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Solutions to some of the questions on the LeetCode website.

The questions are divided into 3 levels of difficulty:

  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard


Problem Solution Problem Statement Difficulty
LC0001.cpp Two Sum Easy
LC0002.cpp Add Two Numbers Medium
LC0003.cpp Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium
LC0007.cpp Reverse Integer Easy
LC0009.cpp Palindrome Number Easy
LC0011.cpp Container With Most Water Medium
LC0013.cpp Roman to Integer Easy
LC0014.cpp Longest Common Prefix Easy
LC0015.cpp 3Sum Medium
LC0016.cpp 3Sum Closest Medium
LC0017.cpp Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium
LC0018.cpp 4Sum Medium
LC0019.cpp Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium
LC0020.cpp Valid Parentheses Easy
LC0021.cpp Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy
LC0022.cpp Generate Parentheses Medium
LC0023.cpp Merge k Sorted Lists Hard
LC0026.cpp Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy
LC0027.cpp Remove Element Easy
LC0028.cpp Implement strStr() Easy
LC0031.cpp Next Permutation Medium
LC0032.cpp Longest Valid Parentheses Hard
LC0033.cpp Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium
LC0034.cpp Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Medium
LC0035.cpp Search Insert Position Easy
LC0036.cpp Valid Sudoku Medium
LC0037.cpp Sudoku Solver Hard
LC0038.cpp Count and Say Easy
LC0039.cpp Combination Sum Medium
LC0040.cpp Combination Sum II Medium
LC0041.cpp First Missing Positive Hard
LC0045.cpp Jump Game II Medium
LC0046.cpp Permutations Medium
LC0047.cpp Permutations II Medium
LC0048.cpp Rotate Image Medium
LC0049.cpp Group Anagrams Medium
LC0050.cpp Pow(x, n) Medium
LC0051.cpp N-Queens Hard
LC0052.cpp N-Queens II Hard
LC0053.cpp Maximum Subarray Easy
LC0054.cpp Spiral Matrix Medium
LC0055.cpp Jump Game Medium
LC0056.cpp Merge Intervals Medium
LC0057.cpp Insert Interval Medium
LC0058.cpp Length of Last Word Easy
LC0059.cpp Spiral Matrix II Medium
LC0060.cpp Permutation Sequence Medium
LC0062.cpp Unique Paths Medium
LC0063.cpp Unique Paths II Medium
LC0064.cpp Minimum Path Sum Medium
LC0065.cpp Valid Number Hard
LC0066.cpp Plus One Easy
LC0067.cpp Add Binary Easy
LC0069.cpp Sqrt(x) Easy
LC0070.cpp Climbing Stairs Easy
LC0071.cpp Set Matrix Zeroes Medium
LC0072.cpp Edit Distance Hard
LC0073.cpp Set Matrix Zeroes Medium
LC0074.cpp Search a 2D Matrix Medium
LC0075.cpp Sort Colors Medium
LC0076.cpp Minimum Window Substring Hard
LC0078.cpp Subsets Medium
LC0079.cpp Word Search Medium
LC0080.cpp Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium
LC0081.cpp Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Medium
LC0082.cpp Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II Medium
LC0083.cpp Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Easy
LC0086.cpp Partition List Medium
LC0088.cpp Merge Sorted Array Easy
LC0089.cpp Gray Code Medium
LC0090.cpp Subsets II Medium
LC0091.cpp Decode Ways Medium
LC0092.cpp Reverse Linked List II Medium
LC0094.cpp Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium
LC0095.cpp Unique Binary Search Trees II Medium
LC0096.cpp Unique Binary Search Trees Medium
LC0098.cpp Validate Binary Search Tree Medium
LC0100.cpp Same Tree Easy
LC0101.cpp Symmetric Tree Easy
LC0102.cpp Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium
LC0103.cpp Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium
LC0104.cpp Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy
LC0105.cpp Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium
LC0106.cpp Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Medium
LC0107.cpp Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Easy
LC0108.cpp Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Easy
LC0109.cpp Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium
LC0110.cpp Balanced Binary Tree Easy
