We are Tuesday Group 3. Our team members are Siyu Wang, Xiaohan Wang, and Tiannan Huang.
Our Analysis contains two parts:
- Kaggle prediction: Predict the star of each review base on the review content.
- Business Analysis: Give some specific ideas to the business owner.
yelp_final.ipynb: Our final jupyter notebook about this project
yelp_final.pdf: PDF generated by yelp_final.ipynb
628proj2.twb: Tableau file for presentation1 plots
Business_analysis.py: python file for business analysis
Kaggle.py: for Kaggle prediction
Stat628.R: R file for some hypothesis testings and ggplots
generated data folder: some intermediate data generated in the process
opinion-lexicon-English folder: positive and negative dictionary by Minqing Hu and Bing Liu
Submission: contains our four submission for Kaggle prediction
Kang's Idea.jpg: Professor Kang gives us some suggestion on this project
presentation1 & presentation2: plots for presentation
628_proj2_ppt1.pptx & 628_proj2_ppt2.pptx: for presentation1 and presentation2