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CodeChef Problems

Solutions to some of the questions on the CodeChef website.

The questions are divided into 6 categories:

  • Beginner
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
  • Challenge
  • Peer


Problem Solution Problem Statement
B0001 ATM
B0002 Enormous Input Test
B0003 Small factorials
B0004 Add Two Numbers
B0005 The Block Game
B0006 Turbo Sort
B0007 Sum of Digits
B0008 The Lead Game
B0009 Find Remainder
B0010 Number Mirror
B0011 Lucky Four
B0012 First and Last Digit
B0013 Reverse The Number
B0014 Ciel and Receipt
B0015 Finding Square Roots
B0016 Chef and Remissness
B0017 Second Largest
B0018 Ambiguous Permutations
B0019 Small Factorial
B0020 Servant
B0021 Cutting Recipes
B0022 Smallest Numbers of Notes
B0023 Valid Triangles
B0024 Chef And Operators
B0025 Primality Test
B0026 Mahasena
B0027 Id and Ship
B0028 Fit Squares in Triangle
B0029 Three Way Communications
B0030 The Smallest Pair
B0031 Total Expenses
B0032 GCD and LCM
B0033 Tanu and Head-bob
B0034 Gross Salary
B0035 Greedy puppy
B0036 Transform the Expression
B0037 Packaging Cupcakes
B0038 Sums in a Triangle
B0039 Grade The Steel
B0040 Puppy and Sum
B0041 Chef and Two Strings
B0042 Chef and Fruits
B0043 Chef and the Wildcard Matching
B0044 Cops and the Thief Devu
B0045 Minimum Maximum
B0046 Piece of cake
B0047 Chef and Dolls
B0048 Coins And Triangle
B0049 Malvika is peculiar about color of balloons
B0050 Farmer And His Plot
B0051 Help Lost Robot!
B0052 Version Control System
B0053 Kitchen Timetable
B0054 Good Joke!
B0055 Forgotten Language
B0056 Chef and his Sequence
B0057 Chef and digits of a number
B0058 Movie Weekend
B0059 Chef And Coloring
B0060 Devu and friendship testing
B0061 Alternating subarray prefix
B0062 Devu and Grapes
B0063 Count Subarrays
B0064 Studying Alphabet
B0065 Palindromic substrings
B0066 Bear and Candies 123
B0067 Two Numbers
B0068 Brackets
B0069 Chef and Rainbow Array
B0070 Cats and Dogs
B0071 Download file
B0072 Chef and String
B0073 Sum OR Difference
B0074 Lazy Jem
B0075 Sticks
B0076 Rectangle
B0077 Chef and Subarrays
B0078 Simple Statistics
B0079 Gregorian Calendar
B0080 Tickets
B0081 Chef and Table Tennis
B0082 Beautiful Arrays
B0083 Two vs Ten
B0084 Decrement OR Increment
B0085 Chef and Cook-Off
B0086 Snake Procession
B0087 Chef and his Students
B0088 Similar Dishes
B0089 Temple Land
B0090 Strange operations
B0091 Chef and Chocolate
B0092 Truth and Dare
B0093 Event
B0094 Is it a VOWEL or CONSONANT
B0095 Area OR Perimeter
B0097 From heaven to earth
B0098 Train Partner
B0099 One more weird game
B0100 Find the Maximum Value
B0101 Playing with Matches
B0102 Check Algorithm


Problem Solution Problem Statement
E0001 Life, the Universe, and Everything
E0002 Factorial
E0003 Ciel and A-B Problem
E0004 Racing Horses
E0005 Cleaning Up
E0006 Uncle Johny
E0007 Coin Flip
E0008 Paying up
E0009 Name Reduction
E0010 Internet Media Types
E0011 Nuclear Reactors
E0012 Carvans
E0013 Buying Sweets
E0014 Jewels and Stones
E0015 Chef and Feedback
E0016 Maximum Weight Difference
E0017 Discrepancies in the Voters List
E0018 Dividing Stamps
E0019 Farmer Feb
E0020 Little Elephant and Permutations
E0021 Arranging Cup-cakes
E0022 A Very Easy Problem!
E0023 Prime Generator
E0024 Splitting Candies
E0025 Number Game Revisited
E0026 Chef-jumping
E0027 The Minimum Number Of Moves
E0028 Subtraction Game 1
E0029 Subtraction Game 2
E0030 Little Elephant and Bombs
E0031 Your Name is Mine
E0032 Copy-Paste
E0033 Tourist Translations
E0034 Magic Pairs
E0035 Decreasing String
E0036 Chef and Notebooks
E0037 Divide the Cake
E0038 Chopsticks
E0039 Open the Dragon Scroll
E0040 The Ball And Cups
E0041 Please like me
E0042 Walk on the Axis
E0043 Lucky Long
E0044 Walk
E0045 Chef and Ground
E0046 Suraj goes shopping
E0047 Subarray GCD
E0048 Chef and Subarray
E0049 Attic Crossing
E0050 Code Crazy Minions
E0051 GCD2
E0052 Count Substrings
E0053 The Best Box
E0054 Beautiful Garland
E0055 A-B Game
E0056 Permutation Cycles
E0057 Most Frequent Element
E0058 Chef and Gift
E0059 Chef and easy problem
E0060 Cutting Pizza
E0061 Beats and Pieces
E0062 Little Elephant and Strings
E0063 Recipe Reconstruction
E0064 Fit to Play
E0065 Not a Triangle
E0066 Compilers and parsers
E0067 Stone
E0068 Andrew and the Meatballs
E0069 Chef and Stones
E0070 Row and Column Operations
E0071 Chef and Kingship
E0072 The Way to a Friends House Is Never Too Long
E0073 Approximately
E0074 Longest Common Pattern
E0075 Sum Queries
E0076 Paying up
E0077 The Army
E0078 Broken Telephone
E0079 Little Elephant and Divisors
E0080 Sherlock and the Grid
E0081 Distinct Characters Subsequence
E0082 Little Chef and Numbers
E0083 Three Different Numbers
E0084 Chef and Frogs
E0085 Shortest Path in Binary Trees
E0086 Johnny and the Beanstalk
E0087 Fire Escape Routes
E0088 The Morning Commute
E0089 Processing a string
E0090 Two Groups
E0091 Stupid Machine
E0092 Guess the number
E0093 The Evil Professor


Problem Solution Problem Statement
M0001 Bytelandian gold coins
M0002 Closing the Tweets