LC0111.cpp Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Easy
LC0112.cpp Path Sum Easy
LC0113.cpp Path Sum II Medium
LC0114.cpp Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium
LC0116.cpp Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Medium
LC0118.cpp Pascal's Triangle Easy
LC0119.cpp Pascal's Triangle II Easy
LC0120.cpp Triangle Medium
LC0121.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy
LC0122.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy
LC0123.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Hard
LC0124.cpp Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard
LC0125.cpp Valid Palindrome Easy
LC0126.cpp Word Ladder II Hard
LC0127.cpp Word Ladder Medium
LC0128.cpp Longest Consecutive Sequence Medium
LC0129.cpp Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Medium
LC0130.cpp Surrounded Regions Medium
LC0131.cpp Palindrome Partitioning Medium
LC0134.cpp Gas Station Medium
LC0136.cpp Single Number Easy
LC0137.cpp Single Number II Medium
LC0138.cpp Copy List with Random Pointer Medium
LC0139.cpp Word Break Medium
LC0140.cpp Word Break II Hard
LC0141.cpp Linked List Cycle Easy
LC0142.cpp Linked List Cycle II Medium
LC0143.cpp Reorder List Medium
LC0144.cpp Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Medium
LC0145.cpp Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Hard
LC0145.cpp Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Medium
LC0146.cpp LRU Cache Medium
LC0147.cpp Insertion Sort List Medium
LC0150.cpp Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium
LC0151.cpp Reverse Words in a String Medium
LC0152.cpp Maximum Product Subarray Medium
LC0153.cpp Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium
LC0154.cpp Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Hard
LC0155.cpp Min Stack Easy
LC0160.cpp Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy
LC0162.cpp Find Peak Element Medium
LC0164.cpp Maximum Gap Hard
LC0165.cpp Compare Version Numbers Medium
LC0167.cpp Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Easy
LC0168.cpp Excel Sheet Column Title Easy
LC0169.cpp Majority Element Easy
LC0171.cpp Excel Sheet Column Number Easy
LC0174.cpp Dungeon Game Hard
LC0179.cpp Largest Number Medium
LC0188.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Hard
LC0189.cpp Rotate Array Easy
LC0190.cpp Reverse Bits Easy
LC0191.cpp Number of 1 Bits Easy
LC0198.cpp House Robber Easy
LC0199.cpp Binary Tree Right Side View Medium
LC0200.cpp Number of Islands Medium
LC0201.cpp Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Medium
LC0202.cpp Happy Number Easy
LC0203.cpp Remove Linked List Elements Easy
LC0204.cpp Count Primes Easy
LC0205.cpp Isomorphic Strings Easy
LC0206.cpp Reverse Linked List Easy
LC0207.cpp Course Schedule Medium
LC0208.cpp Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium
LC0210.cpp Course Schedule II Medium
LC0211.cpp Add and Search Word - Data structure design Medium
LC0212.cpp Word Search II Hard
LC0213.cpp House Robber II Medium
LC0215.cpp Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium
LC0216.cpp Combination Sum III Medium
LC0217.cpp Contains Duplicate Easy
LC0219.cpp Contains Duplicate II Easy
LC0220.cpp Contains Duplicate III Medium
LC0221.cpp Maximal Square Medium
LC0222.cpp Count Complete Tree Nodes Medium
LC0226.cpp Invert Binary Tree Easy
LC0228.cpp Summary Ranges Easy
LC0229.cpp Majority Element II Medium
LC0230.cpp Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium
LC0231.cpp Power of Two Easy
LC0234.cpp Palindrome Linked List Easy
LC0235.cpp Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy
LC0236.cpp Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium
LC0237.cpp Delete Node in a Linked List Easy
LC0238.cpp Product of Array Except Self Medium
LC0239.cpp Sliding Window Maximum Hard
LC0240.cpp Search a 2D Matrix II Medium
LC0242.cpp Valid Anagram Easy
LC0257.cpp Binary Tree Paths Easy
