This file serves three purposes:
- a markdown language reference,
- a test file to ensure that the markdown is being interpreted propertly, and
- a place to test out changes to the accompaning CSS file (
Let us begin:
Include an empty div with id="contents"
at start of file to have a floating
table of contents automatically generated. eg:
<div id="contents"></div>
The Table of Contents div scrolls down with the page and is generated from headers. This is generated through the use of JavaScript and is not (directly) a part of Markdown.
Hashmarks on the right are optional.
# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ### (Hashes on right are optional)
#### Header 4 ####
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 ######
## Markdown plus h2 with a custom ID ## {#id-goes-here}
[Link back to H2](#id-goes-here)
Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style:
This is a paragraph, which is text surrounded
by whitespace. Paragraphs can be on one
line (or many), and can drone on for hours.
This is a paragraph, which is text surrounded by whitespace. Paragraphs can be on one line (or many), and can drone on for hours.
Text with
two trailing spaces
(on the right)
can be used
for things like poems
Text with
two trailing spaces
(on the right)
can be used
for things like poems
Now some inline markup like _italics_, **bold**, and `code()`. Note
that underscores in words are ignored in Markdown Extra.
Now some inline markup like italics, bold, and code()
. Note
that underscores in words are ignored in Markdown Extra.
> Blockquotes are like quoted text in email replies
>> And, they can be nested
>>> Level three
Blockquotes are like quoted text in email replies
And, they can be nested
Level three
<div class="custom-class" markdown="1">
This is a div wrapping some Markdown plus. Without the
DIV attribute (the 'markdown=1' part), it ignores the block.
Here is a Markdown link to [Google](
Here is a Markdown link to Google.
This is [an example][id] reference-method link.
[id]: "Optional Title Here"
This is an example reference-method link.
Refernces (the [id]
part) do not need to follow immediately after the
link. In fact, I think most people gather them at the end of the document.
<[email protected]>
[email protected]
As a bonus, email addresses are automatically obscured. Notice that web addresses need to be in angle brackets to turn into links. Markdown does not otherwise contain automatic link and address detection.

![Alt text][img1]
[img1]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
![Alt text][img1]
[img1]: sample.png "Title"
Use *, +, or - to create a list. Use numbers to create a numbered list. The actual numbers used are ignored at the present time.
* Bullet lists are easy too
- Another one
+ Another one
1. A numbered list
2. Which is numbered
3. With periods and a space
100. Who said we could count?
- Bullet lists are easy too
- Another one
- Another one
- A numbered list
- Which is numbered
- With periods and a space
- Who said we could count?
Code can be intended.
// Code is just text indented a bit like this
which(is_easy) to_remember();
Code can be marked off with ~~~ above and below the block.
// Markdown extra adds un-indented code blocks too
if (this_is_more_code == true && !indented) {
// tild wrapped code blocks, also not indented
Code can be inline:
Use `<div>` tags
`echo uname -a`
Use <div>
echo uname -a
* * * *
- - -
Paragraphs following a horizontal rule will have a drop cap for the first character. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris quis augue tortor, in accumsan urna. Sed vestibulum, augue at commodo ultricies, leo libero faucibus lorem, nec porta eros massa quis nunc.
| Header | Header | Right |
| ------ | ------ | -----: |
| Cell | Cell | $10 |
| Cell | Cell | $20 |
Header | Header | Right |
Cell | Cell | $10 |
Cell | Cell | $20 |
- Outer pipes on tables are optional
- Colon used for alignment (right versus left)
Bottled water
: $ 1.25
: $ 1.55 (Large)
: $ 1.75
Bottled water : $ 1.25 : $ 1.55 (Large)
Milk Pop : $ 1.75
- Multiple definitions and terms are possible
- Definitions can include multiple paragraphs too
Hover over this here [ABBR] (a tooltip should show up)
*[ABBR]: Markdown-Plus abbreviations (produces an <abbr> tag)
Hover over this here [ABBR] (a tooltip should show up)
*[ABBR]: Markdown-Plus abbreviations (produces an tag)
That's some text with a footnote.[^1]
[^1]: And that's the footnote.
That's some text with a footnote.1
Note that footnotes show up at the bottom of the page, with a link back to its place in the original text. Note that two footnotes cannot have the same "name".
The following characters sometimes have special meanings in Markdown. You can make sure Markdown doesn't interpret these characters by placing a backslash in front of them.
