- Packet filtering is done in kernel space without a context switch.
- On link driver -> BPF + Protocol Stack
- eBBF - parse modify packet - filter before
- TCPDump uses BPF
- tcpdump -nnSX port 443 (Capture HTTPS)
- tcpdump -i eth0
- tcpdump host
- tcpdump src
- tcpdump dst
- tcpdump net
- tcpdump -c 1 -X icmp
- tcpdump port 3389
- tcpdump src port 1025
- tcpdump icmp (Protocol based capture)
- tcpdump portrange 21-23
- tcpdump less 32 ( PACKET size )
- tcpdump greater 64
- tcpdump <= 128
- -d to get assembly line
- To limit the packet capture -c
- -nn to ip reveal
- tcpdump port 80 -w capture_file ( Writing to pcap file )
- Other capture method
- sudo spctl --master-disable
- airport -s
- airport en0 sniff 13
- JamWifi
- ls /tmp/airportSniff*.cap
- ps -ax | grep -a airpor
- sudo tcpdump -i any -c5 -nn port 80
- aircrack-ng -w /tmp/wordlist.lst -b de:ce:3a:db:e6:e2 /tmp/airportSnifflBwnVj.cap
- Other capture method
- tcpdump -nnvvS src and dst port 3389
- tcpdump -vvAls0 | grep 'User-Agent:' (User agents isolate)
- Packet format
- Packet header information
- 08:41:13.729687 IP > Flags [P.], seq 196:568, ack 1, win 309, options [nop, nop, TS val 117964079 ecr 816509256], length 372
- S SYN Connection Start
- F FIN Connection Finish
- P PUSH Data push
- R RST Connection reset
- ACK Acknowledgment
- Packet Content
- -X to print content in hex, and ASCII or -A to print the content in ASCII.
- Capturing ssh session
- sudo tcpdump -i en0 dest MY_IP
- Type
- Code
- Checksum
- Kprobes / Uprobes
- Static tracepoint
- Debugging replaces instruction with jump
- Anything platform independent introduces virtual machine
- Table, Chain, Target
- Firewall
- TCP UDP packet generate
- Or ping for a control packet
- Talk on BPF
- BPF Deep Dive
- BPF Based Tools
- BPF Notes
- A tcpdump Tutorial with Examples
- eBPF: BPF kernel infrastructure
- Hacking: Aircrack-ng on Mac OsX | Cracking wi-fi without kali in parallels
- What is ICMP and How ICMP works || Explained
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_socket
- The Amazing World of Kprobes
- Linux Networking Explained
- An introduction to using tcpdump at the Linux command line