial-distortion axis vector for the camera model. Only needed for CAHVOR / CAHVORE models.
E : Vector3 | null = null
"E" entrance-pupil vector for the camera model. Only needed for CAHVORE models.
linearity : Number = 1
Linearity parameter. Only required for CAHVORE models.
Set of options for passing into the Frustum
object to generate the distorted frustum.
model : CahvoreParameters
Object representing the CAHVORE parameters of the camera to represent.
near : Number = 0.085
The projected distance for the near plane of the camera model frustum.
far : Number = 10.0
The projected distance for the far plane of the camera model frustum.
widthSegments : Number = 16
The number of segments to create along the x axis on all sides.
heightSegments : Number = 16
The number of segments to create along the y axis on all sides.
planarProjectionFactor : Number = 0
Value in the range [0, 1]. Indicates how much the ends will be projected to be planar rather than rounded on the near and far ends.
extends Mesh
Frustum shape mesh for depicting the view volume of a camera.
constructor( material : Material ) : void
setParameters( parameters : CahvoreParameters ) : void
Update the parameters of the distorted frustum geometry. This will generate a frustum distorted by the camera model settings.
projectionMatrix : Matrix4,
frame : Matrix4,
near : Number,
far : Number
) : void
Updates the linear frustum view based on the provided projection matrix, camera transform frame, near, and far values. Creates a linear camera frustum facing the -Z axis with X to the right and Y up.