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723 lines (579 loc) · 16.4 KB

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723 lines (579 loc) · 16.4 KB

1-Line ART

100$ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

airplane1 ‛¯¯٭٭¯¯(▫▫)¯¯٭٭¯¯’

airplane2 ✈

angry_face (⋟﹏⋞)

arrow »»---------------------►

awesome <:3 )~~~

bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

big_eyes ⺌∅‿∅⺌

big_nose ˚∆˚

bird (⌒▽⌒)

birds (‾▿‾)

boobs (.)(.)

boom_box ♫♪.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.♫♪

bullshit |3ᵕᶦᶦᶳᶣᶨᶵ

butterfly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

car_race |[●▪▪●]|

care_crowd (-(-(--)_-)-)

cassette |[●▪▪●]|

cat1 =^..^=

cat2 龴ↀ◡ↀ龴

cat_face ⦿⽘⦿

caterpillar ,/,/,/,/,/,/,o

chair ╦╣

cheer ^(¤o¤)^

chess ♞▀▄▀▄♝▀▄

cigarette (((________()~~~

coffee c[_]

cry (╯︵╰,)

cute_cat ^⨀ᴥ⨀^

dagger cxxx|;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;>

dog ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

elephant °j°m

eye_closed (╯_╰)

eyes ℃ↂ_ↂↃ

face •|龴◡龴|•

finger1 ╭∩╮(Ο_Ο)╭∩╮

finger2 ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐





fish_swim ¸.·´¯·.´¯·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>

glasses -@-@-

gun ︻╦╤─

hairstyle ⨌⨀_⨀⨌

happy ۜ(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ

happy2 ⎦˚◡˚⎣

headphone d[-_-]b

heart1 »-(¯`·.·´¯)->

heart2 ♡

help ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

house ̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡._

hug_me (っ◕‿◕)っ

human •͡˘㇁•͡˘

hybrix ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ

inlove (✿ ♥‿♥)

knife )xxxxx[;;;;;;;;;>

koala @( * O * )@

linqan :Q___

looking_face ô¿ô

love_in_my_eye (♥_♥)

love_you »-(¯·.·´¯)-><-(¯·.·´¯)-«

message1 (¯·._.·(¯·..· ·..·´¯)·._.·´¯)

message2 ,.-´¨¯¨*·~-.¸-(-,.-~*´¨¯¨·-.¸

mis_mujeres (-(-(--)_-)-)

monkey @('_')@

monster ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

monster2 ٩(- ̮̮̃-̃)۶

mouse ----{,_,">

needle |==|iiii|>-----

nope t(-_-t)

nose \˚ㄥ˚\

panda ヽ( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ

pig1 ^((oo))^

pig2 ༼☉ɷ⊙༽

ping_pong ( ••)O*¯·.¸.·´¯°Q(•• )

pirate ✌(◕‿-)✌

pistols1 ¯¯̿̿¯̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿̿)͇̿̿)̿̿̿̿ '̿̿̿̿̿̿\̵͇̿̿=(•̪̀●́)=o/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿

pistols2 ̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(◕_◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

professor """⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬"""

rak /⦿L⦿\

real_face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

robot1 d[ o_0 ]b

robot2 c[○┬●]כ

rock_on ,,/(^_^),,/

rose1 --------{---(@

rose2 @}}>-----

sad1 ε(´סּ︵סּ`)з

sad2 (✖╭╮✖)

scissors ✄

sleeping (-.-)Zzz...

sleeping_baby [{-_-}] ZZZzz zz z...

sperm ~~o

star_in_my_eyes <_>

stars ✌⊂(✰‿✰)つ✌

sword1 (===||:::::::::::::::>

sword2 ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ -═══════ι▬▬

sword3 ס₪₪₪₪§|(Ξ≥≤≥≤≥≤ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ>

sword4 |O/////[{:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;>

table_flip (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

umadbro ¯_(ツ)_/¯

up (◔/‿\◔)

waves °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸

woman ▓⚗_⚗▓

worm /_/__0>

zombie 'º_º'


Standard :

 _               _   
| |_   ___  ___ | |_ 
| __| / _ \/ __|| __|
| |_ |  __/\__ \| |_ 
 \__| \___||___/ \__|

thin : 
|              |    
|--- ,---.,---.|--- 
|    |---'`---.|    

ogre : 
 _               _   
| |_   ___  ___ | |_ 
| __| / _ \/ __|| __|
| |_ |  __/\__ \| |_ 
 \__| \___||___/ \__|

cyberlarge : 

 _______ _______ _______ _______
    |    |______ |______    |   
    |    |______ ______|    |   

drpepper : 

   _               _   
 _| |_  ___  ___ _| |_ 
  | |  / ._><_-<  | |  
  |_|  \___./__/  |_|  

contessa : 

 ,        , 
-+- _  __-+-
 | (/,_)  | 

block : 