LC0258.cpp Add Digits Easy
LC0260.cpp Single Number III Medium
LC0263.cpp Ugly Number Easy
LC0264.cpp Ugly Number II Medium
LC0268.cpp Missing Number Easy
LC0274.cpp H-Index Medium
LC0275.cpp H-Index II Medium
LC0278.cpp First Bad Version Easy
LC0279.cpp Perfect Squares Medium
LC0283.cpp Move Zeroes Easy
LC0284.cpp Peeking Iterator Medium
LC0287.cpp Find the Duplicate Number Medium
LC0289.cpp Game of Life Medium
LC0290.cpp Word Pattern Easy
LC0292.cpp Nim Game Easy
LC0295.cpp Find Median from Data Stream Hard
LC0297.cpp Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard
LC0299.cpp Bulls and Cows Easy
LC0300.cpp Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium
LC0303.cpp Range Sum Query - Immutable Easy
LC0304.cpp Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium
LC0307.cpp Range Sum Query - Mutable Medium
LC0309.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Medium
LC0318.cpp Maximum Product of Word Lengths Medium
LC0322.cpp Coin Change Medium
LC0326.cpp Power of Three Easy
LC0328.cpp Odd Even Linked List Medium
LC0329.cpp Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Hard
LC0332.cpp Reconstruct Itinerary Medium
LC0337.cpp House Robber III Medium
LC0338.cpp Counting Bits Medium
LC0342.cpp Power of Four Easy
LC0344.cpp Reverse String Easy
LC0345.cpp Reverse Vowels of a String Easy
LC0347.cpp Top K Frequent Elements Medium
LC0350.cpp Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy
LC0367.cpp Valid Perfect Square Easy
LC0368.cpp Largest Divisible Subset Medium
LC0371.cpp Sum of Two Integers Medium
LC0374.cpp Guess Number Higher or Lower Easy
LC0377.cpp Combination Sum IV Medium
LC0378.cpp Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Medium
LC0380.cpp Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium
LC0381.cpp Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed Hard
LC0383.cpp Ransom Note Easy
LC0384.cpp Shuffle an Array Medium
LC0387.cpp First Unique Character in a String Easy
LC0389.cpp Find the Difference Easy
LC0392.cpp Is Subsequence Easy
LC0395.cpp Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters Medium
LC0396.cpp Rotate Function Medium
LC0399.cpp Evaluate Division Medium
LC0402.cpp Remove K Digits Medium
LC0404.cpp Sum of Left Leaves Easy
LC0406.cpp Queue Reconstruction by Height Medium
LC0409.cpp Longest Palindrome Easy
LC0412.cpp Fizz Buzz Easy
LC0413.cpp Arithmetic Slices Medium
LC0414.cpp Third Maximum Number Easy
LC0415.cpp Add Strings Easy
LC0416.cpp Partition Equal Subset Sum Medium
LC0421.cpp Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array Medium
LC0423.cpp Reconstruct Original Digits from English Medium
LC0429.cpp N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium
LC0430.cpp Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List Medium
LC0434.cpp Number of Segments in a String Easy
LC0435.cpp Non-overlapping Intervals Medium
LC0436.cpp Find Right Interval Medium
LC0437.cpp Path Sum III Medium
LC0438.cpp Find All Anagrams in a String Medium
LC0441.cpp Arranging Coins Easy
LC0442.cpp Find All Duplicates in an Array Medium
LC0442.cpp Find All Duplicates in an Array Medium
LC0448.cpp Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Easy
LC0450.cpp Delete Node in a BST Medium
LC0451.cpp Sort Characters By Frequency Medium
LC0453.cpp Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Easy
LC0454.cpp 4Sum II Medium
LC0455.cpp Assign Cookies Easy
LC0459.cpp Repeated Substring Pattern Easy
LC0460.cpp LFU Cache Hard
LC0461.cpp Hamming Distance Easy
LC0462.cpp Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II Medium
LC0463.cpp Island Perimeter Easy
LC0468.cpp Validate IP Address Medium
LC0470.cpp Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() Medium
LC0473.cpp Matchsticks to Square Medium
LC0474.cpp Ones and Zeroes Medium
LC0476.cpp Number Complement Easy
LC0482.cpp License Key Formatting Easy
LC0485.cpp Max Consecutive Ones Easy