\ backslash
` backtick
* asterisk
_ underscore
{} curly braces
[] square brackets
() parentheses
# hash mark
+ plus sign
- minus sign (hyphen)
. dot
! exclamation mark
: colon
| pipe
SmartyPants transforms:
- straight quotes (
) in "curly" 'quotes' - Backtick quotes into ``curly'' quotes
- Dashed in en- and em- dashes: -- and ---
- Three consecutive dots in an ellipsis: ...
- Adds unbreakable spaces
- before a colon :
- before a semicolon ;
- before an explamation mark !
- before a question mark ?
- inside << French style quotes >>
- as the thousand seperator 100 000
- between a value and common unit symbols 12 kg and 10 °C
Math display via MathJax has been activated, allowing the typing of math formulas. For more information about MathJax: For more information on how to use this: In general formulas are encapsulated by \ ( and \ ) or \ [ and \ ].
Formulas can be inline
where \(\alpha = (t_1 - t_0)/L\) is the rate at which the thickness increases
where (\alpha = (t_1 - t_0)/L) is the rate at which the thickness increases
Some other samples:
\(\root 3\of {1-\pi x^2}\)
\[\overbrace{x+\cdots+x}^{k\;\rm times}\]
\(f(x)=\cases {
x^2+1&\text{if $x<0$}\cr
\(\left[\matrix{a^2-b^2& -1\\ 1& 2ab}\right]\)
(\root 3\of {1-\pi x^2})
[\overbrace{x+\cdots+x}^{k;\rm times}]
(f(x)=\cases {
(\left[\matrix{a^2-b^2& -1\ 1& 2ab}\right])
\left[\bigl(1-w^2\bigr)\bigl(\kappa^2-w^2\bigr)\right]^{-1/2} dw
= \frac{4}{\left(1+\sqrt{\kappa}\,\right)^2} K
(\int^1_\kappa \left[\bigl(1-w^2\bigr)\bigl(\kappa^2-w^2\bigr)\right]^{-1/2} dw = \frac{4}{\left(1+\sqrt{\kappa},\right)^2} K \left(\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{\kappa}}{1+\sqrt{\kappa}}\right)^{!!2}\right))
\(\mathop{\rm grd} \phi(z) =
\left(a+\frac{2d}{\pi}\right) v_\infty\, \overline{f'(z)} =
v_\infty \left[ \pi a + \frac{2d}{\pi a + 2dw^{-1/2}(w-1)^{1/2}} \right]^-\)
(\mathop{\rm grd} \phi(z) = \left(a+\frac{2d}{\pi}\right) v_\infty, \overline{f'(z)} = v_\infty \left[ \pi a + \frac{2d}{\pi a + 2dw^{-1/2}(w-1)^{1/2}} \right]^-)
This is text that is supposed to be displayed in 2 columns. Invoke columns by using:
<div class="col2" markdown="1">
text here
Markdown will be rendered. <H1>
, <H2>
, and <hr>
will span both columns.
This is not a function of the Markdown, but rather the stylesheet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in pretium metus. Cras tempor lacinia risus in porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin auctor nibh in metus condimentum ut lacinia magna rhoncus.
Donec non enim id dolor elementum tincidunt. Fusce et quam nulla. Vivamus diam lacus, ultrices quis malesuada ullamcorper, elementum in elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et leo ac libero pellentesque volutpat. Nunc euismod fermentum augue, vel laoreet ante gravida nec. Etiam et odio ac ante interdum adipiscing.
Ut gravida nulla at erat accumsan quis fermentum est sagittis. Suspendisse dignissim congue nibh, quis porttitor magna dignissim at. Sed ut eros est.
Maecenas dictum sodales leo in sagittis. Sed ullamcorper enim nec ligula tempus eu gravida enim laoreet. Nunc eu feugiat erat.
Morbi interdum, nisl at fringilla semper, magna lorem laoreet neque, ac posuere risus diam et odio. Mauris iaculis aliquet augue, vel ullamcorper massa rutrum pulvinar. Curabitur nisi orci, molestie egestas dignissim eget, suscipit vel nunc.
Praesent aliquam tempor lectus, sed facilisis urna aliquam non. Nulla facilisi.
Aenean at tellus velit. Aliquam eleifend cursus posuere. Sed semper, justo lacinia pharetra ultricies, nulla purus tincidunt enim, non pretium odio ante eget velit. Cras luctus dolor vitae eros mattis hendrerit.
Vivamus quis erat nec tellus vehicula placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
- Markdown Handler for Apache (this project) -
- Markdown -
- Markdown Plus -
- SmartyPants (in php) -
- MathJax -
- jsMath (an alternative to MathJax) -
- Markdown and MathJax -
And that's the footnote. ↩