 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| |  _________   | || |  _________   | || |    _______   | || |  _________   | |
| | |  _   _  |  | || | |_   ___  |  | || |   /  ___  |  | || | |  _   _  |  | |
| | |_/ | | \_|  | || |   | |_  \_|  | || |  |  (__ \_|  | || | |_/ | | \_|  | |
| |     | |      | || |   |  _|  _   | || |   '.___`-.   | || |     | |      | |
| |    _| |_     | || |  _| |___/ |  | || |  |`\____) |  | || |    _| |_     | |
| |   |_____|    | || | |_________|  | || |  |_______.'  | || |   |_____|    | |
| |              | || |              | || |              | || |              | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'

roman : 

    .                          .   
  .o8                        .o8   
.o888oo  .ooooo.   .oooo.o .o888oo 
  888   d88' `88b d88(  "8   888   
  888   888ooo888 `"Y88b.    888   
  888 . 888    .o o.  )88b   888 . 
  "888" `Y8bod8P' 8""888P'   "888" 

banner : 

##### ######  ####  ##### 
  #   #      #        #   
  #   #####   ####    #   
  #   #           #   #   
  #   #      #    #   #   
  #   ######  ####    #   

bulbhead : 

 ____  ____  ___  ____ 
(_  _)( ___)/ __)(_  _)
  )(   )__) \__ \  )(  
 (__) (____)(___/ (__) 

coinstak :
  O))                     O))  
  O))                     O))  
O)O) O)   O))     O)))) O)O) O)
  O))   O)   O)) O))      O))  
  O))  O))))) O))  O)))   O))  
  O))  O)            O))  O))  
   O))   O))))   O)) O))   O)) 

script : 
_|_  _   ,  _|_ 
 |  |/  / \_ |  
 |_/|__/ \/  |_/

usaflag : 

 :::==== :::===== :::===  :::====
 :::==== :::      :::     :::====
   ===   ======    =====    ===  
   ===   ===          ===   ===  
   ===   ======== ======    ===  

chunky : 

 __                  __   
|  |_ .-----..-----.|  |_ 
|   _||  -__||__ --||   _|

isometric3 : 

                  ___           ___                 
      ___        /  /\         /  /\          ___   
     /  /\      /  /:/_       /  /:/_        /  /\  
    /  /:/     /  /:/ /\     /  /:/ /\      /  /:/  
   /  /:/     /  /:/ /:/_   /  /:/ /::\    /  /:/   
  /  /::\    /__/:/ /:/ /\ /__/:/ /:/\:\  /  /::\   
 /__/:/\:\   \  \:\/:/ /:/ \  \:\/:/~/:/ /__/:/\:\  
 \__\/  \:\   \  \::/ /:/   \  \::/ /:/  \__\/  \:\ 
      \  \:\   \  \:\/:/     \__\/ /:/        \  \:\
       \__\/    \  \::/        /__/:/          \__\/
                 \__\/         \__\/                

fuzzy : 

 .-.              .-. 
.' `.            .' `.
`. .' .--.  .--. `. .'
 : : ' '_.'`._-.' : : 
 :_; `.__.'`.__.' :_; 

stop : 
 _                  _    
| |_    ____   ___ | |_  
|  _)  / _  ) /___)|  _) 
| |__ ( (/ / |___ || |__ 
 \___) \____)(___/  \___)

isometric2 :
                    ___           ___                   
                   /\__\         /\__\                  
      ___         /:/ _/_       /:/ _/_         ___     
     /\__\       /:/ /\__\     /:/ /\  \       /\__\    
    /:/  /      /:/ /:/ _/_   /:/ /::\  \     /:/  /    
   /:/__/      /:/_/:/ /\__\ /:/_/:/\:\__\   /:/__/     
  /::\  \      \:\/:/ /:/  / \:\/:/ /:/  /  /::\  \     
 /:/\:\  \      \::/_/:/  /   \::/ /:/  /  /:/\:\  \    
 \/__\:\  \      \:\/:/  /     \/_/:/  /   \/__\:\  \   
      \:\__\      \::/  /        /:/  /         \:\__\  
       \/__/       \/__/         \/__/           \/__/  

basic : 

d888888b d88888b .d8888. d888888b 
`~~88~~' 88'     88'  YP `~~88~~' 
   88    88ooooo `8bo.      88    
   88    88~~~~~   `Y8b.    88    
   88    88.     db   8D    88    
   YP    Y88888P `8888Y'    YP    

rounded : 
   _                   _   
 _| |_  _____   ___  _| |_ 
(_   _)| ___ | /___)(_   _)
  | |_ | ____||___ |  | |_ 
   \__)|_____)(___/    \__)

slant : 

   __                  __ 
  / /_  ___    _____  / /_
 / __/ / _ \  / ___/ / __/
/ /_  /  __/ (__  ) / /_  
\__/  \___/ /____/  \__/  

isometric4 : 