LC0492.cpp Construct the Rectangle Easy
LC0494.cpp Target Sum Medium
LC0495.cpp Teemo Attacking Medium
LC0496.cpp Next Greater Element I Easy
LC0497.cpp Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles Medium
LC0500.cpp Keyboard Row Easy
LC0503.cpp Next Greater Element II Medium
LC0509.cpp Fibonacci Number Easy
LC0515.cpp Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Medium
LC0518.cpp Coin Change 2 Medium
LC0520.cpp Detect Capital Easy
LC0524.cpp Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting Medium
LC0525.cpp Contiguous Array Medium
LC0526.cpp Beautiful Arrangement Medium
LC0528.cpp Random Pick with Weight Medium
LC0532.cpp K-diff Pairs in an Array Medium
LC0538.cpp Convert BST to Greater Tree Medium
LC0540.cpp Single Element in a Sorted Array Medium
LC0541.cpp Reverse String II Easy
LC0542.cpp 01 Matrix Medium
LC0543.cpp Diameter of Binary Tree Easy
LC0554.cpp Brick Wall Medium
LC0556.cpp Next Greater Element III Medium
LC0557.cpp Reverse Words in a String III Easy
LC0559.cpp Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Easy
LC0560.cpp Subarray Sum Equals K Medium
LC0561.cpp Array Partition I Easy
LC0563.cpp Binary Tree Tilt Easy
LC0566.cpp Reshape the Matrix Easy
LC0567.cpp Permutation in String Medium
LC0572.cpp Subtree of Another Tree Easy
LC0575.cpp Distribute Candies Easy
LC0583.cpp Delete Operation for Two Strings Medium
LC0589.cpp N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal Medium
LC0590.cpp Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Easy
LC0594.cpp Longest Harmonious Subsequence Easy
LC0605.cpp Can Place Flowers Easy
LC0606.cpp Construct String from Binary Tree Easy
LC0609.cpp Find Duplicate File in System Medium
LC0611.cpp Valid Triangle Number Medium
LC0617.cpp Merge Two Binary Trees Easy
LC0621.cpp Task Scheduler Medium
LC0622.cpp Design Circular Queue Medium
LC0630.cpp Course Schedule III Hard
LC0637.cpp Average of Levels in Binary Tree Easy
LC0641.cpp Design Circular Deque Medium
LC0643.cpp Maximum Average Subarray I Easy
LC0645.cpp Set Mismatch Easy
LC0647.cpp Palindromic Substrings Medium
LC0657.cpp DI String Match Easy
LC0658.cpp Find K Closest Elements Medium
LC0661.cpp Image Smoother Easy
LC0662.cpp Maximum Width of Binary Tree Medium
LC0665.cpp Non-decreasing Array Easy
LC0667.cpp Beautiful Arrangement II Medium
LC0669.cpp Trim a Binary Search Tree Easy
LC0678.cpp Valid Parenthesis String Medium
LC0680.cpp Valid Palindrome II Easy
LC0682.cpp Baseball Game Easy
LC0692.cpp Top K Frequent Words Medium
LC0693.cpp Trim a Binary Search Tree Easy
LC0695.cpp Max Area of Island Medium
LC0696.cpp Count Binary Substrings Easy
LC0698.cpp Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Medium
LC0700.cpp Search in a Binary Search Tree Easy
LC0701.cpp Insert into a Binary Search Tree Medium
LC0704.cpp Binary Search Easy
LC0705.cpp Design HashSet Easy
LC0706.cpp Design HashMap Easy
LC0709.cpp To Lower Case Easy
LC0712.cpp Delete Operation for Two Strings Medium
LC0713.cpp Subarray Product Less Than K Medium
LC0714.cpp Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Medium
LC0718.cpp Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium
LC0720.cpp Longest Word in Dictionary Medium
LC0728.cpp Self Dividing Numbers Easy
LC0729.cpp My Calendar I Medium
LC0733.cpp Flood Fill Easy
LC0739.cpp Daily Temperatures Medium
LC0745.cpp Prefix and Suffix Search Hard
LC0746.cpp Min Cost Climbing Stairs Easy
LC0748.cpp Shortest Completing Word Easy
LC0752.cpp Open the Lock Medium
LC0763.cpp Partition Labels Medium
LC0766.cpp Toeplitz Matrix Easy
LC0771.cpp Jewels and Stones Easy
LC0775.cpp Global and Local Inversions Medium
LC0778.cpp Swim in Rising Water Hard
LC0784.cpp Letter Case Permutation Medium
LC0785.cpp Is Graph Bipartite? Medium
LC0787.cpp Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Medium
LC0788.cpp Rotated Digits Easy
LC0791.cpp Custom Sort String Medium
