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Releases: ModuleLoader/es-module-loader

ES Module Loader 2.3.0

31 May 15:31
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  • Support for top-level await variant B through a promise return from System.register execute
  • Support for real ES module returns in instantiate through Symbol.toStringTag detection (allowing bridging between native loader)

ES Module Loader 2.2.8

18 Sep 12:48
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Fixes trailing backtracking segment handling regression in URL resolution (#536)

ES Module Loader 2.2.7

18 Sep 12:47
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Handle falsy default interop module values (31de1f5)

ES Module Loader 2.2.6

10 Jul 13:27
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Fix state persistence bug with registry removal - while errors are cached in the registry, a delete operation acts to clear these (2ac37ef)

ES Module Loader 2.2.5

10 Jul 12:45
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Fixes some failing circular reference cases in the linking algorithm, also providing a perf improvement to loading (ebf9dda)

ES Module Loader 2.2.4

14 Jun 11:33
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Simplifies URL resolution protocol handling (5c23a11)

ES Module Loader 2.2.3

30 May 08:58
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Fix let statement for compatibility (cec262f)

ES Module Loader 2.2.2

29 May 15:16
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Fixes a bug with error caching (e34a1d0)

ES Module Loader 2.2.1

29 May 14:33
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Prepares the way for import.meta.url as the primary contextual mechanism, to allow deprecation of __moduleName.

ES Module Loader 2.2.0

26 May 13:48
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  • New default interop to allow import {default} from 'cjs' to work out even when the CJS module contains exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = 'x', which previously would have returned exports instead of 'x' (ad8ca7d)
  • Upgrades to the new WhatWG spec error algorithm of caching fetch and evaluation errors. Support for Loader.prototype.delete is provided to ensure this can clear that state. (#533)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the URL resolution algorithm to ensure that ./x/some:path is not detected as an absolute URL (d3a2e33)