Replace {client:key} and {channel:key} with the key that Stages has provided.
CURL is a small application that lets you run http commands from a terminal or shell.
A GET request is the default option and to run a POST, PUT, DELETE you have to specify that in the command with the following option -X POST
(hyphen followed by a Captial X, a space, then the verb)
Tip: Use -v to get a more verbose output (including responce code, headers and so on)
Run the following command to check the status of a channel.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic {client:key}"{channel:key}/status
The response will come back as a JSON, looking like this
"message":"Channel is started, waiting for ingest"
Run the following command in a terminal/shell to start the channel.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic {client:key}" -X POST{channel:key}/start
If the request succeeded, the response code will be a 204 (no content). This will not be shown in a CURL request by default
If the request failed, there will be a response text showing the reason
Run the following command in a terminal/shell to start the channel.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic {client:key}" -X POST{channel:key}/stop
If the request succeeded, the response code will be a 204 (no content). This will not be shown in a CURL request by default
If the request failed, there will be a response text showing the reason.