LC0795.cpp Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum Medium
LC0796.cpp Rotate String Easy
LC0797.cpp All Paths From Source to Target Medium
LC0804.cpp Unique Morse Code Words Easy
LC0812.cpp Largest Triangle Area Easy
LC0814.cpp Binary Tree Pruning Medium
LC0816.cpp Ambiguous Coordinates Medium
LC0821.cpp Shortest Distance to a Character Easy
LC0824.cpp Goat Latin Easy
LC0832.cpp Flipping an Image Easy
LC0833.cpp Find And Replace in String Medium
LC0835.cpp Image Overlap Medium
LC0844.cpp Backspace String Compare Easy
LC0852.cpp Peak Index in a Mountain Array Easy
LC0856.cpp Score of Parentheses Medium
LC0859.cpp Buddy Strings Easy
LC0860.cpp Lemonade Change Easy
LC0867.cpp Transpose Matrix Easy
LC0868.cpp Binary Gap Easy
LC0872.cpp Leaf-Similar Trees Easy
LC0873.cpp Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence Medium
LC0876.cpp Middle of the Linked List Easy
LC0877.cpp Stone Game Medium
LC0885.cpp Spiral Matrix III Medium
LC0886.cpp Possible Bipartition Medium
LC0889.cpp Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal Medium
LC0890.cpp Find and Replace Pattern Medium
LC0901.cpp Online Stock Span Medium
LC0905.cpp Sort Array By Parity Easy
LC0906.cpp Super Palindromes Hard
LC0914.cpp X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards Easy
LC0916.cpp Word Subsets Medium
LC0917.cpp Reverse Only Letters Easy
LC0918.cpp Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Medium
LC0921.cpp Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Medium
LC0922.cpp Sort Array By Parity II Easy
LC0929.cpp Unique Email Addresses Easy
LC0933.cpp Number of Recent Calls Easy
LC0938.cpp Range Sum of BST Easy
LC0941.cpp Valid Mountain Array Easy
LC0949.cpp Largest Time for Given Digits Easy
LC0952.cpp Largest Component Size by Common Factor Hard
LC0953.cpp Verifying an Alien Dictionary Easy
LC0957.cpp Prison Cells After N Days Medium
LC0961.cpp N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array Easy
LC0965.cpp Univalued Binary Tree Easy
LC0967.cpp Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences Medium
LC0968.cpp Binary Tree Cameras Hard
LC0969.cpp Pancake Sorting Medium
LC0970.cpp Powerful Integers Medium
LC0973.cpp K Closest Points to Origin Medium
LC0976.cpp Largest Perimeter Triangle Easy
LC0977.cpp Squares of a Sorted Array Easy
LC0980.cpp Unique Paths III Hard
LC0983.cpp Minimum Cost For Tickets Medium
LC0986.cpp Interval List Intersections Medium
LC0987.cpp Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Medium
LC0991.cpp Broken Calculator Medium
LC0993.cpp Cousins in Binary Tree Easy
LC0994.cpp Rotting Oranges Medium
LC0997.cpp Find the Town Judge Easy
LC1002.cpp Find Common Characters Easy
LC1004.cpp Max Consecutive Ones III Medium
LC1005.cpp Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations Easy
LC1008.cpp Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Medium
LC1009.cpp Complement of Base 10 Integer Easy
LC1021.cpp Remove Outermost Parentheses Easy
LC1022.cpp Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers Easy
LC1025.cpp Divisor Game Easy
LC1029.cpp Two City Scheduling Easy
LC1030.cpp Matrix Cells in Distance Order Easy
LC1032.cpp Stream of Characters Hard
LC1035.cpp Uncrossed Lines Medium
LC1038.cpp Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree Medium
LC1041.cpp Robot Bounded In Circle Medium
LC1043.cpp Partition Array for Maximum Sum Medium
LC1044.cpp Longest Duplicate Substring Hard
LC1046.cpp Last Stone Weight Easy
LC1047.cpp Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Easy
LC1048.cpp Longest String Chain Medium
LC1051.cpp Height Checker Easy
LC1071.cpp Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Easy
LC1074.cpp Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target Hard
LC1089.cpp Duplicate Zeros Easy
LC1094.cpp Car Pooling Medium
LC1103.cpp Distribute Candies to People Easy
LC1108.cpp Defanging an IP Address Easy