                    ___           ___                   
      ___          /  /\         /  /\          ___     
     /__/\        /  /::\       /  /::\        /__/\    
     \  \:\      /  /:/\:\     /__/:/\:\       \  \:\   
      \__\:\    /  /::\ \:\   _\_ \:\ \:\       \__\:\  
      /  /::\  /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/\ \:\ \:\      /  /::\ 
     /  /:/\:\ \  \:\ \:\_\/ \  \:\ \:\_\/     /  /:/\:\
    /  /:/__\/  \  \:\ \:\    \  \:\_\:\      /  /:/__\/
   /__/:/        \  \:\_\/     \  \:\/:/     /__/:/     
   \__\/          \  \:\        \  \::/      \__\/      
                   \__\/         \__\/                  

speed : 

_____               _____ 
__  /______ __________  /_
_  __/_  _ \__  ___/_  __/
/ /_  /  __/_(__  ) / /_  
\__/  \___/ /____/  \__/  

nancyj : 

  dP                       dP   
  88                       88   
d8888P .d8888b. .d8888b. d8888P 
  88   88ooood8 Y8ooooo.   88   
  88   88.  ...       88   88   
  dP   `88888P' `88888P'   dP   

epic : 

_________ _______  _______ _________
\__   __/(  ____ \(  ____ \\__   __/
   ) (   | (    \/| (    \/   ) (   
   | |   | (__    | (_____    | |   
   | |   |  __)   (_____  )   | |   
   | |   | (            ) |   | |   
   | |   | (____/\/\____) |   | |   
   )_(   (_______/\_______)   )_(   

serifcap :

 ____  ___  ___  ____ 
(_  _)(  _)/ __)(_  _)
  )(   ) _)\__ \  )(  
 (__) (___)(___/ (__) 

rowancap : 

   dMP       dMP        dMP" VP    dMP    
  dMP       dMMMP       VMMMb     dMP     
 dMP       dMP        dP .dMP    dMP      
dMP       dMMMMMP     VMMMP"    dMP       

dotmatrix : 

    _                                                    _            
   (_)                                                  (_)           
 _ (_) _  _        _  _  _  _         _  _  _  _      _ (_) _  _      
(_)(_)(_)(_)      (_)(_)(_)(_)_     _(_)(_)(_)(_)    (_)(_)(_)(_)     
   (_)           (_) _  _  _ (_)   (_)_  _  _  _        (_)           
   (_)     _     (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)     (_)(_)(_)(_)_      (_)     _     
   (_)_  _(_)    (_)_  _  _  _        _  _  _  _(_)     (_)_  _(_)    
     (_)(_)        (_)(_)(_)(_)      (_)(_)(_)(_)         (_)(_)      

contrast : 


doom : 

 _               _   
| |             | |  
| |_   ___  ___ | |_ 
| __| / _ \/ __|| __|
| |_ |  __/\__ \| |_ 
 \__| \___||___/ \__|

isometric1 : 

      ___           ___           ___           ___     
     /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\  \    
     \:\  \       /::\  \       /::\  \        \:\  \   
      \:\  \     /:/\:\  \     /:/\ \  \        \:\  \  
      /::\  \   /::\~\:\  \   _\:\~\ \  \       /::\  \ 
     /:/\:\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /\ \:\ \ \__\     /:/\:\__\
    /:/  \/__/ \:\~\:\ \/__/ \:\ \:\ \/__/    /:/  \/__/
   /:/  /       \:\ \:\__\    \:\ \:\__\     /:/  /     
   \/__/         \:\ \/__/     \:\/:/  /     \/__/      
                  \:\__\        \::/  /                 
                   \/__/         \/__/                  

rectangles : 

 _              _   
| |_  ___  ___ | |_ 
|  _|| -_||_ -||  _|
|_|  |___||___||_|  

shadow : 

 |                |   
 __|   _ \   __|  __| 
 |     __/ \__ \  |   
\__| \___| ____/ \__| 

standard : 

 _               _   
| |_   ___  ___ | |_ 
| __| / _ \/ __|| __|
| |_ |  __/\__ \| |_ 
 \__| \___||___/ \__|

starwars : 

.___________. _______      _______..___________.
|           ||   ____|    /       ||           |
`---|  |----`|  |__      |   (----``---|  |----`
    |  |     |   __|      \   \        |  |     
    |  |     |  |____ .----)   |       |  |     
    |__|     |_______||_______/        |__|     

larry3d : 

 __                       __      
/\ \__                   /\ \__   
\ \ ,_\     __     ____  \ \ ,_\  
 \ \ \/   /'__`\  /',__\  \ \ \/  
  \ \ \_ /\  __/ /\__, `\  \ \ \_ 
   \ \__\\ \____\\/\____/   \ \__\
    \/__/ \/____/ \/___/     \/__/

cybermedium : 

___ ____ ____ ___ 
 |  |___ [__   |  
 |  |___ ___]  |  

avatar : 

 _____  _____ ____  _____ 
/__ __\/  __// ___\/__ __\
  / \  |  \  |    \  / \  
  | |  |  /_ \___ |  | |  
  \_/  \____\\____/  \_/