LC1122.cpp Relative Sort Array Easy
LC1137.cpp N-th Tribonacci Number Easy
LC1143.cpp Longest Common Subsequence Medium
LC1160.cpp Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters Easy
LC1175.cpp Prime Arrangements Easy
LC1189.cpp Maximum Number of Balloons Easy
LC1190.cpp Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses Medium
LC1191.cpp K-Concatenation Maximum Sum Medium
LC1192.cpp Critical Connections in a Network Hard
LC1200.cpp Minimum Absolute Difference Easy
LC1201.cpp Ugly Number III Medium
LC1202.cpp Smallest String With Swaps Medium
LC1207.cpp Unique Number of Occurrences Easy
LC1208.cpp Get Equal Substrings Within Budget Medium
LC1209.cpp Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II Medium
LC1217.cpp Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position Easy
LC1218.cpp Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference Medium
LC1219.cpp Path with Maximum Gold Medium
LC1220.cpp Count Vowels Permutation Hard
LC1221.cpp Split a String in Balanced Strings Easy
LC1222.cpp Queens That Can Attack the King Medium
LC1229.cpp Meeting Scheduler Medium
LC1230.cpp Toss Strange Coins Medium
LC1232.cpp Check If It Is a Straight Line Easy
LC1233.cpp Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem Medium
LC1237.cpp Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation Easy
LC1238.cpp Circular Permutation in Binary Representation Medium
LC1239.cpp Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Medium
LC1247.cpp Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal Easy
LC1248.cpp Count Number of Nice Subarrays Medium
LC1249.cpp Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Medium
LC1250.cpp Check If It Is a Good Array Hard
LC1252.cpp Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix Easy
LC1260.cpp Shift 2D Grid Easy
LC1261.cpp Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree Medium
LC1262.cpp Greatest Sum Divisible by Three Medium
LC1263.cpp Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location Hard
LC1266.cpp Minimum Time Visiting All Points Easy
LC1267.cpp Count Servers that Communicate Medium
LC1268.cpp Search Suggestions System Medium
LC1269.cpp Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps Hard
LC1275.cpp Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game Easy
LC1276.cpp Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients Medium
LC1277.cpp Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Medium
LC1278.cpp Palindrome Partitioning III Hard
LC1281.cpp Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer Easy
LC1282.cpp Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To Medium
LC1283.cpp Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold Medium
LC1284.cpp Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix Hard
LC1286.cpp Iterator for Combination Medium
LC1287.cpp Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array Easy
LC1288.cpp Remove Covered Intervals Medium
LC1289.cpp Minimum Falling Path Sum II Hard
LC1290.cpp Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer Easy
LC1291.cpp Sequential Digits Medium
LC1292.cpp Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold Medium
LC1295.cpp Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits Easy
LC1296.cpp Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers Medium
LC1297.cpp Maximum Number of Occurrences of a Substring Medium
LC1298.cpp Maximum Candies You Can Get from Boxes Hard
LC1299.cpp Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side Easy
LC1300.cpp Sum of Mutated Array Closest to Target Medium
LC1301.cpp Number of Paths with Max Score Hard
LC1302.cpp Deepest Leaves Sum Medium
LC1304.cpp Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero Easy
LC1305.cpp All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Medium
LC1306.cpp Jump Game III Medium
LC1309.cpp Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping Easy
LC1310.cpp XOR Queries of a Subarray Medium
LC1311.cpp Get Watched Videos by Your Friends Medium
LC1312.cpp Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome Hard
LC1313.cpp Decompress Run-Length Encoded List Easy
LC1314.cpp Matrix Block Sum Medium
LC1315.cpp Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent Medium
LC1317.cpp Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers Easy
LC1318.cpp Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c Medium
LC1319.cpp Number of Operations to Make Network Connected Medium
LC1324.cpp Print Words Vertically Medium
LC1328.cpp Break a Palindrome Medium
LC1329.cpp Sort the Matrix Diagonally Medium
LC1331.cpp Rank Transform of an Array Easy
LC1337.cpp The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix Easy
LC1338.cpp Reduce Array Size to The Half Medium
LC1342.cpp Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Easy
LC1343.cpp Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold Medium
LC1344.cpp Angle Between Hands of a Clock Medium
LC1346.cpp Check If N and Its Double Exist Easy
LC1354.cpp Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums Hard
LC1356.cpp Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits Easy
LC1357.cpp Apply Discount Every n Orders Medium
LC1358.cpp Number of Substrings Containing All Three Characters Medium
LC1359.cpp Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options Hard
LC1365.cpp How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Easy
LC1370.cpp Increasing Decreasing String Easy
LC1371.cpp Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts Medium
LC1372.cpp Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree Medium
LC1373.cpp Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree Hard
LC1374.cpp Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts Easy
LC1375.cpp Bulb Switcher III Medium
LC1380.cpp Lucky Numbers in a Matrix Easy
LC1381.cpp Design a Stack With Increment Operation Medium
LC1382.cpp Balance a Binary Search Tree Medium
LC1383.cpp Maximum Performance of a Team Hard
LC1385.cpp Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays Easy
LC1386.cpp Cinema Seat Allocation Medium
LC1387.cpp Sort Integers by The Power Value Medium
LC1389.cpp Create Target Array in the Given Order Easy
LC1390.cpp Four Divisors Medium
LC1391.cpp Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid Medium
LC1392.cpp Longest Happy Prefix Hard
LC1394.cpp Find Lucky Integer in an Array Easy
LC1395.cpp Count Number of Teams Medium
LC1396.cpp Design Underground System Medium
LC1399.cpp Count Largest Group Easy
LC1400.cpp Construct K Palindrome Strings Medium
LC1401.cpp Circle and Rectangle Overlapping Medium
LC1402.cpp Reducing Dishes Hard
LC1408.cpp String Matching in an Array Easy
LC1409.cpp Queries on a Permutation With Key Medium
LC1410.cpp HTML Entity Parser Medium
LC1411.cpp Number of Ways to Paint N × 3 Grid Hard
LC1423.cpp Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards Medium
LC1426.cpp Counting Elements Easy
LC1427.cpp Perform String Shifts Easy
LC1428.cpp Leftmost Column with at Least a One Medium
LC1429.cpp First Unique Number Medium
LC1430.cpp Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree Medium
LC1431.cpp Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Easy
LC1436.cpp Destination City Easy
LC1446.cpp Consecutive Characters Easy
LC1450.cpp Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time Easy
LC1460.cpp Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays Easy
LC1461.cpp Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K Medium
LC1462.cpp Course Schedule IV Medium
LC1463.cpp Cherry Pickup II Hard
LC1464.cpp Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array Easy
LC1465.cpp Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts Medium
LC1466.cpp Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Medium
LC1467.cpp Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls Hard
LC1470.cpp Shuffle the Array Easy
LC1475.cpp Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop Easy
LC1476.cpp Subrectangle Queries Medium
LC1480.cpp Running Sum of 1d Array Easy
LC1481.cpp Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals Medium
LC1482.cpp Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets Medium
LC1483.cpp Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node Hard
LC1504.cpp Count Submatrices With All Ones Medium
LC1508.cpp Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums Medium
LC1512.cpp Number of Good Pairs Easy
LC1518.cpp Water Bottles Easy
LC1528.cpp Shuffle String Easy
LC1534.cpp Count Good Triplets Easy
LC1535.cpp Find the Winner of an Array Game Medium
LC1536.cpp Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid Medium
LC1537.cpp Get the Maximum Score Hard
LC1539.cpp Kth Missing Positive Number Easy
LC1540.cpp Can Convert String in K Moves Medium
LC1541.cpp Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String Medium
LC1542.cpp Find Longest Awesome Substring Hard
LC1544.cpp Make The String Great Easy
LC1545.cpp Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String Medium
LC1546.cpp Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target Medium
LC1547.cpp Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick Hard
LC1550.cpp Three Consecutive Odds Easy
LC1566.cpp Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times Easy
LC1567.cpp Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product Medium
LC1568.cpp Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island Hard
LC1569.cpp Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST Hard
LC1572.cpp Matrix Diagonal Sum Easy
LC1576.cpp Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters Easy
LC1577.cpp Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two Numbers Medium
LC1578.cpp Minimum Deletion Cost to Avoid Repeating Letters Medium
LC1579.cpp Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable Hard
LC1588.cpp Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays Easy
LC1603.cpp Design Parking System Easy
LC1608.cpp Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X Easy
LC1614.cpp Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses Easy
LC1619.cpp Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements Easy
LC1636.cpp Sort Array by Increasing Frequency Easy
LC1640.cpp Check Array Formation Through Concatenation Easy
LC1646.cpp Get Maximum in Generated Array Easy
LC1656.cpp Design an Ordered Stream Easy
LC1662.cpp Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent Easy
LC1670.cpp Design Circular Queue Medium
LC1672.cpp Richest Customer Wealth Easy
LC1678.cpp Goal Parser Interpretation Easy
LC1684.cpp Count the Number of Consistent Strings Easy
LC1688.cpp Count of Matches in Tournament Easy
LC1689.cpp Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers Medium
LC1694.cpp Reformat Phone Number Easy
LC1695.cpp Maximum Erasure Value Medium
LC1696.cpp Jump Game VI Medium
LC1704.cpp Determine if String Halves Are Alike Easy
LC1710.cpp Maximum Units on a Truck Easy
LC1720.cpp Decode XORed Array Easy
LC1721.cpp Swapping Nodes in a Linked List Medium
LC1732.cpp Find the Highest Altitude Easy
LC1748.cpp Sum of Unique Elements Easy
LC1763.cpp Longest Nice Substring Easy
LC1768.cpp Merge Strings Alternately Easy
LC1781.cpp Sum of Beauty of All Substrings Medium
LC1812.cpp Determine Color of a Chessboard Square Easy
LC1816.cpp Truncate Sentence Easy
LC1822.cpp Sign of the Product of an Array Easy
LC1827.cpp Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing Easy
LC1828.cpp Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle Medium
LC1832.cpp Check if the Sentence Is Pangram Easy
LC1833.cpp Maximum Ice Cream Bars Medium
LC1837.cpp Sum of Digits in Base K Easy
LC1844.cpp Replace All Digits with Characters Easy
LC1848.cpp Minimum Distance to the Target Element Easy